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What do you need your information for anyways? Its not like you sell it

>no those regulations were infringing the rights of the corporations to fuck you in the ass
>if you disagree with my corporate cocksucking you're a commie

Quit being such a statist bitch

Why are you being so defensive?

>wanting more govt regulations

If you dont like what your isp is doing, switch to a different one.

>muh monopoly! There aren't any others!

Then start one and compete.

reddit is the other way nigger

>then start one and compete

Okely dokely

Why are you so autistic?

the laws weren't in effect, literally nothing changed, the US needs full blown privacy reform not random ISP regulations

Trump fan here, why would I justify it?

I can't switch to a different one, Comcast is the only one in my area

>start one
I can't, comcast lobbied and made laws and policies that prevent me from competing. Like Google Fiber, I'd be swamped with lawsuits to cock block me from starting business until I run out of money and go bankrupt

Its just confusing. Do people actually think there is a modicum of privacy left after the bush. And Osama regimes? Obama declared using a VPN as just cause for the fbi to hack your computer as well as funded disinfo and psyop campaigns on the American populace accelerating a cancer of fake news to try to privatize a fake narrative and a ministry of truth.. If this is what it takes to make people wake up to the fact that their heart and mind have been p0wned by an adversary that's got you outclassed and outmatched. So be it

I wish people knew how the government worked.

All of my this

They won't get privacy reform. The corporate ISP's will just sue, lobby for anti-privacy reform and EVEN IF they do get positive privacy laws, they won't fucking follow them

Go back to Sup Forums you piece of shit.

The key word here is "expected." The fact the fake news media thinks he's actually going to sign this proves they don't understand him or us as well as they pretend to.

do you retards even read? it says "opt-in"


No way of opting out without a bunch of fucking hoolahoops to jump through

even then they can just change their ToS without letting you know and default your decision without your knowledge the same way Facebook does with your privacy settings

You can, you just think like a mindless sheep

Uh, because the infallible God Emperor the Holy, Benevolent and Most Venerable Trump-Kami-Sama-Daitōryō can do no wrong?

Google has infinite money.

Nobody wants to pay $70/m for internet. Most people are fine paying $35 month for 50mbit.

Google was hardly cock blocked, actuall many of the cities bent over to them. Google was allowed only to build their network in affluent areas whereas other ISP's are forced to service the entire city.

Even God Emperor Trump is human, and all humans make mistakes

>On the other side, the Data and Marketing Association, advocates for data-driven marketing and engagement lauded the move by Congress, saying the FCC rules would have disrupted their industry's ability to self-regulate and that hindrances on the ability to market hamper the economy as a whole.

I love this. I've been seeing it more and more since the election. They have finally discovered that they don't have to come up with an argument, they can just say "GUBMINT REGULATION" and that's it.

How does preventing ISPs from selling your personal data to marketers hurt the industry? Doesn't matter, GUBMINT REGULATION THE INVISIBLE HAND TRICKLE DOWN REAGANOMICS


you realize this is much ado about nothing right? just a leftist tactic to stir up populist fear.

>you can, you just need to suck corporate cock, rent the telephone lines from them, rent the services from then
>You can't purchase your own facilities, you have to rent it from the corporate entities that any time they want can fuck you in the ass and drown you when they don't want to compete with you

>Sup Forums voted for Trump instead of Bernie
Fucking retards.


It's fake news.

"The Telecommunications Act explicitly prohibits the sharing of “individually identifiable” customer information except under very specific circumstances. The Wiretap Act also makes it illegal to divulge the contents of electronic communications without the parties’ consent, which arguably includes browsing history."

This issue shows how biased these leftist sites like verge/engadget/ars etc are.

The mainstream news is FAKE NEWS.

Was there any tech site that did fair reporting?

i voted for bernie in the primary but the democrats decided to self-destruct instead. this is not my fault

Then you should have voted Hillary you stupid fuck.

you need to think proactive.
get a server that runs thousands of searches for outrages and extreme shit. Get all your buddies to do it. Completely saturate the data with useless, or craftily misleading bullshit.
Pirate freq if you have to. Obama completely obliterated any illusion of net privacy that was left. Forgive me if stopped believing the government was my friend a long time ago

>the enemy of my friend is my friend

You uh...you quoted the same posts. I suppose it takes one autist to spot another.

this meant for

Google was giving away 100mb internet for 10 dollars a month. You fucking mongoloid.

when Google Fiber came to austin, suddenly TWC in the area started offering speeds to compete with google's 100mb package but couldn't compete with the GB package

>they weren't cock blocked that bad
They were only able to inhabit what? 3, 4 cities? They got cock blocked everywhere else they tried to expand due to the monopoly ISP's suing and filling up all the shit with red tape so they couldn't.

>google was hardly cockblocked
>google was ONLY allowed to build in affluent areas
that sounds like a major fucking cockblock you faggot.

>many cities
wow Austin, Kansas city, salt lake city, and Provo? Oh and a few universities woopty fuckin do.

Google stopped expanding when the legal battles became too much to handle and dropped out All so your corporate monopoly in the area could keep their profits and lack of competition and lack of upgrading internet so they can charge you more for shit service

If liberals are up in arms about something you can bet it's not why they publicly portray they are. Right before Obama left office he decided to give the FCC a bunch of power and responsibility already handled by the FTC causing a competing regulatory issue. The only thing that happened is the FCC's newly gained power and regulations were reversed to allow the FTC which already handles the issue the final say. IT was a shell game of regularity bureaucracy with competing interests.

This simple fact won't stop liberals from spouting nonsense about how Republicans want to ruin the internet though while Obama literally gave away our domain control to foreign entities.

Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Hillary is an experienced politician with a proven record of fighting bullshit like this.

>go saturate the data
>the ISP shuts you down for being a spam generating bandwidth hog

0/10 bait

This isn't Sup Forums fuckwit. Like it not Trump is not a fucking politician. He even FORGOT TO SIGN AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. He's an idiot.

>wow Austin, Kansas city, salt lake city, and Provo? Oh and a few universities woopty fuckin do.
Oh and Atlanta, I missed one

Gee I really wish I had Google fiber in Nebraska where Comcast wants to charge me 75 dollars a month for a 30mb/s speed and a 1000gb data cap so they can rape my wallet for more money for shitty service. Oh man I must be SOOO entitled for wanting fast Ethernet 100mb/s years ago

>I'm gonna regurgitate something I saw CNN blow 60 minutes on

"Google Fiber forwards you a notice from the self-styled copyright police. It’s working with the owners of content to warn customers suspected of filching songs, movies and software that they need to stop. But Google — in a way its competitors don’t — also passes along threat letters from rights holders that you had better pay fines now or face the prospect of six-figure-plus legal claims later."

>lets gather up 4 nobodies and talk about a tweet for 2 hours while we project and make up shit that you should think about

>we aren't going to go into any detail about what it is but we'll tell you its BAD

Hillary and Obama also teamed up with Erdogan, ISIS and Al Qaeda, gave the power of the NSA to the FBI and CIA, legalized psyops and propaganda against the American populace, and was complicit in the rise of a Soros funded insurgency against american police.
This non consequential bullshit, which doesn't change anything, is as much of an issue to me as a mentally ill person that cuts off his dick and call himself Kathy

nice goal post shift, not everyone is a fucking pirate

Google quit fiber because it's not making money. Turns out, it's expensive as hell to wire up whole cities.

100mbit for $10? Wrong. Stop making stuff up. Post any source to this.

You can barely find GF in Austin. Why? Because Google only built their network in affluent areas. TWC/ATT are forced to build in poorer/less profitable areas. Google was not. That's like the opposite of cock blocking.

Again, there's a ton of cities/states without these fake restrictions you claim of, why isn;t Google building there?

Conservative talk won't say anything about it, and they're completely reliant on that for their crisis of the day.

It wasn't making money because they were fighting legal battles and hurdles left and right just to try and expand because every ISP lobbied against them

Subscriber count says otherwise. Libtards are always making excuses.

Legal battles? The ones where Google wanted to use the ISP's infrastructure, such as utility poles?

I never said it was Sup Forums, dumbass. Anyone with half a brain would know that a monkey with downs would run the country better than Clinton could.

>How will the Sup Forums trump cult justify this one?
Free market.

Pick and ISP that doesn't sell your info if you care.

Use a VPN.

Because they weren't allowed to put up their own, because the local law said you HAD to use their poles which is dogshit because the ISP that owns them can just say no

This is why its so fucking hard to start your own ISP, you have to rent poles then the ISP can just say no when ever they want and shut you off

>Use a VPN.
though by using a VPN, you give authorities the right to hack into your computer without a warrant or cause. Not that I dont think OP is a massive faggot, he is, because Obama made that possible

Or opt-out. What's funny is the Obama regulation was never in effect. So for the entire history of the internet, ISP's could be doing this. If it weren't illegal, which it is: law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/47/222

>The land of the free

>implying anyone else wouldn't have signed it.
You're probably one of those fucking idiots that thinks since all the names listed were Republicans means that everyone else was against it.

>In October 2016, all expansion plans were put on hold and some jobs were cut.[9] Google Fiber will continue to provide service in the cities where it is already installed.

they stopped because they were getting cockblocked by the KTCA in kansas city who was trying to pass more bills to stop google fiber from providing in the area. They hit nothing but roadblocks because of all the legal bullshit ISP's have put up over the years

It's their poles, they paid for them. "Google has the right to attach to our poles, under federal law, as long as it qualifies as a telecom or cable provider" - AT&T
Google won't do that, why?
If Google were to apply to the Public Utility Commission of Texas to become a qualified telecom, "It would make them subject to all of the state and federal telecommunications regulations,"
And ISP's can't legally sell customer data, like Google does now. (It's not an ISP, remember?)

So Google quit fiber because it can't sell your data, plain and simple. Quit sucking corporate Google cock, for once, please.

>It's their poles, they paid for them
Oh so its not a public utility that anyone can make a start up ISP on, they have to rent the poles at the will and generosity of another company?

>they can if they want to! -AT&T
you know this isn't fucking true. AT&T doesn't want additional competition in their area and will fight tooth and nail to stop another company from competing with them to preserve their profit margines.

>ISP's can't legally sell your information
they have all along, this bill that just got stopped was supposed to prevent that

>you're a corporate cock sucker for wanting another competitive force in an area to improve your internet service
>now bend over to my corporate shilling

We should have had fiber years ago but now Comfag wants to charge me out the ass for fucking "high speed" internet

NO, you blithering retard. Take Austin, for example, 20% of the poles were owned by AT&T, their property. The other 80% were city owned. It's federal law that AT&T must charge fair market prices to use their poles FOR OTHER ISPs. Now Google doesn't want to be an ISP, because they can't sell your data, and other pesky laws. So your whole pole theory is now debunked, libtard.

The resolution was never in effect, do you realize that? And it's still illegal to sell personally identifiable information under federal law.


Fuck off and go back to r/conspiracy

>How does preventing ISPs from selling your personal data to marketers hurt the industry?
>advocates for data-driven marketing

Are you just a dumb nigger? Of course the analytics guys wouldn't want this regulation. It would put a bunch of them out of business.