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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Is there a good tutorial out there to learn how to do diagrammatic modeling in LaTeX?
Or should I just give up and use yed and import the diagram I make to LaTeX?
Is it worth it to also/instead learn how to make graphs and shit in LaTeX?
does the percentage you get in a single class affect your overall gpa
Say I get an A+ in the class but not 100% percent of the marks
would 3.9 be added to overall gpa or 4.0
I'm after a monitor that's 1440p, g-sync, and displays really nice colours. I watch a lot of Bluray rips and game, but I don't play FPS or online shooters.
Colour quality is important. I've been looking at some IPS displays that are 1440p, but there are huge numbers of complains about "light bleed" and shit like that.
Recommendations? I'm in Australia.
Nah I didn't touch anything. Build was made by the shop I ordered online but I don't think they overclocked since I didn't asked.
I hate $750; can anyone recc me their preferred laptop for around that price?
So I have something that's got me stumped.
My Internet, which normally runs at about ±900KB/s, enters on a copper phone line, into the house and into the modem/router combo box.
If one device is connected (as in my PC which is wired to the box), the data rate runs along steadily.
But as soon as another device connects to it, such as a phone over WiFi or another PC, the data rate collapses.
And I don't mean split evenly 50/50 between the PC and other devices.
The other devices aren't even down/uploading anything, and the data rate measured on my PC drops to 0~31KB/s.
I have changed the modem/router box out for a different model already, but the problem persists..
Any anons have any idea on what's going on?
>fucking newlines
So I've just put together a computer and installed Windows etc. The issue is that no matter what, I get "no signal" when the graphics card is connected, whether using the graphics card output or that of the onboard graphics. Onboard graphics work but only when there's no graphics card connected.
I've tried disabling and enabling PCIe graphics in the bios, disabled the iGPU on my processor both in the bios, and Intel Graphics within Windows to try and and force it to use the graphics card. I don't think it's a power thing as the LEDs on the card light up and the rest of the system is fine, given that I was able to install and boot into Windows just fine - as long as the graphics card wasn't connected.
Does anyone have experience of a persistent issue like this? At this point I'm guessing that I either have a dodgy graphics card or PCIe slot.
What are you even saying?
>I have also never been on Plebbit.
I'm looking at USB->DVI cards, and DisplayLink support in linux seems to be shit. Is it worth it to get one?
Question for macfags from the last thread
Is there any point keeping Samsung Magician in the background? Is it optimizing anything? Is it even doing shit?
Same question for Intel Rapid Stockage thingy. These things start when I start my computer but I'm not sure I truly need them.
Neither gets security updates any more.
I would switched to something that's still getting patches, asap.
I need help.
>How to set up that bottom right corner button to show desktop
>Middle click to enable scrolling with Mouse.
Also, i cant fucking encrypt for shit. I managed to encrypt a partition in Luks and mount it but now i cant do shit with it
>security updates
I mean general complaints about applications locking up, kernel panics etc.
>have osx
>installed mpv
>all video formats by default play on it, except .avi, which always defaults to quicktime no matter what
why is this a thing?
Best free GUI library for c++?
Anyone else unable to post with Sup Forums-x and noscript captcha?
Eclipse or KDevlop for C++?
What's the best way to get a decent internet connection from one house to another, assuming there's around 200ft and a small hill between them?
>Get some outdoors-ready ethernet cable and find a way to string it up or bury it
>Get a stronger antenna on the router
>Get a stronger antenna on the computer in the second house
Some boards aren't even allowing posting with adblock enabled.
I'm trying to watch these 10 bit mkv files and everything is green, all the posts I'm finding are just repeating "Yeah that's an NVIDIA but, disable P010 and P016" but that doesn't work, probably because I don't have anything NVIDIA on here, what do?
Upgrade your system.
10bit HEVC is still a bit demanding, so older hardware is not capable of playing.
It's not like I'm trying to run it on a toaster, I should be able to play one video with everything else closed down
A friend gave me this, said he thinks it should work but I dunno. Obviously the pins are bent but how bent is too bent?
Can be fixed or no?
>be me
>try to build server
>end up costing uni thousands in damages
>still need to build server
How the fuck do you build a server
Take a better picture.
