3 euro/month unlimited traffic

3 euro/month unlimited traffic.
How does it feel..., hoe?

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Probably not good considering that instead of a speedtest image you post a screenshot showing your link speed which is just the maximum speed supported.

Butthurt burger

Pleb. Even my virtual machines have better speed than that. I dont pay a cent for my LAN speed and there is nothing limiting my traffic use in LAN. Must suck that you have to literally pay 3 euros to someone so you can achieve gigabit LAN speed. Bet you pay for internet too.

I just pay the ISP 3 euro/ month, that's it.
I don't STEAL it like you. You know you can go t jail for theft right?!

up top broseph same here got luxurious 3mbps

>he has to pay his ISP to get 1 Gbps LAN link


Who am I stealing from by having 10 Gbps between virtual machines and 1 Gbps otherwise in my LAN? At least I am not a cuck paying for LAN LINK SPEED like you, or why would you otherwise post a picture about your link speed which is most likely in a LAN (unless you are really retarded) and say you pay 3 euros for it and its unlimited.

Does your ISP have plans that they install something sniffing how much data you use in your LAN and bill accordingly too?

I got a real 1Gbps adapter, not virtual, you virtual cuck.

It's my internet speed you stupid faggot.
I download with 100MB/s

There is nothing to prove so. You are showing pictures of your link speed on network card which is most likely and hopefully connected to a LAN. There is nothing telling about your internet speed in your picture or message, thus you are obviously saying you are paying for LAN speed. Pathetic.

>having 1Gbps real adapters is something to be proud of in a country where you pay for LAN link speeds



So pathetic, trying to prove his LAN link speed means the same thing as his internet speed, even searched a random result from someone on internet. I wonder who is the real cuck here


post discarded. stop proving your speeds on servers connected to your ISPs internal network.

american getting salty at a third worlder, mfw


Last time I checked my country was in Europe, not America

prove it amerifat

Look at the date, I just made it.

I pay ~6 euros for 100mbit connection, and it's not even the cheapest one avaliable around here. Not sure what all the fuss is about.

its funny how hard this guy takes an obvious bait, i cant be the only one seeing its clearly a bait, right?

Feels like I would rather pay more for internet access than live in Romania tbqh senpai.

With the money you make there in the west 1st world countries you would live like 10 times better here.
I'm talking about housing services everything.

What is wrong with your head?
Are you also schizophrenic?


>Sup Forums poster
>doesn't know terry


>Brags about "unlimited traffic".
>Doesn't post actual internet speed.
>Instead posts Windows network interface details.
>"I have gigabit NICs, so my download should be a gigabit, too!!!1!1"
>Doesn't have IPv6.
>Unnecessarily uses an ellipse.
>Incorrectly spells "ho".

You need to read the whole thread and urban dictionary.

I get that much with my rent.

1Gbpd NY 70$
50$ for 50Mbps we don't have such low speeds

My life is a waste. I can only get 1000 Mbps and not 1.0 Gbps

Gonna suicide.

I only pay 4 e^π + π + log(2) + 2 log(π) + tan^(-1)(π) a month.

I can only get .1gbps

Have you checked your TCP/IP settings? Are you sure its plugged in? Did you test it in Firefox and Chrome? Did you try restarting? Did you install the drivers?

London 48 pounds/60US.

Yes. I even reinstalled Windows just to make sure. I think my telephone broken.

Did you make sure to use cat 5e or better?

Did you pay your bill m8?

I only have the cord the company sent me. It looks like a telephone cord, but it's got 8 pieces on it.

Is what they sent you resemble this?

If it does shove it straight up yo ass!

Well it does have "8" pieces, so.
