Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
It gives busy work.
Busy work which takes time from important things.
Like fapping to traps desu
It just werks
I used to have many problems with windows, things randomly breaking all the time and I spent lots of time fixing them.
Then I switched to linux, and spent about a week learning the ropes and setting up my environment, but everything has been perfect since then. Not a SINGLE problem after the initial week.
I haven't used windows in about a year now
It makes me feel far superior from people who use Windows because it's so common and I don't want to be associated with common because I am actually really unique. It's a display of higher intelligence because I know how to create a bootable image and install it on a drive, unlike most commoners. I also use it to be invisible on the net because there is no spying Linux which to me (someone who actually values their privacy) is a gigantic bonus. It's simple really.
Tabs in the life explorer (OOTB, I don't care about shady hacks)
Bash scripting across the whole system
Automated software updates
God-tier font rendering (Windows can't even compete)
Proper workspaces and window managment features.
>manages to break Windows OS
What are you, retarded?
Because it's a stable kernel with lots and lots of drivers. It's one of the most widely used kernels too, and it's used with many operating systems such as Android, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, and RHEL that are used to make shitloads of money, unlike the NT kernel which is used in Microsoft Windows to run games played by manchildren.
- Video and network drivers kept crashing (even though I had the latest versions for the correct card models directly from the manufacturers)
- File access speeds slowed to a crawl after a few years of regular use, even though no user process was using the HDD's bandwidth (so it's inherently a kernel problem)
- Network connection kept dropping (isolated this issue, it was related to drivers again)
On the other hand, Linux has none of these problems. What does it say about a manufacturer when they drop millions of dollars into developing proprietary drivers and get BTFO by freetard hobbyists writing code in their free time? The ONLY exception to this is AMD and Nvidia graphics drivers (Intel drivers are already superior on linux), but the gap is closing rapidly.
Muh freedumbs
if you don't use gnewsense + lemote yeelong.. then you can't really use that argument
shitty mips trash that costs too much for its performance
>being on Sup Forums
>not being an autistic manchild
Choose one.
debugging distracts me from fapping
Posting on an anonymous Mongolian throat singing board.
Evrytime I update manjaro something breaks. Linux belongs in loo
>just werks
found your problem
I never really used Windows long enough to like it.
I can be run and entirely controlled without any graphical interface
> No bloatware requiring hours of googling to figure out how to uninstall
> unix based so you can use npm, golang, and apt-get without having to fork over $2k for the latest mac or deal with the horrendus windows implementation of bash
> the most customizable OS's on the planet
> no ads from microsoft / amazon implanted on desktop
> costs $0
> no planned obsolescence
> doesn't send my data to corporate overlords so they can resell to palantir
> no .exe
> has 90%+ of the software your average user needs for $0
> can run baldurs gate, dota, and civ 5
> doesn't turn into slug when left running for a week
> distributed attack surface means less prominent target for script kiddies
> can use terminal to do just about anything, i dont have to use a gui to change simple settings
>package manager
>man pages
>tripfag posts bait
It's all so tiring.
>install Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
>install vim
>get to work
Wew, that was hard.
Serious question here that I've been meaning to ask Sup Forums for some time.
If I install W10 LTSB on an airtight workstation, would there be any reason to switch to Linux? LTSB removes all the bloat and keeping the workstation offline will make the computer secure.
Give me reasons to give you reasons.
Attention whore, people will use whatever they want.
Why do you care?
It's ok to be disabled.
>have to manually get libraries
>no games
Nice meme you've got there, buddy.
Oldfag here. You represent the new generation. I've read that MS now has to run boot camps in order to get new employees familiar with how to code for windows - all the CS kids are growing up on web platforms and Linux.