Post your VPN of choice

Post your VPN of choice

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diy using free vps

I use windows 10 vpn, Microsoft wouldn't steer me wrong


Fly across the globe setting up servers that leech off of other people's Internet and use that to make your own network.


I tried PIA, but the speeds were abyssmal... I might have better luck with NordVPN, though.

vpnbook + openvpn
am i fucked?

Nice try, GCHQ-kun.

GRE over IPsec, announcing loopback and tunnel addresses OSPF, with IBGP between the router loopbacks



I've seen a few suggestions, but I have some questions.

The most recommended VPN I've seen is PIA, but this thing is based in america which is a pretty huge red flag for me.
I've also seen several people recommending running your own VPN from a VPS, but isn't it true that the only way this would work is if your VPS provider doesn't keep logs? And from my research there's no guarantee of that.

After some more investigation I found that mullvad seems like a pretty decent choice.


>The most recommended VPN I've seen is PIA,
that's because PIA hardcore shills like you wouldn't believe, they even profited off the retarded privacy bill FUD by getting a full page newspaper ad

Mullvad for life

That's kind of what I thought.
VPNs seem like the one area where you don't want something that is super popular and used by tons of people, so I really wouldn't be surprised if PIA was a literal honeypot.

Can it easily be configured on linux and android? Also how are the speeds on it? Seriously considering going with mullvad.

I use Ivacy.

Name one usefull thing you can do with a vpn other than torrenting and using public wifi.

Doublehop is good and cheap as fuck

Make it harder for the government to spy on your shit.

I don't use a VPN because I don't torrent 4k cp 24/7 lol I just posted to counteract incoming PIA shills

because Theresa May is watching us here in the UK

browse 4chin

I just tunnel my traffic through my VPS in the Netherlands

Anybody could keep damn logs. Its just much easier to do for a vpn provider than for a vps one.
Selfhosted vpn is good for a different reasons.
- You get a static ip which is not very likely to be flagged as vpn.
- Its fast. Almost any vps will have 100+mbit speeds.
- It can run any software. Obfuscated openvpn, shadowsocks, tinc, stunnel.
- You can use it for different purposes like adblock, irc bouncer, backup server, owncloud, etc

Uncensoring the internet and reducing chances of becoming yet another putin's political prisoner.

but user those are the only reasons I want a vpn

I started using Opera's "free" VPN. Not too bad.
Then I noticed that the JB sites I was raiding were being blocked one by one, but only on the VPN.
Somebody is watching.

post from a mobile and desktop device on Sup Forums at the same time from the same IP address using the same Sup Forums pass

>the current state of Sup Forumss networking knowledge

Google Chrome Private Browsing


Are there any VPNs not blocked by 4chin?

How is Opera's built in one?
Is the browser still safe? Is it usable and relatively fast?
I never used it



Are you a Proton Plus user? I will probably use this provider once it goes public


Alright then what is your favorite VPS to host a VPN?

Time4vps is pretty good.
Less than 30ms ping to moscow and 1tb of storage for 4eur/month. No dmca bullshit too.
On the downside it's openvz - ancient kernel and broken fuse and linux-idg.

centos vps + openvpn

SoftEther VPN with VPNGate plugin

Are there vps/vds providers that allow you to install your own operating system of choice from your own distribution or it is virtually impossible?

Pretty sure there are ones where you can upload an ISO to be installed, never really looked into it though


same. really good desu.


What is the trouble?


Stupid question I can't seem to find the answer to although it should be obvious:
if I host my own VPN on eg. a Raspberry Pi and connect my desktop to the internet through that - will I be protected when torrenting or not?

That's just adding a layer of bullshit.

You wouldn't really be solving anything.

If they're on the same connection you've accomplished nothing

As I suspected then... thanks for clarifying.
Perhaps the reason I could not find a clear answer is because it should be obvious. Doesn't help when you are retarded like me you know...

Woah, a VPN on a VPS that keeps logs (all of them), brilliant.

This board is so obsessed with trying to pretend they're technowizard running every service themselves that they invalidate the point in using half this shit to begin with.

If that layer is encrypted then what's the problem?

my vps doesn't keep logs, dummy

Because unless the Pi's on a different Internet connection it's literally just a waste of however much a Pi costs. You're sending encrypted data to the Pi where it decrypts it and connects you to the Internet through your home connection. Now if you set the Pi up at a McDonald's or something, then you'd be okay

PIA. Used airvpn in the past but recently switched and I like it a lot.

tunnelbear because of linustechtips

Openvpn on vps.

>weeb shits actually believe this

Had PIA for 3 years but recently having problems with it. Considering switching but not sure what to yet

>Ctrl+F openconnect
>0 results
Absolutely disgusting

> free VPS


source: me ;)


ashamed you're from my country user

upside to lots of users on PIA is that they use pooled IP, so lots of users on same IP.

PIA is about as trustworthy as any other, you're taking their word for it. Best plan is use multiple and cycle often

>here's no guarantee of that.
there is no guarantee your vpn provider wont keep logs either
just buy it from buy it from a 3rd world country where nobody cares about logs

If only you use your VPS, your traffic can be directly linked to you. And it's way more likely that a VPS provider will give out your information than a VPN provider, since must VPS customers wont't use their VPS for Anonymity.


It takes care of the home team blackouts on MLB TV, and that's all I need a VPN for.

watch region locked stuff

I use PIA since I only use my VPN to bypass university blocks which are the gayest shit ever

Black VPN

Torrenting is literally a good enough reason by itself. Especially in Australia where the government keeps trying to cuck us.

I bought 3 year sub to PureVPN. Did I fuck up?


what vps or vpn are unblocked on Sup Forums?

You're Australian? You use a VPN for torrenting? Can you recommend a VPN for me? I'm clueless about this stuff, does it affect speed or ability to connect to peers?

the ones that no one on Sup Forums uses