I've been playing games after coming from office because fuck I am frustrated from doing something I don't like for 8 straight hours.
How do I motivate myself to start working on my game project which I can sell to get rid of current job?
I've been playing games after coming from office because fuck I am frustrated from doing something I don't like for 8...
Trying drinking some bleach.
Bleach contains special enzymes that are well known for their motivational properties.
80% of indie games fail to make a profit. Keep your day job.
You mean slavery?
Better than poverty.
You are either jew who is demotivating me or you are fucking fat ass lazy kid.
But also, don't rely on motivation, rely on habit. Motivation will come and go, but if you can set aside half an hour every day for your project, you will see some solid progress.
Personally, I find I'm sharper in the morning than I am in the evening, so I would do my personal project work in the morning if I wasn't a lazy shitbag. It's also a good idea to take one day off every week. Maybe 4 days of coding, 2 days refactoring, and 1 day off. Even if you aren't religious, there's a reason people decided Sunday was "God's day" and that they weren't going to do any work that day.
fuck you
>How do I motivate myself to start working on my game project which I can sell to get rid of current job?
Your options are basically:
40 hours a week doing something you don't like, versus 80 hours a week doing something you do. How much do you really like it?
Interesting, source?
Just so that this dude
don't jew you into demotivation I am gonna
post some books which one should follow to make video game.
Start with a language.
u mad faget
Dude how do I support myself If I don't have basic income?
This is rough time but this is the only way.
Persson was working for a online music company while he was making Minecraft.
>You are either dumb or too young to understand how software development works.
Your dead end job that you hate should be enough of a motivation, if that's not enough, then nothing will help.
Also you need discipline.
Next up
>Design Pattern
Ouch that's a horrible statistic. Got a source?
Minecraft is more than a bit of an outlier in that it's a relatively simple game to make but turned billions in profit. That's probably how he did that. I'm not really sure what to suggest for you, personally I use the combined powers of rich parents and government handouts to support myself in full time development.
I m telling you guys this fucking jew fagget is trying to demotivate us all.
The source is his ass, you retards.
Eat ramen, live in a cheap apartment, sell your fancy car for an old reliable beater, etc. Live like this for awhile and save up a year+ of living expenses. Then wuit your job spend a year working on your game.
If you actually care about your project, you will do it.
Probably, but no need to be so rude about it.
Next up
>Game programming patterns
Next Up
>Concurrency in C++
Without threading you can't do shit
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded kike loving fucking faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.
One of the most important things when developing any kind of software is to limit your scope. While it may be fun, interesting, and educational to develop your own engine bits from scratch, it's going to take a long time. If your goal is to get games out the door, you should probably use an engine.
>Without threading you can't do shit
That's not true at all. You can't make a AAA game nowadays without threading, but a platformer with simple 2D or 3D graphics will run just fine on one thread. You also don't need to use c++ to make a "real" game. There's a large number of languages that can cut down significantly on development time, and as an indie dev you probably won't be pushing the hardware to the point where you need the power of c++. Again, this is interesting stuff, but will take a lot longer and can cut into your game's profits.
>doing a job you hate
probably the worst thing you can do with your life
Do you like your job then?
Hey, those odds aren't so bad. Just make five games, and you'll be sure to have a winner!
Work on it during your "real job"
This guy gets it. It's called shovelware
>80% of indie games fail to make a profit.
>Keep your day job.
It's not hard to turn profit when your time is free.
>your time is free
That's how you fuck up a sole trader company and go broke
If you don't value your time as at least twice what you're currently earning, you're fucking it up.
i bet all you fags triggered by dont give credence to indie games, you probably have one or 2 in your library, be honest with yourselves, browse over to desura or staem and search indie tag, skiping zynga and venture funded "indie", did you find at least 2 interresting games in the first 50 you browse videos from?
>working on my game project which I can sell to get rid of current job?
I hope this is bait and you're not actually that irresponsible
Quit your job tomorrow. The rest will happen naturally.
Or live in disguised slavery for the rest of your life. You don't need to thank me.