Where can I legitimately acquire an iso of Windows 10 LTSB? How do I go about purchasing a license? Am I entitled to this if I am an ordained minister? How do I become a member of MSDN/TechNet?
WIN10 LTSB 2016
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thank god I didn't bought my spring shoes now. actually wanted to buy new balanes.
>tfw not buying shoes becasue of internet memes
>new balance master race
I just searched through MicroSoft looking to buy Win10 LTSB; visiting their volume licensing pages, I was asked to take a survey later -- sure, why not?
>tell them i was there for 'ltsb'
>give all worst marks for each grading category of user experience on site
>write 'ltsb' under 'other'
>describe visit:
>I require Win10 LTSB (2016/'17), but there does not appear to be a simple means by which to purchase this, *ahem* "non-botnet" version of Windows 10 from your site. I would like to use Windows 10, but my company cannot use any operating system with such tracking or telemetry features as Cortana. We currently use a proprietary GNU/Linux distribution which suits our needs, but it would be nice to run Windows without the features which our business neither utilizes nor allows. I merely want to purchase Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB for my very small company; please sell me a volume license key or whatever's required and a link to an .ISO. Kind regards. [email protected]
...they immediately hit me back with this (scripted pagethrow):
>Microsoft logo
The Microsoft Licensing Research team is interested in your continued feedback about the Licensing Web site. To do this, the Microsoft Licensing Research team may be sponsoring online discussions for further input from visitors.
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As the exact topics of the groups vary, we will contact those who qualify to participate in the groups and provide further information. Those who are selected and participate fully in a discussion will be provided with a cash incentive as compensation for their participation.
>just gimme dat win10 ltsb, m'nugg
I bought a pair of new balance back in high school and Ive remained a virgin for the last 4 years
I'm posting from Windows 10 LTSB 2016 right now. You can't get it without buying a volume license of some sort. Your best bet is to get it from TPB and verify it with a hash.
that pic got to me.
half of whats on there is me, altough im successful and have women and money.
but still i hate slow walking people and i avoid eye contact.
whats wrong with me /G?
This is what I did.
I haven't installed it yet though, still running 2015 ltsb. What are the major differences?
No idea, as I have only used 2016. I've heard that 2016 is required for 10 series NVIDIA cards though
>Met at least 80% of the characteristics of the "virgin walk"
Can we have some md5/sha in here
>You can't get it without buying a volume license of some sort.
Where do I buy it from? These guys?
>is the following legit?
i 'scored' pretty high as well
only things;
- never use headphones in public
- don't own any running shoes
- while my coat is technically primarily black, it has enough cyan patterns on it to not really call it a "black coat"
the KEK walk
>download legit-looking torrent searching by the official filename
>verify it's actually legit by comparing it's hash with the one on the official MSDN/Microsoft website
It's not case sensitive: it's just a hexadecimal value.
It matches.
How do you guys activated , do you trust mstoolkit?
i'm well aware
for your reference;
frostrose 2016
then uninstall the shit it installs to activate annually which is like SEQHserver.exe in the windows directory