Alias thread?

alias ping='ping'
alias getaudio='youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3'
alias weather='curl'
alias wanip='dig +short'
alias ls='echo "everyone must suffer" | cowsay -f turtle | lolcat'

Other urls found in this thread:

alias cd='sudo rm -rf *'

alias vim='vim -p'

The best alias, i also use it !

enjoy your google botnet

alias ls=sl

alias fortune='fortune -a | cowsay -n -f gnu | lolcat -f .5

mcdir ()
mkdir -p -- "$1" &&
cd -P -- "$1"

alias update="sudo pacman -Syu --ignore ttf-dejavu"
alias aпдeјт="sudo pacman -Syu --ignore ttf-dejavu"
alias инcтaлиpaј="sudo pacman -S"
alias install="sudo pacman -S"
alias wifir="systemctl restart NetworkManager"
alias oбpиши="sudo pacman -R"
alias remove="sudo pacman -R"
alias vga1="xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --left-of eDP1"
alias vga0="xrandr --output VGA1 --off"
alias ayp-и="yaourt -S"
alias aur-i="yaourt -S"
alias ayp-o="yaourt -R"
alias aur-o="yaourt -R"
alias yгacи="shutdown -h"
alias ugasi="shutdown -h"
alias del="rm -rf"
alias bashrc="sudo nano ~/.bashrc"
alias storm="cd && cd Programi/PhpStorm-162.2380.11/bin && ./"
alias sf="screenfetch"
alias net="sudo nethogs"
alias stremio="cd && cd Programi/stremio && ./Stremio-runtime"
alias вим="vim"
alias serv="php artisan serve"
alias error_log="cat /var/log/httpd/error_log"
alias controller="php artisan make:controller"
alias migrate="php artisan migrate"
alias db="mysql -u root -p"
alias route="php artisan route:list"

got many more for ssh which i aint posting

>miješat srpski s engleskim

bože sačuvaj

yaourt is considered harmful. Use pacaur instead.

хe хe

пpe ми јe бaгoвaлa тacтaтypa дa нeћe дa ce пpeбaци нa лaтиницy дoк нe pecтapтyјeм тepминaл и oндa caм кopиcтиo тe ћилиpичнe нaдимкe.
У cyштини их нe кopиcтим aл вoлим дa их видим јep cy cмeшни



Using xonsh. I hate bash.

def print_pacman_explictly_installed_packages(arguments, stdin=None):
argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argument_parser.add_argument('--ignore-groups', nargs='+', default=[])
arguments = argument_parser.parse_args(arguments)

# Create set of packages that should be excluded in the output
excluded_packages = set($(pacman -Qgq @(arguments.ignore_groups)).splitlines())
for package in sorted($(pacman -Qeq).splitlines()):
if package not in excluded_packages:

to infinity and beyond

alias p="pushd" +="pushd ." -="popd" d="dirs -l -v"

>all those double-ups
you do realize alias's can reference alias's, don't you?
for example;
alias ayp-и="yaourt -S"
alias aur-i=ayp-и

> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:53:41 No.59689762 ▶
>хe хe
>пpe ми јe бaгoвaлa тacтaтypa дa нeћe дa ce пpeбaци нa лaтиницy дoк нe pecтapтyјeм тepминaл и oндa caм кopиcтиo тe ћилиpичнe нaдимкe.
>У cyштини их нe кopиcтим aл вoлим дa их видим јep cy cмeшни
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)19:59:57 No.59689836 ▶
> (You)
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:08:51 No.59689945 ▶
>Using xonsh. I hate bash.
>def print_pacman_explictly_installed_packages(arguments, stdin=None):
> argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
> argument_parser.add_argument('--ignore-groups', nargs='+', default=[])
> arguments = argument_parser.parse_args(arguments)
> # Create set of packages that should be excluded in the output
> excluded_packages = set($(pacman -Qgq @(arguments.ignore_groups)).splitlines())
> for package in sorted($(pacman -Qeq).splitlines()):
> if package not in excluded_packages:
> print(package)
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:10:17 No.59689966 ▶
>to infinity and beyond
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:12:40 No.59689995 ▶
>alias p="pushd" +="pushd ." -="popd" d="dirs -l -v"
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:21:57 No.59690111 ▶
>alias alias=alias
> Anonymous 04/01/17(Sat)20:24:22 No.59690145 ▶
> (You)
>>all those double-ups
>you do realize alias's can reference alias's, don't you?
>for example;
>alias ayp-и="yaourt -S"
>alias aur-i=ayp-и
i never thought about that

that's some enterprise-level quoting you got there

i have no idea what happend, lololo

alias please='sudo $(history -p !!)'


nice one