You can use a mechanical pencil or something to bend them back.
Reinstall OS.
Oh god why didn't you upgrade to 10?
Why would that help? It's not a built-in codec
>Upgrade to botnet
I wouldn't even use Windows if I didn't need to for work
Hey guys is there a way to download youtube videos?
it seems like every single site and plugin got compromised. So silly and absurd Jewtube would go full nazi.
>people who think being on Windows 7 & 8 is safer than 10
Leave the gene pool
>Battlestar Galactica
Get better taste and better bitrates.
We know for a fact that windows 10 sends details of every installed program to microsoft, we don't know that to be true of windows 7 and 8
Do even the most basic of research before posting, even in /sqt/, and look up Dunning Kruger effect and escalation of commitment while you're at it to better understand your own actions
Obviously something's wrong since you're the only one with this issue. You posted details last thread which showed you were using LAV, so I don't really know what else.
Maybe you have another splitter that's getting in the way? Uninstall or reinstall Haali if you have it.
You should use 10 because 8 is shit, and 10 is a nicely upgraded 7.
thanks guy but it doesn't seem to really add options for things like 4k and file type,etc
Well, take your own advice.
Windows 8 is just as bad while being Whittier to use. It's a dumb compromise for a perceived benefit.
How about you stop being stupid and then get a laptop you can make 100% secure and free as in freedom with 0 compromise ? It's what I do and most other people who aren't trapped to a single pc.
What's the fastest GPU that will saturate a PCIe Gen 3 1x slot without being bottlenecked?
nVidia's April Fools joke was a USB video card called GTX G Boost or something, and since USB3.1 gen 2 is equivalent to 1x PCIe 3.0, I'm curious how powerful such a meme card could really be. Especially since USB-C can theoretically deliver 100W.
1080 Ti
You know how in Windows you can choose a file to display on the folder icon? Sometimes after a while of it working properly the folders icons will revert to the default view (displaying a couple of files from the content of the folder) after I move a file into the folder, undoing my setting basically. Does anyone know what that's about?
It happens with all the folders at the same in my pictures directory, each time I save a file in to one of the folders they revert to default one by one.
What's the current recommended security/privacy add-ons for firefox?
Yes it does,
go rtfm
An RX 460 would probably do quite well.
Holy shit my iPhone randomly deleted or delisted my music.
How do I make my music reappear?
Google hasn't been much help.
I really don't want to go through the process of converting and resyncing my music again.
I have a game where a certain particle effect likes to lock the game up. Sometimes this will go so far as to cause my computer to bluescreen with DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION as the error message.
How would I go about finding out how this happens?
Something is causing your Kernel to lock up. Probably a device driver.
A watchdog is a timer which counts down to zero, but is reset every time the scheduler gets a chance to. If the watchdog hits zero, the system will halt, and either generate an error code (like bluescreening), or reset. The watchdog will hit zero when some high priority task (like a driver interrupt routine) takes longer than it is allowed to run for without finishing, which triggers the watchdog.
Huh. Thanks. How should I fix it? I don't seem to have any available driver updates.
How can normies stand house parties? everything is loud as shit, kids are yelling, and I can't get any work done
Start by uninstalling your graphics drivers with DDU, and installing the most recent version.
If that doesn't work, uninstall using DDU again, and install the most recent WQHL version of graphics driver.
>t. someone who never gets any at house parties.
What's that? Also, what will uninstalling my graphics drivers do in the time between that and when I install the new ones?
I have never been to a house party that wasn't family related, my friends and I in high school just sat around playing video games most of the time at our parties
3.9 you literal retard
I dunno about high school, but most colleges only take the letter. A+ is 4.0.
Operating systems ship with what are called VESA compliant drivers which will give you a display output from any GPU, but don't provide acceleration. When you boot into safe mode, this VESA driver is what is loaded instead of the manufacturer's driver.
WHQL is a Microsoft verified stable version of the driver. Not that it's 100% stable, but it's usually more stable than the non-WHQL versions.
AMD releases a WHQL version every few months, nVidia more often.
Thanks. Also, how do I see what drivers I'm currently using?
You can see it in whatever software you have.
