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PC is dying
Thank god.
Smart phones will make PCs irrelevant completely in a few years outside of gaymers
And how does this graph works? How is it calculated?
P.S. A lot of people build them, or get store to build for them, brand pcs are shit
Who else posting from their tablet?
PCs are useless now.
>laptops still not getting cheaper
a fucking phone is more powerful than a netbook. netbooks are a scam and one of the reasons why ppl abandoned PCs
When you look at all these PC shipments graphs, the arrow is always going down.
>entire world is created on a PC including this chart
>PC is dying
holy fugg your dumb
What will you guys move to once PC dies?
Yup. good thing that PC hardware is well in the rise.
could be true, considering i'm still using my pentium4 and have no plan to upgrade any time soon
what's the graph for computer parts?
it's a good thing kids are putting together their own pcs and not giving money to brands just because.
Posting from an iPad mini here. Desktops are obsolete
>most laptops still ship with a 1366x768 glossy tn screen with only wireless n 2.4ghz
>meanwhile cheap Android phones ship with a 1080p ips screen and support of ac 5ghz
>cpu improvements so shit, software becoming crappier by the second, that people literally don't even need to buy new computers
>gaymer shit
lol.. those are stupid gimmicks.
When a surface pro is powerful PC then you see
>yfw you realize that pc gaming is growing, but normie pcs are shrinking
Maybe one day we can filter all the normies out by banning cell phones and tablets from Sup Forums
I hope someday hiro will only alow windows posting
I could happily still be using my Q6600 build for day to day computing that 90% of people do.
All these charts show is you don't need to replace your PC anywhere near as frequently as you did in the 90s and early 00s
This is spot on.
>PC is dying
Heard this shit every few months since 2001
In other news, the enthusiast market is bigger than ever.
Just prebuilt sales are going down because prebuilts are garbage.
F goes in all fields
Respect paid
>pc gaming is growing
No it isn't. Gaymer accessories are growing because its a fad.
>only alow windows posting
Microshit is dying too.
>pc game sales higher than ever
>pc gaming related sales are higher than ever
Only thing I see falling in this chart are pre-built $400 dells, hps, and other basic towers.
Gamers will just have consoles retard.
When is Google going to implement something like Microsoft's Continuum or Samsung's Dex? I would love to have a "lapdock" like the HP Elite x3 has, but with Android. Something like that could give Google a legitimate foothold in the PC space with Android.
That's... the point he was making. Microsoft is dying because PCs are dying, but Windows is still the dominant computing platform. Only let Windows users in, and you have a smaller, (which tends to be more intelligent,) community.
Now exclude mobile. Or even just Android sales in pajeetland.
*dominant PC platform
>Now exclude mobile
LMAO. Now exclude every device that has a battery. Now exclude every device with a CPU.
Excuses of Microshill are never-ending.
Even Intel is moving away from dying PC market.
the retardation that exudes you /mobile/ faggots never cease to amaze me
I agree. We should also exclude all devices without a mechanical switch keyboards. Then the MS will in and PC won't look like it's dying.
Budget OEM PCs and laptops are such turd sandwiches it doesn't surprise me at all. Overpriced, underperforming and loaded with bloatware out the ass.
and what do you think your shitty phone apps are programmed on?
WWDC 17, Apple will release Xcode for iOS.
Im posting from a mead notebook right now
>WWDC 17, Apple will release Xcode for iOS
*insert "wow its fucking nothing" meme*
get a job, normie. Youve never seen the IT industry's insides
Is a Windows tablet considered a PC?
>prebuilt sales falling
>component sales rising
Good. I hope every kike company selling prebuilts to anybody except businesses goes bust. There is literally no excuse for not building your own PC in current year.
The mentally handicapped community is small, does that make them intelligent.
stay poor, stay retarded.
>>component sales rising
lolno. they are all falling. look at intel shares.
Prebuilts are great, if you can buy them used for bargian basement prices.
I remember people saying this in 2010
This. Who the fuck cares about prebuilt PCs? They should have never existed in the first place.
