Saw my house getting raided in my dream

>saw my house getting raided in my dream
>am now encrypting pc
i-is veracrypt still safe guys?

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No. Switch to Linux + optional GNU userland.

im too dumb for linux

id be more concered about what your dream ment.

i imagine you probably had an incident recently where you felt quite insecure. encrypting your pc might pacify your current emotions but if you are ever going to expose yourself to the real world again then you might want to come to terms with whatever it IS that you are RELLY encrypting.

weather it be some obscure robot on animal tounge bestiality or just casual pedophille anime porn

>>saw my house getting raided in my dream
if it's being raided by these two awesome asians then i have nothing to worry about user.

>im too dumb for linux
Ubuntu is for you then

So youre a pedophile with loads of illegal pornography.

>implying your ISP hasn't been stockpiling your traffic history since the beginning of time and is now going to sell all of it


May as well just leave the files on the Desktop.

Truecrypt was shut down because it worked.

How about you stop being a pedophile.

Say, I'd fuck left

Who is that on the right?

Ai might have the best pair of tits on earth.

Fuck right, marry left.

>tfw no qt asians raiding your house
>tfw they will never tie you up
>tfw they will never go onto your unencrypted hard drives
>tfw they will never make fun of you over the porn you watch

Truecrypt never worked faggot, one dev was tired to collaborate with NSA so he just decided to blow it all.
Only dm-crypt in plain-mode works, that's why it's never shilled.

Should I encrypt the whole partition or only the sensible files?

Whole partition seems somewhat a burden

Won't help you hide your metadata of all the CP pics you downloaded

Whole partition ofcourse.
If you partition the whole partition it's easier to play dumb and say you are just a security enthusiast and have nothing to hide
otherwise it's clear you are hiding something

if you encrypt*

hey hey can you interpret my dream??
i've had three dreams in the past month where people were playing with like lighter fluid or something similar and they kept getting srsly burned and i was like wtf are you retarded don't do that?? but they ignored me

anything illegal goes on a sd card. hide said sd card inside something. under a floor board or something

Tell me about your mother.

she's a lesbian

and ex prostitute

also she sexually abused my little brother and forced me to watch


That's a nice way to out yourself as a pedo to the authorities


Unless you are a DNM user, DDoSing government websites, or a fucking Pedophile like everyone else says you are aren't going to get raided.

The most illegal thing you probably do is download torrents which if you think you're going to be raided for that you're a fucking narcissist.




>image board

The safest thing is to not get raided by the FBI you fucking retard.


post more of those whores

My mother? Let me tell you about my mother ...