AMD Catalyst, AMD Crimson, nVidia control panel
do you not like being drunk
Never been drunk in my life, counter productive to getting work done and playing video games competitively
you'd understand if you were drunk
how do i set the default x,y offset for any new window in windoze 7?
i'm very tired of shit launching at (0,0) and thus hiding the title bar from me so i can't even move it
pic related
Sup Forums is the only board working for me rn, Sup Forums Sup Forums, everything else is down but here....
anyone know sites where i can see people's desktop setups under different os with apps
Must have extensions for Chrome?
So l just made a short python alarm script for when l put a pizza in the oven. Why is it taking so much CPU and memory? lt doesn't look that complex
why must you have them?
it's checking the time as fast as it can, over and over, it will max out a thread/core
you need to rate-limit it, say, check the time only once a second
just put a simple "sleep" in your loop
Any python library out there that makes me make sounds? Like l can make images out of 2d arrays with the Image library it would be fun if there was a library that lets me make sounds out of functions like sin(x). Pic unrelated
oh yea, you could also literally just sleep for the alarm timer time
as in just (pseudocode);
sleep 10m
play alarm.mp3
I meant as in extensions everyone should use.
Is OpenBSD the only operating system worth using?
By default on most programs, windows spawn at the same place they were when they were last closed.
If your computer always spawns them at the top-left, you fucked it up.
Also, just be normal and put your taskbar on the bottom.
Why would you want to use a non-free OS?
Hey thanks man much better now. ls 27 MB a normal value for this?
>By default on most programs, windows spawn at the same place they were when they were last closed.
this is typically handles by the application itself (as in, it remembers where it was when it was closed, and signals to the wm when opening where it should be placed)
if the application doesn't provide this information, then the wm picks a place (which is often just center or somewhere not covering existing windows)
not a solution to the window placement, but for moving windows without the titlebar, give AltDrag a try
>ls 27 MB a normal value for this?
probably, keep in mind that while your program does little, it still had to load up the python interpreter and pygame's mixer (which may have loaded additional dependencies)
interpreted languages aren't ideal for small programs, since the interpreter usually outweighs the program
Just ordered pic related. What are some good motherboards to get for it?
I have no real parameters besides needing it to be oc capable.
This is hurting my eyes. Make a new function named play(musicFile) and put all that bs that's after time.sleep there, then play('alarm.mp3') after time.sleep like Each function should only do one thing. Always. lt's much easier to read
I want to eat the one on the right.
What board would Sup Forums be merged with?
Are we even going to be merged?
I was reassembling an ipod 5g after an msata ssd and battery upgrade
Powers on fine and asks for a restore or gives error image but then shuts itself off soon after.
I was planning on throwing Rockbox on it but I can't when it reboots itself, even in disk mode
It only bootloops when connected to the cord. When I leave it running on battery, it does not boot loop and stays in disk mode like normal.
I can't flash Rockbox until I can get it connected via cable to a computer. I can't find a replication of my issue online and I have no idea what type of fuckup I'm facing
Windows? Look for custom themes on deviantart.
Sup Forums
This board is pretty much Sup Forums's shopping basket
Thumbnail cache resetting itself every time the folder gets new content.
Play it with MPV, not MPC.
Seconding Sup Forums. Also Sup Forums.
Should be /vag/
Sup Forums has merged with Sup Forums already.
It's already /vint/ and /spa/.
The big boards have already been merged. If we get merged, my guess is /x/.
I know, I think those were a mistake though. /vag/ would have been great. Decent overlap between all the boards too.
Does it just do that automatically or something? It only happens sometimes, usually I can add things to folders without losing the displayed file. It's a pain to have to manually set them all again.
It's automatic. It also happens whenever you do a disk cleanup, even if you haven't touched the thumbnail cache or marked it for deletion.
Really? /spa/ is really fun, although it's basically Sup Forums with flags.
Stop formatting like a retard is what he means. No need to break so many lines unless you want to make your post look longer than it is.
quit posting like a phone poster then
every single fucking time, you aren't writing a draft for a publisher
>Onboard graphics work but only when there's no graphics card connected.
what GPU
and make sure all the PSU cables are connected in the right places
if the GPU says need 8 pin electric jews you better fucking have put an 8 pin in its power connector