What is the best country to live in that's not north america? I just realized most of my work is online and I could do with moving. The only things I require are safety and inexpensive. I know often that these two things are hard to come by together outside the first world countries. So far I'm looking at south korea since there's a tech industry there, and if I need a quick job I speak three languages fluently that I can teach.
What is the best country to live in that's not north america...
Literally a non-country cyberpunk dystopia owned piece-by-piece by corporations and controlled by an actual matriarchic cult
What languages?
>south korea since there's a tech industry there
True for any first-world country.
> I just realized most of my work is online
> I just realized
>north america
>a country
pick one
My company has an office, but it seems like it's just for the hipster faggots to congregate there and play pingpong. There are no offices, the boss barely comes in, it's just an empty floor with a gym.
I forgot I word. I meant to say
>that's not IN north america
PS looking to czech republic is it legit? immigration process seems pretty lax for highly educated peoeple
So long as you're rich it doesn't matter where you live.
Except africa, what a shithole.
SK is only good for food and maybe women if you are in that
i don't know if there's some butthurt gook browsing Sup Forums but I keep reading that korean women are like western feminists on steroids
SK women, not for relationships
africa is great especially if you are rich af
Puerto Rico.
Dirt cheap, they just chased off most of their economic free loaders on to mainland US. So the economy is dirt cheap, and will be a huge stopping point with Cuba trade opening up.
Bahamas and the Virginia islands also, but they get hit with Hurricanes hard every year that causes flooding.
anyone moving to SK from western worlds is going be BTFO by cultural differences especially, work related
Czech Republic is very lax (weed is legal), cheap, safe, good girls, few immigrants (if any) and it's an atheist country as well.
I highly recommend.
Forget that. High quality of life is not cheap.
Outside the USA:
-New Zealand
New Zealand is probably the cheapest of the three.
weed is not legal in czech republic
Posession is.
posession of small amount is considered as offence
does not mean it is legal
>weed is legal
This depends on a few things.
Kinda, not worse than anywhere else.
>good girls
>few immigrants
I'm still here and taking suggestions I am from Québec for anyone wondering I've been looking into french-speaking countries but they're all hell on earth. That feel when.
is it true there is not a lot of kebabs?
>not moving to some french speaking african country and becoming the corrupt president's tech advisor
>best country to live in that's not north america
North America isn't even in the top 10.
>New Zealand
You're an Ameripoor so forget about living in Scandinavia.
All the best from Norway, friend.
I don't want to live in you boring socialist kebabhole, like I said, I am looking for inexpensive and not to get burglarized. I don't need to live in luxury I'm a bachelor. I just need fast internet. Apparently I can stay in Thailand on just a tourist visa indefinitely by leaving and returning after 6 months and they have fast internet and cheap apartments
Not him, but only because Czech is relatively poor compared to other countries in Europe.
I mean, why would Ali settle for Czech when he can go to places like Norway or Sweden and get a free house and blanda upp blonde girls who want to cuck their boyfriends and get a mulatto child.
>americans literally think Northern Europe is like inner-city Chicago + socialism
You ate the Republican bate, user.
I don't think Americans realize just how shitty gypsies are. Imagine if every mall or populated area in your city had groups of 10-20 people hanging out in the food court pickpocketing people and having their kids come up to tables asking for change. Every. Single. Day.
Nah, most Americans just think Scandinavia is a boring gray wintery shithole for 10 months out of the year filled with autistic femme men and hot women with horrible teeth and worse personalities
aren't they though?
i've lived in the US and in Europe, romani gypos are definitely worst than niggers, and the lax laws against pickpockets in many european countries certainly don't help.
Too bad ceausescu couldn't finish exterminating them like he planned.
>boring gray wintery shithole
>for 10 months out of the year
No, only half of the year. The other half is really long and bright days (because of sun's position, 1/3 of Scandinavia has what's known as midnight sun). Summer is pretty chill, desu senpai. It never gets too hot, but it stays more or less constant at 25 degrees Celsius.
