How and where can you get a CS degree with only a GED?

How and where can you get a CS degree with only a GED?

>le college meme

I know, but there's no other way to get a job in computers. That's life.

bump. please help me Sup Forumsuys

Lol Americans

You mean universities don't admit students who only have GED? Whatever that is.

If you're too dumb to figure this out, you're too dumb to get a degree.

Study certificates

Isn't a ged essentially highschool diploma. If so is there something that makes you unable to take some standardized exams then apply to uni?

Not in Germany.

go to community college, stupid. wtf

I have a very comfortable IT job (and have had for the last 10 years) with a high school diploma.

Oh and, not US.

I wish I was Finnish

Didn't linux Torvalds have like a CS degree?

i applied for an IT internship a few weeks ago

>2nd year in uni

motherfuckers wanted a bachelors in cs and 2 years experience for a $15/hr IT internship. wtf.

Same boat user

>Job title: IT Tier 1 Help Desk Intern
>Requirements: Pursuing Masters in Compsci or Comp Engineering, 2-5 years of experience

Did your father hire you in the family business?

i also applied for a student web development position for my uni and they told me i needed to get my bachelors first. looks like i'll be doing more labor this summer.

Yeah, those same places exist in the EU as well. Minimum bachelors degree, to what, change toner cartridges and help people with their keyboards? You just gotta keep looking maybe and hope you find a place that isn't completely batshit?

yeah it's frustrating but i just need to keep at it i guess

The OP is retarded, move along.

Ha! Family business, I wish. Then I'd have an inheritance and future to look forward to.