I recently rid myself of Avast and would like to know what Sup Forums recommends in terms of antivirus. Freeware preferred of course.
I recently rid myself of Avast and would like to know what Sup Forums recommends in terms of antivirus...
Avira isn't bad
avira or bitdefender free if you just want to set and forget.
i am also curious. looking for freeware that's light on cpu and doesn't get too annoying.
can someone inform me whats wrong with avast? unreliable signature base? adware shit?
Common sense 2017 & a backup.
personally, after the latest update i couldn't receive any more e-mails with thunderbird due to the "mail shield". and the "web shield" cut off internet connection for a few seconds whenever i started a browser.
Is it national retard day or are we being raided?
So many antivirus threads
I use avira, seems to work pretty good
not a resource hog like avast is now
you can just uninstall the mail shield, since it's a pile of shit anyway. There are a ton of things you can toggle on and off, actually.
When you attempt to uninstall the program, it gives you an option to customize it. Check/uncheck your own custom setup, save, reboot.
When I used avast it was constantly sending me notifications trying to get me to upgrade. Funny enough, the notifications dont stop if you do buy the premium version. Really, avast makes you deal with a lot of adware for what you get.
My recommendation for OP is Windows defender and common sense.
The built in av in Windows is fine if you're not the kind of idiot that exposes himself to sketchy sites and downloads.
Failing that, install gentoo.
Yeah, it's what I ended up doing (I'm not OP). But it really annoyed me. Also took a while until I figured out what was wrong in the first place.
GNU Common Sense 2017
Bit defender free is God tier
take my word for it
Common Sense is to install anti-virus software.
Windows Defender.
Don't be retarded in where you visit.
Have NoScript running in the background, just to be sure.
Windows Defender is all you need really.
Avast is only good because it has Silent Gaming Mode while every other free antivirus annoys you with popups.
Besides, Microsoft is getting serious with their Windows Defender again because they plan to make it a favorite among Enterprise.
Just uncheck everything on the Windows Defender Setting besides Real-Time Protection for the most light version of Windows Defender.
Ublock Origin plus Greasemonkey plus Reek's Anti Adblock Killer is all you need.
lol just stick to the repos
Can recommend ESET. Keys are availible for free (TNodUp)
Windows Defender. Faggot.
I have the free version of zonealarm but i dont feel like it does that much, also it's vsmon.exe takes a bit of cpu. So I only left that on the old computer.
I had AVG, it was super annoying and so many false alarms. So bad.
Not an antivirus but I like to use superantispyware just to comb thru the stuff/cookies and help delete crap. Also use CleanUp! to get rid of useless temp files and cookies.
Current computer has Nortons but I want to uninstall that. I have noscript and adblock but you can never have enough. Even if you look at task manager for something that doesn't look normal and google it. The good viruses will hide or make themselves look like other normal programs.
Always looking for something better.
i personally like it, but it can get annoying when it scans literally every unknown executable on your computer and sends it to the Avast lab, plus it likes to attach an e-mail signature promoting itself with every e-mail you send by default
>resource hog
You need the following things, in this order
1. Your brain/Common Sense
2. Updated modern web browser+Adblock extension
3. Windows Defender/MSE
Optionally, if you are that worried about it, install and configure EMET.
Thats all you need to do.
Remember to keep proper back ups. If you should find that something gets past that above combination, its far easier and simpler to just wipe a reload, and save yourself a bunch of head aches.