>filled with autistic femme men
Only swedish "nu-males". The rest of Scandinavia has a hipster problem though, I admit that. But not any worse than California, I'd think.
>hot women
>horrible teeth
Not sure about this, but we don't bleach our teeth like Americans do
>worse personalities
Depends on what you mean by "worse". They're very liberal sexually and is a stark contrast to Americans which I find to be exceptionally prude. But if you think this is a bad thing, then yes, that's "worse".
>but we don't bleach our teeth like Americans do
>every american is like we see on television
fucking REEEEEE
Think it's 2-3 months. Internet is a lie. You will get jewed at every corner unless you have any sort of Thai friend/guide with you, although everything is relatively dirt cheap.
NZ and Aus are full. Fuck off.
doesn't meet basic internet requirements anway
although nz does look pretty desirable because of how out of the way it is and maybe I could meet kimble one of my tech idols
If all your work is online then I presume that means your employment doesn't really depend on the local economy. Right? So why not Greece? Nice Mediterranean climate, a first world country, and because the economy there is in the toilet it should be cheap to live there.
I like this idea, Greece is beautiful. I've been when I was young because my dad is greek-canadian. Perhaps they have a one drop rule like Israel
Who in their right mind would want to live in France? What a goddamn communist shithole full of lazy faggots, never going back there again.
>Literally a non-country cyberpunk dystopia owned piece-by-piece by corporations and controlled by an actual matriarchic cult
Literally Sup Forumsentooman's wet dream.
Not all of France is Paris, life near the Swiss border is quality!
Too many rapefugees. Also cold.
Cold. Land-locked.
Cold. Land-locked.
Too many trucks killing people.
Too much of a culture shock.
>>New Zealand
Too remote.
>not to get burglarized
>considers Thailand
top jej
No such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. ;)
Uhh, go fuck yourself.
Romania and ukraine have very fast internet, like Gbit/5 euros.
>Hell on earth
You mean heaven?
Paris Syndrome is real.
I thought we were talking about France.
Not cheap, but Japan because it's the best country in the world.
Once you lived some time in Germany you would never relinquish that everything just works and is regulated. Infrastructure like streets, public transports, electricity and internet is great, they always put money in it. Also your rights and laws generally are good, there is a healthy nature, clean environment, you have EVERYWHERE good up to great tab water, guarded people, hot girls, everyone speaks English and is quite good educated. You earn a lot of money if you are good, the working time is regulated and you have great labor laws. You have free healthcare and can go to every doctor you want for every possible disease and get most medicine for free. You don't get shot when you just go to the grocery store etc etc.
Unterschicht and shitskins of course don't count to all these good things and are destroying these slowly, but there are still many very German (=great) places left.
But germans are weird
>Also your rights and laws generally are good
Can I buy an AK 47 and kill and burglar with it inside my home and get away with it? If not, your country is trash.
where are these retarded threads leaking from, this is fucking Sup Forums
There are only a couple of first world nations where you can do that so you'll have to drop the requirement or else your question is moot.
>you have to drop your essential god given right to protect yourself from a criminal WITHIN your home
Uhh, no?
>I listen to UN ratings
If you drop the south from America, obesity levels plummet to european levels, per capita GDP skyrockets, health problems plummet, crime levels drop to scandenavian levels, and so forth.
Just avoid the bible belt and America is just as good as those places but you have actual freedom and job variety.
>Can I buy an AK 47 and kill and burglar with it inside my home and get away with it?
You can in my shithole, some crazy ex marines even moved here.
One of them was a fag and made an indecent proposition to some guy doing the plumbing at his house, his guns didn't save him from getting stabbed in the neck for being a faggot.
I guess that means Australia isn't first world. Makes sense.
I wish I was Swiss
There are plenty of cities you want to completely avoid in the North and plenty of really nice cities in the south. Your opinion is retarded.
>Just avoid the bible belt and America is just as good as those places
>just ignore the bad parts and the country is good!
That's not how it works, amerifat.
Any country is good, just ignore the bad parts, bro!
This. Germany is strict with guns, fuck that. Fuck all them arabs also.