“It is actually a funny story,” writes user Tangoshukudai. “When they were prototyping the iPad...

>“It is actually a funny story,” writes user Tangoshukudai. “When they were prototyping the iPad, they ported the iOS calc over, but it was just stretched to fit the screen. It was there all the way from the beginning of the prototypes and was just assumed by everyone at apple that it was going to be shipped that way.

>A month before the release, Steve Jobs calls Scott Forstall into his office and says to him, “where is the new design for the calculator? This looks awful.” He said, “what new design?” This is what we are shipping with. Steve said, “no, pull it we can’t ship that.” Scott fought for it to stay in, but he knew he had to get their UI team involved to design a new look for the calculator but there was no way they could do it in that short time frame, so they just scrapped it.

>It has been such low priority since then that no one cares to work on it since there is more important things to work on.”

Jobs died 6 years ago yet Apple still didn't bother to bring the default calculator app to iPad.

iToddlers will defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=iPad has no calculator site:discussions.apple.com

Wow, it's fucking nothing. There are plenty of free clones that look alike in the App Store. Try again, android pajeet.

t. iToddler

Wait, does the iPad really not have a calculator?

>ipad """Pro"""
>no calculator
>no filesystem browser

t. pooinlooer

Jobs kept these plebs in check

now hes gone and they go full SJW and run the company into the ground again

>Jobs reducing bloat while improving aesthetics at the same time
Everything Stallman ever hoped to be.

>iPad has no calculator


Please be a troll.

>we're living in a timeline where the most-sold tablet computer has no calculator, but washing-machines are hacked using directory-traversal-exploits
What a time to be alive.

google.com/search?q=iPad has no calculator site:discussions.apple.com

>You use your phone.

>Your iPhone (and even Android) has a stock calculator app because they are always on your person. If people (we) started carrying iPads with them to the bathroom and on dates then perhaps Apple should consider a calculator app. Until then it's like finding a phonebook outside your front door...

>tfw I have no face


Only Linux is allowed to remove basic functions

> there was no way they could do it in that short time frame
A month to redraw the buttons and they couldn't do that? What a load of BS.

>ipad has no calculator

how in the fuck
i don't even...

The default calculator on iOS sucks balls anyway, can't even do multipart expressions.

tfw its real

when will it catch up to windows 1.0?

This. Your average user could shit this app out in like a day with no prior knowledge of iOS development. What the fuck

>Your average user could shit this app out in like a day with no prior knowledge of iOS development.
But the billion worth company with an army of engineers and programmers who know the iOS inside out for some reason can't. Capitalism is broken.

Lol, this is a joke right?

Huh, I did wonder why there wasn't a calculator built in.

>>iPad has no calculator
Well, it's not like it's impossible to use a calculator on one, it's just that it doesn't come with one by default.

>Lol, this is a troll right?
I suppose the weather app suffered a similar fate?
Go back and try again.

>defending bloatware

This is why androidfags will suffer for all eternity with your shitty locked-down OS that lets carrier shove whatever crap they want on your phone and you have to root it in order to uninstall bloat.

>on ipad
>mum asks me what something divided by something is
>hang on ill get the calculator
>where the fuck is it
>give up looking for it
>pull out my ipod touch and use that calculator instead
that was 6 years ago lmao and they STILL dont have one

Not with Steve's autism, he would keep rejecting the design until they had serious delays, and eventually settle with a rejected design which no one would tell him he had already rejected
It happened more than once at NeXT and in his older Apple days, but back then he was retarded enough to delay production for whatever shit he decided to nitpick in that day

Man that sounds like the software company where I work
>management refuses to commit to a UI before development begins
>let's just make it work first guise ok?
>it works now
>spend the next 6 months redoing everything from scratch because the UI revealed something about the business logic that didn't make sense
>we're now 18 months behind schedule

The real joke is that you use apple

>can't do division in your head

and apple is the joke? I mean it is but you're fucking retarded

you can ask siri. Or just download the fucking calculator

They'd have a point if all other cars had calculators but they don't.

>Capitalism is broken.
>It's broken cause muh calculator app
I wish commies would fuck off and die, don't you have fairtrade phones to buy instead?

