Is there a better music player for android?

Is there a better music player for android?



Black player



Everything else is shit lacking features.


Gone Mad Music Player has been better for years now. Did Poweramp even release their (partial) material design version?

Google Play Music

foobar2k has an android version

I use black player. Looks pretty. Just werks.

No, because no other Player has a feature to actually use the high res DAC + amp inside my LG G4 to drive my headphones.

I am forced to use foobar because of how i organize my library. I listen to a lot of nip and gook shit and the tags are so damn inconsistent so I use folder structure to seperate genres and countries and etc. Foobar is the only player that allows me to just use folder structure for browsing my library, when every other player just lists artists from tags and that shit is really a hassle for me.
Any other players with this folder structure library function?




I use shuttle cause it just werks. No point in autism music players if your source is shit in the first place.

Hell yeah. Only software I've purchased.

Black Player is buggy. Every try playing a really large audio file with it? You can't seek past an hour

Neutron is the only thing even arguably better

are there any music players with iOS playlist creation?
as in you make the playlist and can choose to add songs, but when adding them you can freely navigate via song list, album, playlist, artist
I've only found "song list" style ones and it's fucking annoying when i have tons of songs


music folder player


literally anything with opus support

What players on Android can read replaygain metadata?


Nope, it will only get better.

>As you are probably aware, the Poweramp developer, Max, has been working hard on an updated material design user interface for Poweramp v3, which required a full ground-up rebuild of the code so has taken over a year to develop.

>It's not quite ready to be released for open testing yet, and although he would like to be able to get it out by the end of the March it may well drop over into April. It's very hard to predict the exact development time - as a quick example, the bottom navigation panel, which was predicted to take a couple of days to complete, has already consumed a week's work.

>Max has all the custom components ready (buttons, new Album Art effect, lists, grids, now bottom navigation, etc., with everything animated) but during assembling - partly due to his attention to the fine details - it is taking a bit more time than anticipated. He doesn't want to just release it as is, with jerky animation and some non consistent behaviors.

>Slide-in side menus (drawers) have been dropped completely. All user interface and navigation is now gesture and button driven, and the primary supplied skin will be white. However when using visualizations a black background will be used as they cannot be rendered on white.

>Third-party skins will need to be redesigned for v3, and Max will be releasing the documentation for that closer to the main app release. The final release will include fixes for all supported hi-res audio devices and more (mostly Chinese) brands. There won't be any other changes to the existing alpha-test audio engine or effects.

>The next beta release will basically be close to the intended v3 release, so effectively feature complete, and the official release will hopefully follow shortly. There won't be a lengthy delay like there was between alpha and beta. Also, Poweramp v3 will be Android 5.0+ (Lollipop+) only.


Phonograph because it's not 2013-2015

Doesn't support cue files

>tfw might finally get 24bit output support in next beta update

>Doesn't play opus
>Except if you download the beta version, which has other bugs like bluetooth control not working

I just use Xiaomi's default music player. It works great. Equalizer is built into MIUI.

>inb4 chinese botnet
Better the chinese than the americans.


Hopefully they'll fix this

> 2017
> No streaming support... Still

Will it have a parametric equalizer?

I just use Google Play Music because I'm not autistic.


Does anyone have a cracked apk of Neutron that actually works? Every one that I downloaded didn't work.


poweramp is a neat all in one which has all the necessary function and some minor advanced functions to deliver a great musicplayer experience

neutron goes beyond that and offers custom settings in the details which you hardly ever need.

also the Xstereo dsp feature on PowerAmp sounds really good on many smaller bluetooth speakers

>implying anyone will download this cyka shit

I use jet audio +

It can sort by folder and has lock screen features. Its all I want.

poweramp allows you to do this senpai

>over 5.0+ only

Step aside,kid

tried some others but i always come back to it

Black player EX. Just works™ and isn't obnoxious with it's UI or functionality.

Yes. Foobar. It can play muh opus and supports replaygain.


Looks so ugly though, like some shit that a pajeet cobbled together in the gingerbread days.

Terrible taste in music, please remove yourself from the discussion


Neutron is noticeably better.
UI is unintuitive - but you're there for music.

GMMP is awesome. Only android app I've actually purchased.

worth it for their presets, especially for the loud ones if you need to play music in a noisy environment.

I just use VLC. Black Player and Rocket Player if I want to use tags. Android media players all sort of wonky desu.

>Use Gone Mad Music Player
>get all of this 3 years ago

musixmatch cracked

Currently using phonograph on my OnePlus 3T, would my phone utilise the functions poweramp has over phonograph?

DFX for pc and android, but I think I'm the only guy in the world that uses it.