The vast majority of these sales are probably laptops. Nobody buys pre-built desktop PCs for home use anymore. If you walk into a Best Buy you won't find a single one. The closest you'll get is an all-in-1, but they usually have like two models and they're placed in a low traffic area.
As far as laptops go CPU speeds have been stagnant for several years, so there's been little reason to upgrade. I can buy a 6 year old laptop with an i7-2620M and it will still be viable for most uses.
If the decline doesn't take into account convertible 2 in 1 tablets and Macbooks, then I suppose that would be somewhat surprising. Though those are technically PCs.
This is good, this means normies have given in, and wont even bother with adblockers and shit.
Meaning fewer sites bothing with adblocker-blockers since most users moving to casual phone use.
So power users wont have to deal with an arms race.
>the cemetery
My job need powerful PCs (no laptops) for video rendering, CGI graphics and authoring.
I dont know you make this in smartphones
Just windows and desktop linux
Already possible senpai.
you plan on dying young, user?
Honestly it would be grand if low-overhead external GPUs worked. You could use your laptop for everything. Plug it into your station at home and it's just as good as a full-fledged PC except without being able to upgrade the CPU. Plug it all out and bring it to work when the time comes. No need to compromise between good specs and libreboot.
Adblocking is rising on mobiles though, poo2looland is among the largest adblock users, despite being mostly on phones.
>10% phone market share and 5% computer market share
>inb4 "le you are the poor XDdddd---"
Yeah because a donglebook or itouchgate you got on credit/lease/loan/contract is a perfect indication of how rich you are.
>it's another "consumerist whore with a low end Samsung phone thinks he's better than Applefags because he googled how to install a custom rom on his phone" episode
Anyway the pc isn't dying, it's just that there are more poor people taking out credit/lease/loan/contract to buy whatever samshit, lg, lenovo shit out next and they've realized you don't need a pc to play candy crush and browse 9gag and facebook.
Well only until I decide what phone to get next. I got 3.5K in the bank but haven't decided what phone to get.
I used to own an iPhone 6 plus before it got touch disease btw.
Intel are just paying for years of 5% improvements. Nobody needs an upgrade to one of their Kaby Lake housefires. Ryzen seems to be selling well judging by the stock situation and graphics cards are doing fine.
Stock are never an indication of anything.
>Oy vey, Ryzen is flopping! Flopping I say!!!
Look at the difference between an it 3rd gen and 7th gen. Wow it's fucking nothing. The base clock is a whole 0.1ghz higher and the energy consumption maybe 10% lower. We have loooong reached the plateau everyone dreaded but refuses to admit
Ultimate result is going to be the bottoming out of the mid-range PC and laptop market. Only businesses, education and govt. will still need mass quantities of OEM PCs and laptops.
Get so tired of this cyclical shit.
Intel is just lazy and not pushing the envelope anymore.
>technology doesn't magically leap 20 years at a time
Just today I saw some phone that could power a computer monitor. Sure, it probably sucks and can't do much, but a year? 5? 10 or 20?
Of course PC sales are stagnating because advancements in PCs have also stagnated so there is no point buying a new one that is essentially the same as the old one.
It's only CPU advancements that have stagnated. GPUs continue to move forward at an impressive pace. Nvidia added an extra 50% performance from the 980 Ti to the 1080 Ti.
We can thank amd for that though. amd and capitalism that is.
> thinking computers have changed at all since the xerox star
wew lads
>Of course PC sales are stagnating because advancements in PCs have also stagnated so there is no point buying a new one that is essentially the same as the old one.
Except Google says that mobile devices are winning now.
that's why Google's forcing websites to make mobile-first websites if they want to get ranked high.
Desktop is dead.
Google is invested in mobile so of course they are shilling it as hard as they can
Maybe this will push mobile sites to not be complete dogshit. I wouldn't count on it. It will most likely just bring desktop sites to the same level as mobile.
What are some good mobile sites to use as a reference point? I tend to avoid using mobile.
... or maybe they're juts following a trend and want to help end users?
they don't care.
also, mobile sites look like shit o desktop.