"Yes, white people suck. This is why we should start punching nazis" - modern day journalism

>"Fair" Trade
Do you have brain damage?

use google

Because the almost-slave tier manufactoring process for iphones are that much better than fair trade phones, right?

No unless the phones are manfauctued by Democratic co-ops from the factory to your hand it's not "fair" trade by the standards of a communist. Do you understand what socialism is? Sounds like your just talking about generic liberals that believe in "social responsibility". Socialist don't believe in ethical consumption buddy.


What the fuck does your persecution complex have to do with a fucking calculator app? Go back to Sup Forums, pepe


>tfw try to troll /leftypol/ but they just ban you for a month if you don't toe the line
at least it's easy to get them in-fighting

>they detect your shitty trolling attempt
>i-i-it's just that they have hivemind and allow no dissent!

How is sucking that corporate cock working out for you financially, buddy?

Yeah, it was shocking to me that the iPad didn't have a calc. I was on the toilet once and needed to use a calculator when I discovered the stupidity that it actually didn't have one pre-installed. I still haven't downloaded and installed any of the fishy third-party calcs on the App Store. Whenever I need it I just go on google.com and use it to calculate whatever.

That's why you just get them to fight each other. Commies are notorious for this.

>his car doesn't have a calculator
>his car can't play doom

How's communism working out for you? Or are you sipping capitalist tea while Venezuela starves?

I don't know how's Capitalism working for you in Chile , Mexico, Puerto Rico, most of Africa and large parts of South East Asia?

Not him, but:
Communism gave my country great education. Since we stopped being communist, we pushed our mathematics back at least 3 years - shit that our communist parents learned at start of high school, we learn in college.

And keep in mind that Poland still has relatively good education, despite the years of capitalistic degeneration. Better at literacy and math than US.

Yeah the Holodomor did great things for children's growth and maturity

Don't you mean
>mfw I have no face

Is that why so many tried to leave that shithole?

Holodomor was in Ukraine, you dumb fuck. I know that the next thing you are going to say is that the education that you've received (if any) probably did wonders in the other fields, but humanities and critical thinking. But it doesn't add up, since you're just another retard who mumbles 'pull up by bootstraps' mantra over and over again at the fundamental problems and inherent flaws in the current economic system.

Go back to accomplishing literally nothing like usual. Oh wait, there you are.

It's because we replaced our mathematics with religion, chemistry with history, and STEM with management.
Oh and a working system with capitalism.

The choice is exploitation or emigration. And if you can't (or don't want to) exploit, you'll be the one exploited.

Thank god for capitalism!

Go back to blowing CEOs, voting Republican and praying to the free-market gods to bestow a fucking pre-installed calculator app to your iPad.

Holy fucking shit, no wonder Apple makes so much money when sheep eat up a sales pitch like:

"You'll already have our 700 dollar phone so why should your 400 dollar tablet come with something on the phone? Also, make sure to spend another 200 dollars on cables and accessories! Also you HAVE to use our app store."

Sheep: OKAY

What's not to love?

stay mad lmao

>not downloading a free HP-48 emulator
>not downloading the free WP-34s app
stay cucked

droid48 is the only worth calc app

I just have little use for a calculator "app"

Real calculators have real buttons, real screens, the battery lasts for months, and they are always handy when you need them.

Also there's no bullshit to distract you, no notifications, none of that crap you don't need when crunching numbers.

Smartphone apps are a shit-tier substitute for a real calculator.

>his smartphone calculator doesn't even support serial communications

Have you even seen GNU code? They're not interested in avoiding bloat, at all.

>Go back to accomplishing literally nothing like usual.
Are you implying that you are accomplishing anything meaningful with your life?


my nigga

>tfw you fell for the RPN meme

Too bad now we can use stuff like Matlab
My ol 48g felt much better

Honestly I find myself using my 50g a lot more because it just feels better to me for longer equations. I still use my phone sometimes and algebraic input (can be faster for shorter shit) but I really only fuck with MATLAB/EES/Mathematica when required

whoever says "oh you don't need a calculator after a certain point lol" is an idiot. And even if you don't, who cares? It's still nice to use