>both parties are the same!!!
Yeah, fuck you GOP.
>both parties are the same!!!
Yeah, fuck you GOP.
You're being distracted while both parties increase their control over you.
Fuck off.
We already have a thread for this.
>Y-You're just stupid!
Remember all the stuff Snowden leaked? A Republican president (W) who hated privacy started those programs, and then a Democratic president (Obama) got elected and.... continued and expanded all those programs.
Politicians everywhere hate privacy, because they want to control you. And knowing as much as possible about who you are, what you think, and what you do is the best way to do that. If they didn't want to control you, they wouldn't be politicians.
Liberal crybabies want to flood the front page with this shit. Go cry in your safe spaces cucks.
Justice bump
muh "both parties are the same"
The line
>both parties are the same
Doesn't mean they vote the exact same on each issue. Rather, it's a statement proclaiming that they don't care about the issues and just do the 'opposite' of the other party, which ultimately means they're the same - they have no morals.
They put on a show, this included, when public attention is at a high.
Keep this shit in the other thread, you didn't even frame it to be tech-related faggot
This. Defend yourself from the (((real))) enemy.
Both parties are literally the same, if dems controlled the house the repubs would protest-vote while knowing it would pass also.
>Oh no another scary sounding bill that will have 0 actual ramification in my life or privacy
Quit being a fucking spook you retard
The democratic platform supported net neutrality and these FCC provisions. They were enacted by democratic members of the FCC, headed by a chair put there by a democratic president.
Obama could not change anything about those bills without the congress cooperating. You try to convince congress to have those laws repealed. The republicans would take that vote and run it in their next smear campaign and sweep both houses and probably the presidency
It will impact you slightly, now random corporations will know what the ISP and government already know.
Thats fine, net neutrality was just a big government power grab anyway. There was no good option in that fight, just two bad ones.
This vote has nothing to do with privacy. The MSM has you all fooled. Stop reading fake news.
both parties are opposition parties
really annoying shit.
>Eight years of ignoring Obama shitting on internet privacy and security
>Defending the NSA, allowing indefinite arrest, renewed PATRIOT act
>Republican elected
>>omg dey hate fweedem!!!1
>Thats fine, net neutrality was just a big government power grab anyway. There was no good option in that fight, just two bad ones.
Just stop posting
Except that the republicans are consistently on the wrong side of every major issue while the dems frequently aren't.
>Let's give a government office with a politically appointed chair the power to regulate this
>new appointment, everything is on fire
Seriously they planned to cash in on having a political appointee they controlled in that position. It turns out that political appointments are a fucking awful idea, who knew?
This x100.
Establishment is establishment. Left and right are imaginary boogymen for the masses to point fingers at.
>Both parties against legal marijuana
>Democrats against firearms rights
>Democrats in favour of massive overregulation
Either 'right side' means more freedom and you're wrong, or 'right side' means 'things I like' in which case you're retarded
then why did they vote completely opposite of each other
Maybe if SV, google, facebook, tech sites etc didn't attack him for not being a virtue signalling hypocrite, crying wolf for everything their opinion on the matter would have been heard. Wall street was against him too but when he won they started working with him too bad the tech industry is too fucking retarded to do it.
Obama appointed the pro-privacy pro-net neutrality FCC chairman. That other stuff was out of his control congress is the one that decides what programs should be renewed Obama can give his opinion on things but republicans treated his opinion as worthless and would probably filibuster or block bills out of spite if he even comments on them. They did shut down the government once because of obamacare
Because the Republicans supported a bill, so every Democrat has to support it. Is this literally your first time encountering partisan bullshit?
>the regulations are bad meme
just stop
>Republicans win the House
>Obama refuses to work with them
>Republicans flip him off
>This is the Republican's fault
Are you a libertarian or a hypocrite?
Except the Democrats put it in place to begin with.
It's all bad, there is no good option.
If the conclusion is foregone they will 100% make a show of voting against republicans by default.
Looks like pol is leaking again
why is everyone whining about privacy when 99% of the websites they visit are encrypted with HTTPS?
>>Republicans win the House
>>Obama refuses to work with them
>>Republicans flip him off
>>This is the Republican's fault
Trumpcucks actually believe this.
