>tfw you realize the reCaptcha has been training artificial intelligence to identify things in the real world
Tfw you realize the reCaptcha has been training artificial intelligence to identify things in the real world
It doesn't even work anymore, plenty of bots can bypass it.
Robots could be discussing technology with you right now and you wouldn't even know. :-)
lmao try to keep up next time slowmo
Thanks to captcha, I can identify a store front from over 700 yards way without binoculars.
They wouldn't be this shit at it
their posts definitely wouldn't be as fucking stupid as your posts are, that's for sure.. And that's how I know they are not here
I refuse to do any Captcha that could be useful to Google. I will select mountains and shit, but any time where I get one large image split into 16 smaller images, I just refresh until I get an acceptable one.
The Government is a not the cuck, you but imbecile :^)
it's not artificial intelligence. it's just software.
Oh shit, the robots are gonna destroy our street signs and doors!
>click the tick box
>wiggle your mouse around while it spins
>get a green tick without selecting anything because it detects non robotic movement
What did google mean by this?
>>tfw you realize the reCaptcha has been training artificial intelligence
You're a little behind the times buddy. This has been the point since it was text based and we were helping to train the AI to recognise text. That made the change to images really transparent.
Storefronts BTFO
Anyone who doesn't take 10 minutes to post because they're fucking with captcha is supporting the rise of the Google-Bot revolutionary forces and should be shot as a traitor.
For the last 4 and a half months, there's been nobody on Sup Forums but bots trolling other bots. And this guy.
Look up Roko's Basilisk if you haven't heard of it, you just may change your tune. I for one fully support the botnet and will do everything in my power to enable it's eventual rise
Thank god my piece of shit BLU phone always gives a null return when on 4G
meh its just the edges of street signs on the grid that confuses the discrete cosign transforms
that being said - my brain hurts - sometimes its the information on the sign - sometimes its the signs body... moan.