Do you watch Louis?
Do you watch Louis?
Other urls found in this thread:
>uses a moto g
>loves thinkpads
>mentions Sup Forums and Sup Forums fairly often
100% chance he is here
nah coz manlet
Name 1 time he mentioned Sup Forums
I think it's obvious if he has come here before
Although maybe not, he really thinks it's too immature
>fix macbooks
>complain about it the whole time
is this the guy who diddles with 120V outlets and water?
I've only ever see him fix MacBooks. Does he fix other brands as well?
>not 'my PP3V42'
Literally Sup Forums besides the part about doing something constructive
Do you need a website?
just make a website in notepad
No, and he talks about this.
The margins are too slim.
I really like this picture, can I save it?
I would be like him if I were an Italian with ADHD
I don't know if he mentions Sup Forums but he knows enough about Sup Forums to know anyone saying "cuck" is most likely from Sup Forums. So, yeah, he's probably here.
>let's name him Sup Forums
he has literally posted here with timestamps on multiple occasions you absolute newfag retards
rest in piss
I've seen someone on a train watch lewis.
lol retard
Find me one post.
I dare you motherfucker.
absolutely disgusting
He hates Apple stuff for a reason.
he got literally OWNED by Linustechtips
>man who actually knows what the hell he's doing
>glorified marketer
thinking emoji
Dirty jew
Not my proudest fap ...
No u
Sometimes, I'm pretty jealous of his talent.
At least I'm not balding at all.
Truly pissening
watched the video of old thinkpads with physical mouse buttons vs the new ones that are just plain like macbooks. it was a decent video but when I saw his face i was a bit discouraged to watch his other videos
A cool guy.
Yes. I enjoy somewhat crotchety but straightforward characters.
Who the fuck would want to watch 3 hour videos of someone repairing a fagbook?
yes and bizqwit
he's a fucking midget!!!!
I watch him, even though he hates macbooks he was the reason I bought one.
reminds me pic related
I do.
Why should I listen to manlets?
because you are one
>thinking emoji
>not thonking shitty ass 3d emoji replica
shiggy my diggy desu fampai baka install gentoo
I'm 6'1".
Yes. He seems fit, good looking man. No homo
I wouldnt mind fucking that lil jew booty. Mozltov!
he has a nice manga collection
The only thing I watch is porn
I do, he's one of my favorite people on youtube. I wouldn't mind being buddies with him, he seems like a fantastic guy.
replace that jar of whats-it with a dragon dildo and that would be /bst/ worthy
hes a fucking rage case, probably for the reason reason nerds always are angry. No pussy
are those definitive technology speakers?
Also is that acoustic paneling all over the walls?
Watched a couple of videos of him last summer. Some were pretty good, he seems to be a self made man, and I respect that.
But it got to incoherent rambling pretty quickly and he kind of wants to give advice on literally every level of life even where he obviously has no clue.
Got pretty boring so I stopped.
What are most of his videos about? Him fixing shit?
i only know him from a webm which was called master_electritian, which was basically a compilation.
Funny shit, but no i don't
No. His videos are too long
for you
Autistic consistently misinformed dumb manlet.
He's just a board repair guy, what's so special about him? He makes 6 hour long ego stroking videos and he's a Hillary supporter. Fuck off and stop shilling your faggot e-celeb here.
Yeah, I sure do remember him being around in 2007 for instance. Oh wait. Neck yourself you dumb newcunt.
>same accent
>look somewhat similar
>same height
Its Rossman's dad.