>not Sup Forums
Looks like reddit is leaking again
>Only a few short years ago shit like SOPA and PIPA got Sup Forums riled into a frenzy
>Not /polg/ cheers for them
>voting against the repeal of privacy statutes they put into effect
ISP tracking cookies
modifying web content
selling data and metadata to ad companies
That much is obvious judging from all the libcucks ITT
>laughing at hypocrites is the same as supporting the bill
looks like your brain is leaking again
>List of arguments in your post:
If the result was likely to be 50/50 by party you'd probly see the traitors outing themselves in droves.
That's like 10 years ago shit.
>tracking cookies
>modifying content
requires breaking SSL and minting forged certificates. not possible
Only an absolute moron would believe regulation is inherently bad.
Sure, there is some outdated stuff that needs to be modernized, but regulation itself is not necessarily bad.
>Except that the republicans are consistently on the wrong side of every major issue
Nice qualification of 'major' there where you can easily dismiss any proof that the D's voted wrong with "oh it's not a major issue".
Grow out of tribal warfare sweetie.
ISP still knows what pages you visit.
They were already doing that anyways, now it's above board so normies will know. If you care you should have been using a VPN decades ago.
Only an absolute moron would think the government is capable of efficiently regulating anything.
I'm assuming the average Sup Forums user is a bit smarter than the typical Sup Forumscuck or Sup Forumstard, so I'm not surprised that most people here are hostile to Sup Forumsshit.
Exactly what part of "allow monopolies to harvest your data without permission or notification and sell it with no regulation," is "liberal"?
>Ajit Pai
Literally it's as bad as whoever's voted/bought their way into office, the government can't be trusted with anything.
they know what domains you are querying with DNS, which they have always known. whether they sell that information or not is irrelevant. more reason to support dnssec
>the republican party keeps ruining the government so that means the government is bad and we should get rid of it
Sup Forumstards
Wtf is liberal? No, it's just what happens when corporations own your government. They take turns being the bad guy on different issues so nobody really notices.
*tips fedora*
>now that us republicans are in power, we can end social security
>now that we democrats are in power, we can stop military spending
>now that we republicans are in power, we can get rid of the special powers that obama gave to the executive branch
>the same people who spend years debating against something suddenly do nothing to stop it once they can
>those things always fuck the citizen in the ass
Please. Literally just even right now.
The Obama administration were the most fascist administration in history. The worlds wealthiest 0.5% of both individuals and multinational corporations never had a greater friend in the White House than Obama. Then, suddenly, Hillary ran opposed to big corporation and big corporate banking. Laughable. It wasn't very long ago that the Republicans were accusing the Democrats of being commies who were courting the Soviet Union. Today, the Republicans are courting Russia and the Democrats are calling the Republicans commies. That's just how it goes in US politics.
The establishment in Washington is owned and operated by the global wealthy elite who want to secure their power and control over the global population. The establishment GOP and Dems play for the same team — the lucrative collusion between big government and big wealth. They do not care what is in the best interest of the American people or the global population for that matter. They care only to joust among themselves for supreme power to turn the rest of us into their fiefdoms.
>Eight years of Obama
>Four years of unfettered Democrat rule in both houses
>>Blames Republicans for everything being shit
Literally blaming Obama for jobs lost in 2008
The parties are exactly the same.
Don't worry user, Trump isn't a Washington insider. He's draining the swamp as we speak. The MSM hates this fact and is smearing him every chance they get. This whole "internet privacy bill" is a perfect example.
>However, because host (website) addresses and port numbers are necessarily part of the underlying TCP/IP protocols, HTTPS cannot protect their disclosure. In practice this means that even on a correctly configured web server, eavesdroppers can infer the IP address and port number of the web server (sometimes even the domain name e.g. www.example.org, but not the rest of the URL) that one is communicating with, as well as the amount (data transferred) and duration (length of session) of the communication, though not the content of the communication.[5]
What ever can be engineered can also be reverse engineered. I can block their ability to gather data on me. I can spoof the data they do receive. There will always be ways to troll whoever attempts to control in the Internet.
