Sup Forums alternative of this?

Sup Forums alternative of this?

>inb4 transmission

Other urls found in this thread:

deluge baka


Explain why I shouldn't use this.


became shit, lagging.


>Explain why I shouldn't use this.

well, you're either using an ad-filled bloated client or an extremely outdated client

2.2.1 baka

uTorrent 2.2.1

I tried to use Transmission but I kept getting "torrent stalled" messages. I asked for help but everybody was like HA HA MEMES LOL so I tried Deluge and everything works fine.


the one with the pony

Don't think it did it to me. If it did that's an issue though.

Don't really give a fuck about small ads in the corner when piratebay is already riddled with popup traffic diverted trash.

>Security issues

Babbys first torrent client

I like Deluge, reminds me of the earlier days with uTorrent


>having a bitcoin miner installer
>not using qbittorrent


Not even trying to contribute to some faggot circlejerk but can someone explain why utorrent 2.2.1 works better than the latest version of qbittorrent for me? Even if you select certain files to not download in qbittorrent it downloads them anyway. It's done this over the past few versions for me. Torrents also download faster through utorrent for me. Even though from what I can tell they have the same configurations. I'm legit curious as to what the reasons are.

5thing Deluge. Great simple software, no frills no extras it just works.


excluding files works fine for me. if there's a difference in dl speed there's something wrong with your router or firewall. make sure it uses the same port

>piratebay is already riddled with popup traffic diverted trash.
Are you new to adblockers?

The retard strikes again.

>excluding files works fine for me

Well it doesn't for me.

>there's something wrong with your router or firewall. make sure it uses the same port

I've already checked everything.

That's why I'm asking on here. I'm completely out of ideas.

So how safe is it to just blindly torrent animu off Pirate Bay with uTorrent2.2.1 and no VPN or anything.

Not movies/music, animu

Unless you live in USA, UK, Germany or some other country that hates Internet privacy: literally zero risk

Blockbusters too

Because qBittorrent is shit. qBittorrent's development in 2017 is pretty much where uTorrent was around version 1.4. They have a long way to go.
Just keep using uTorrent 2.2.1. uTorrent got the basics down pat in 1.6.1, then after fixing the regressions they reintroduced in 1.7, they buttoned it down.

keep using the good version

>pirate bay

use nyaa

Torrenting is peer to peer. If there's someone on the torrent writing down IPs they can see the one you're using. The client hands it out because the other client needs to know where to send the pieces. So uTorrent 2.2.1 is no safer in that regard. If the torrent is an RIAA honeypot, it's a honeypot, and they'll gather up everybody.
We use uTorrent 2.2.1 because it just works better at torrenting, not because it has some mystical ability to hide your IP.

>using very outdated software that lets random people connect to your computer

>using software developed by unpaid neckbeards who can't even get it working right.
uTorrent connects do other peers. That's its job. qBittorrent doesn't, So who is it trying to connect to, then.


Same here. Deluge just werks.

qB works fine for me on public and private trackers.

Post stats.

I prefer rTorrent + ruTorrent for server/seedbox and Deluge as desktop client

How do I nyaa

>how do I use a search engine
wew lad

for me it's utorrent pro or nothing

you can't inb4 yourself.

Anyway, what's wrong with just btdownloadcurses/btdownloadheadless + tmux?

Always been using transmission-ci
Whats bad about transmission? It gets the job done.


Hope you dont use a Mac

This has happened TWICE


Yeah, I have this same issue. Also I wish that I could find an option to open the folder of whatever just finished downloading when I click on the balloon notification like I can in uTorrent.

it's cute how qbittorrent tries to hide its slow transfer speed by using mebibits instead of megabytes.

What torrent client is:

1) decent lookng
2) doesn't download parts of unchecked files (or at least hides them so the user can't see them).
3) doesn't rescan download status every time you start a client, e.g. if downloaded torrent was deleted from the HDD and torrent status still stays at "100% completed/downloaded).

What's with this uTorrent 2.2.1 meme? Why won't it die?


>minimal as fuck
>light on system resources

What's not to like?

I dunno but it's stupid because they have added many features since then.

I mean I use Halite, it seems to well.... werk

So the new meme is the latest uTorrent?

Why are people this stupid?




whatever latest utorrent version that is whitelisted on all the trackers is what I use.

>less than 60 seconds between posts

So you used your phone and desktop, who cares? Still samefag.

Master race reporting in!


utorrent was never good and you're an idiot if you ever used it

what did you use when torrenting was introduced? bittorrent?

>what did you use when torrenting was introduced? >bittorrent?


limewire way back in the day and then rtorrent /transmission
they're all like 15 years old

Deluge with vpn to avoid copyright fucks.

Vpn is just like 30$ for a whole year anyways, and should be mandatory these days when viewing porn and shit with isp wanting to harvest your data

So you'll let the VPNs harvest your data.

Face it, the answer is i2p. The future is i2p. Clearnet is dead.


Stuck with 2.0.4 for life.

The proper answer is to move to a 3rd world country with 100mbit/s internet for ~7$/month and no copyright bullshit to deal with ^____^



Isn't Deluge technically best for being modular?

why would anyone use this over qbittorrent other than for the possibility they don't know qbittorrent exists?

i can not think of a SINGLE reason. the clients are basically completely identical UI-wise so it isn't like that's a hurdle

why wouldnt you use qB?

Tixati. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned more often.

If you love stalled downloads and lost data...

That's just another meme, user. Since when did we take memes seriously?

I just use the KTorrent that came with my Mint KDE. Works fine.

to be fair ive noticed some stalled downloads actually....ive had qB for a couple years or more. i thought it was just because there were no seeders left.

lost data i haven't noticed as much. maybe one single time, or two, out of hundreds of downloads

I've used Transmission on Linux since the beginning and qBittorrent on Windows. The only feature I miss is being able to manually add a peer.

Can you do search the same amazing way with torrent clients other than qBittorrent?

If not, they're trash.

muh melanin enriched gentleman friend.

It works, and nothing has been added to the torrent protocol since to make it obsolete. Freetard clients need new releases because they still haven't gotten the basics down. uTorrent got it down with 1.8.5, with 2.0.4 and 2.2.1 just being minor tweaks.
Why would you want to go through the hassle of waiting for your private trackers to whitelist some new bug-ridden client when 2.2.1 has been working perfectly for millions since 2011?


>literal botnet

Yes, indeed uTorrent is.

Tixati is numba one.

They don't affect it

utorrent 2.2.1 is fine.

Transmission's best on OS X

Anything else is fine. For my use every client seems exactly the same in terms of functionality, so I'll obviously just use the ones that are GPL/free software.

Are you new to adblockers?

What does 2.2.1 have that qBittorrent doesn't?

The ability to connect.

It also doesn't delete all your torrents on an ungraceful shutdown or start redownloading files after you delete them. "Not doing anything retarded" is a pretty good design feature.

fucking kill yourself right now cunt

Security holes?

Sup Forums, why are these people lying?

Deluge here. work great.