Also: how the fuck does Mega manage to give you 50 GB for free?
Choose your poison
why did dropbox have to turn into shit
My Dropbox free storage expires next week. Got 48GB extra free storage for like 5 years with my Galaxy S3. Google offer a 100GB plan and a 1TB plan but Dropbox doesn't. Does MEGA have an offline client? Might use that.
I've been wondering the same! MEGA is great and I love it simply because of the affordability.
all of them. therefore, combined i get 100 GB for Free :^)
>storing your data in the cloud
Enjoy your botnet
how else do I access my data from the other side of the earth
just encrypt your data
vpn + smb like you dont give a fuck
Funded by the FBI
The cloud is just a fancy word for the Internet so... if your computer is connected to the Internet your local storage is part of the cloud.
What have you got to hide user?
4 TB of child porn and 500 GB of terrorism plans. Why are you wondering?
kim dotcom is pro drumpf so he sells your data
Install FTP server on PC
Set FTP to a port
Open port on firewall
Type your WANIP:PORT into a browser
Download your files
That will be 79.99 for a private IT consultation.
thank I'll be planning setting up a own server once I move away from my mom's
>not self-hosting a cloud server
Can't FTP servers be easily hacked?
what do you guys use for backup?
You probably still have a copy of whatever it is sitting on your desktop.
SFTP would be better
You'd need an sftp client to access it though. A plain web browser isn't enough.
Rent your own server and put your shit their
Enjoy hiding for the rest of your life
Reported so fucking hard i hope you get fucked user.
Don't do any of that.
>315GB free Onedrive storage
>tfw using it as a Plex cloud
what should I store on it?
I'm already transferring every episode of Simpsons up to season 10 and Seinfeld.
kys yourself for misusing this never good to begin with stale old meme.
ayy yo cuckboi teach me dem meme-machine stock markets ye senpai-a-lam-desupai?
funded by LEA or defense department.
Is mega reliable? I'm afraid it will go down again. Kimbel seems like a chaotic fucker
Preinstalled on windows botnet
Everyone used to use it right?
>Google drive
>Amazon Cloud
Don't worry we'll keep your data for ourselves. Can't be giving others a potential penny.
it exists
better than megaupload was but still will never be thought of has fondly
lots of porn
>he didnt grab 1 TB owncloud space for free
Hard drives.
I bought an edu account for 3$, and got google drive unlimited
Is there any provider other than Dropbox with a functional GNU/Linux client? Having to delete old files to stay under 2gb is annoying
None of the above.
Raspberry Pi VPN + NAS
Just werks :^)
Data is really cheap, what they are going for is publicity.
Dropbox has the good client software, google has synergy with other google products and mega offers a lot of space.
You could rig something together for $50 yourself, buy a domain for $7, averaging to $2/month over 3 years if you want to build your own solution.
Nextcloud is really good, there you have a good client, both on the desktop and on your phone. You can get addons so you can get most of the synergy you otherwise would have in google and you can get more space by just buying another disk.
How does one go about doing this
How do I online backup >4 TB and growing of my photos and video footage without being a millionaire?
Encrypt it
Please explain
literally whatever gives you the best free storage space
encrypt your shit before you upload it to ANY of these, if you care at all about other people seeing it
my sister is a photographer and I just got her a synology NAS.
For x2 4TB drives (redundancy) and the NAS itself you could pay $409 on Amazon, you would be able to access your files over a secure online connection as well as locally and install a bunch of different packages on it for other things if you wanted.
Sorry, I should have said off-site rather than online.
I'm not so much worried about having instant access to the files, but about them not being backed up in the same location where they could burn in a fire, get robbed, or whatever. I'm already backing up to externals, I may upgrade it to a NAS at some point for convenience, but right now the main concern is having an off-site secondary for long-term archival.
rclone has a fuse mount for all supported cloud providers
I don't know if it has a flash gui tho
Bringing your laptop with you.
Or if you're on a desktop, copying it to external storage media.
Why would you want your personal data on the internet anyways?
Not really. It's a little different when you choose to not upload something than when you upload something to a service any joe schmo can crack into.
Be careful with that and don't store anything important.
I did the exact same thing and eventually, about 2 years later (Got Drive Unlimited on launch in 2014) the edu email was revoked because most major schools will invalidate your registered edu emails once you leave the school.
Whoever sold me the email graduated so all the emails he had registered got invalidated, and that invalidation also invalidated my google login which basically locked me out of the Google Drive, so my files cannot be accessed.
>Thf have permanent edu email account
Hiding? Was everyone who used a computer before cloud stprage became feasible hiding to?
Here in the Netherlands TransIP gives users 1tb encrypted storage for free.
Amazon Cloud Drive is $5/mo for unlimited storage.
Anybody use Cryptomator? What do you use to encrypt your cloud storage?
I don't store really important files, only some movies and other stuff i won't miss if i lose it
On you can buy .edu mails, for me it was worth it because i also have pluralsight for 3 months now because of the .edu mail which is nice
a laptop like a normal person