As long as those douche bags don't throttle my connection to certain sites, charging me an extra monthly fee to access google, Amazon, and such, then I really couldn't care less what kind of futile spying those assholes think they can get away with.
thanks for proving exactly what i said user
There's always dnscrypt, then you've cut your 3rd party interactions down to roughly 1
So if I visit candydoll.tv, my ISP can't see what page on the website that I'm visiting?
Calm down Alex Jones.
Dems only had 60 votes in the senate for a year but they never had all 60 people present. Republicans decided they would filibuster every single bill regardless of what was in it in an attempt to hurt his presidency. Blaming Obama for GOP obstruction is dumb. Also, dems lost the house in the 2010 election, and then lost control over the senate in 2014.
>>Four years of unfettered Democrat rule in both houses
Democrats lost the house in 2011 and never got it back. That's 2 years. They also didn't have a super majority ever so republicans could filibuster just about everything that required 60 votes which included most appointments
Where do you see "DNS" in there?
Did he try? No, he didn't. He wanted that power for himself. Like all politicians.
>Republicans could do what Democrats are doing now
Jiggles my jammers
DNS operates over UDP, you're not getting any encryption on it
He didn't take into account that his party might not be in control forever. OR DID HE?
Both parties are the same, they're all cucked by CIA shadow government, corporate funded elections, and foreign interests.
I recall there being some encrypted DNS scheme but I don't remember the name if it
Dems are threatening to filibuster the SCOTUS nominee, but I don't really give a shit because of what the GOP pulled last year.
They dems will never ever try to do the bullshit the GOP did because democrats believe that government can do good, while republicans believe government is bad. So republicans filibustering everything and making the government shit doesn't harm their narrative.
Fuck you he didn't even try, and in fact EXPANDED THEM and made them worse.
The only thing this means is ISPs can make money off the data they were already collecting for the government.
>they know what domains you are querying with DNS, which they have always known. whether they sell that information or not is irrelevant. more reason to support dnssec
literally said it in my post
reading comprehension on this board is really getting bad
If you're not a kiddy-fiddler like Podesta, a muslim terrorist like Bin Laden or a traitor that sells state secrets like Snowden, you literally don't ever need privacy. Privacy is just a convenience excuse used by criminals and enemies of the state.
fuck off
>The dems will never try to pull the bullshit the GOP did
Oh, so you're a naïve child. Buckle in, kiddo.
Thanks for sharing the blue!
Where do you see "DNS" in there?
DNSCrypt literally encrypts DNS. I don't know what you're having trouble with there. Sure your ISP will know you hit some arbitrary IP with some traffic but they can't see the contents of requests.
Why the fuck are you idiots talking about DNS? Do you not know that the ISPs can see the IPs?
Can someone explain the rationale why they even introduced this as a bill in the first place?
Because the privacy law was already passed and they wanted out. What's the question?
What the republicans did was technically different. The republicans controlled what things would be voted on during each session so the nomination just kept being moved back each day. They would keep the sessions open for the whole day so Obama couldn't even make Garland a recess appointment also. It's legal but it doesn't follow the spirit of the law. Garland should have been voted on but the republicans probably couldn't come up with any justifiable reason to not vote for him so they just ran away from the vote. The republicans actually suggested Garland to begin with and Obama called their bluff.
Why would they want the privacy law removed?
ISPs lobbied for it because free money, and Republicans knew they could sell it to their base on "more money for the job creators means more jobs for you!"
Oh because they're funded by corporate interests, like ISPs. You didn't think VOTES mattered did you?
nothing worse than seeing the new generation actually having faith in and trusting politicians. brainwashed reddit liberals actually think the Democrats care about white working class, nu/pol/ teenage alt-right trolls actually think Trump is anti-establishment
Sup Forums has changed a LOT in the last two years.
Trump was worth a shot since he was unpredictable and independently wealthy (harder to bribe). Doesn't look like it paid off, but it was better to roll the dice.
A few republicans actually threatened to continue it into Hillary's term if she won. They never really cared about "letting the people decide" it was all a sham they just didn't want democrats to appoint a SC justice (surprising no one I think)
In time they'll learn. It's reached peak levels the last while around here though. Never seen it this bad before.
Right, the last election was seriously mostly about the 1+ justices that will show up in the next couple years. Either party can push through any illegal laws they want until the courts say no.