LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon)

I have been trying to test this thing out on YouTube streamers for a week now but it doesn't seem to do anything but slow my internet connection. Yah the page will buffer a bit but nothing really happens.

you must be 18+ to browse and post on Sup Forums.org

You are a retard and clearly don't understand how shit works. Leave this fine site asshole.

Sending the party van to your location

I did this to someone once and I ddossed them so hard the whole internet went down!

you retard you're supposed to put your own ip in the target box!


Ah, takes me back to 2008 or something. Funny times. Neck Thy'neself, OP.

This, you messed up OP, try again

You're 10 years too late and several too young to be on this site. Kill yourself.

is your upload more than their download?

no, it's only about 1-5% of their download?

oh well hmm I wonder why it doesn't work

are you 12

>YouTube streamers

At least make your bait believable OP.
No one streams on Youtube.

I won't watch a stream that isn't

>Actually using Twitch

Wow, 3500kbps bitrate cap vs unlimited. Zero pause/skip control vs full support. Quality options for all vs partner only.

>Quality options for all vs partner only
Which is basically everyone on there these days.

>3500kbps bitrate cap
Who gives a shit. You're not watching 4K streams anyway.

>Zero pause/skip control vs full support
That really is the only big plus for Youtube. Being able to go back sometimes hours in a live broadcast is a godsend.

>4k streams are only thing that requires 3500kbps

desu I do 2000kbps double pass video and I'd call it 'about dvd quality' and wouldn't go over 720p

kill yourself

this is some extremely low pleb tier shit

LOIC only worked when you have a shitload of scriptkiddies pounding the same target, and when most the sites online didn't have some form of DDoS protection.

If you really want to watch some sperglord go offline while you massage your balls into dropping, ask Mommy for the money (if it doesn't take too much out of the trailer-park rent) to rent a botnet.

You'll save money by leaving the front door open, the FBI won't have to kick it down.

if you do it alone it won't work

... you're trying to knock down YouTube. Owned by Google. With your shitty home internet service.

Youtube literally has 1000's of virtual machines networked together with 100's of Gbps of capacity. Good luck OP.

the fbi is cumin op better run

Congratulations, you just joined the botnet.


You can play the games yourself, y'know? At least, that's what we did back in the day.

Dust is pure work of art

3500kbps is for 720p 30fps at max, you will still get artifacts. If you go 60fps then, it is minecraft everything. Only partners have access to more bandwidth for a 1080p60 wich isnt that good either.

In case of streamers, you would target their connection directly.

How exactly are you going to figure that out? You either need to get them to click a link on a web server you control or own the game server they are connected to.

Also, IP space is so limited now there is ISP's that put several dozen customers on one IP. Even then, you are trying to DoS some ISP server that has way more bandwidth then your home connection does.

You're assuming OP isn't a retard