PHP = trash

>Prominent Drupal, PHP Developer Kicked From the Drupal Project Over Unconventional Sex Life

SJWs strike again.

>Last week the Drupal community erupted in anger after its leader, Dries Buytaert, asked Larry Garfield, a prominent Drupal contributor and long-time member of the Drupal and PHP communities, "to leave the Drupal project." Buytaert claims he did this "because it came to my attention that he holds views that are in opposition with the values of the Drupal project." A huge furor has erupted in response -- not least because the reason clearly has much to do with Garfield's unconventional sex life. [Garfield is into BDSM, and is a member of the Gorean community, "a community who are interested in, and/or participate in, elaborate sexual subjugation fantasies, in which men are inherently superior to women."] Buytaert made his post (which is now offline) in response after Larry went public, outing himself to public opinion.

Fuck everything about this. PHP "community" is even worst than those leftist SJW communists at Rust.

Sup Forums is powered by PHP

>degenerate sado kicked off team

Because the PHP community consists of about 30 users


lel top keke. who gives a shit about this cancer and the retards who are supporting it.

so, SJWs killed another open source project... great.

guess who's happy and rubbing his hands as all these open source projects are self-destructing.

On the bright side, PHP was trash to begin with.

Fuck off with your SJW shit

>buttmad SJW is mad
kys. in the most painful way you can think of.

Wrong board. This has nothing to do with technology.

>This has nothing to do with technology.
I think wondering why beta males (who are the people who are best with technology) are so sexually and culturally screwed up is worth asking on this board.

Gor seems to be some sort of Conan The Barbarian books except with more submissive women. Also women as slaves are common in IRL Gorean relationships, which is only weird as it doesn't come with the usual the religious sanction.

It's called being a functional human being.
Also, acting professional.

This doesn't make sense. I thought SJWs were all about open sexuality and freedom as long as everyone consents?

PHP is deprecated and would have long died out if it weren't for Moot running the last servers from the back of his van and Zuckerberg paying billions to keep alive the largest and buggiest pile of spaghetti code the world has ever seen

>I thought SJWs were all about open sexuality and freedom as long as everyone consents?
Sure, if you're not white or CIS or male it's all good. If you happen to be male then it's determined if you're straight or white. If you're both everything is rape if not, you're good.

"I'm born with a dick but identify as pansexual and get surgery to get tits" = OK

"I am a girl and have a fetish and can only get wet for a guy dressing up as Elvis and singing blue suede shoes as foreplay" = ok

"I'm a guy and I prefer girls who are not fat, or who are under 25, or who are East Asian" = burn at the stake


I blame moot for the death of COBOL

yeah uh, youre forgetting the fact that they are most hypocritical group of people ever known to mankind.

"Steel is the coinage of the warrior, with it he purchases what pleases him."

Page 9 - Tribesmen of Gor

"You may judge and scorn Goreans as you wish. Know as well however that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power they will pity you for your shame and weakness."

Page 11 - Beasts of Gor

Pic related.

To be fair, though, PHP 7 was a break through for PHP. Lots of cloud services are written in PHP....OP is kinda dumb.

>Having yellow fever

Philippines is not east asian user, it's Indian tier. You don't know what you're missing though. Even if it doesn't work out I had a Chinese gf for some years and it gave me a whole new view of what you can expect from a relationship. Maybe it just made me bitter though and think of the glory days when I'm on a tinder date with some girl I don't really care about.

My thoughts exactly. The line that there are inherently superior male fantasies seems BS. I'm starting to think this so true: It really may be an intentional operation to rig open source projects. This kind of entryists infiltration is not new and at all and something the Feds, CIA and KGB have all done as standard MO for decades. Though I'd imagine this time it is commercial interests funding the psyop, gov only takes an interest in organized fringe political groups (which OS clearly does fall under) if they pose a clear threat to the status quo.

>literally further east than malaysia, indonesia, thailand, burma, vietnam, mongolia and 90% of china
>not far east

Only South Korea and Japan considered Far East now?

It has always been like this, those three countries are considered east asian. Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines etc. south east asian.

The guy who kicked him looks like the worlds thirstiest male feminist though.

He probably wants to eliminate what he sees as male competition. Beta males see all other males as competition, as they know they can't compete. That's what makes them so destructive.

I'd say that anyone with the Mongolian fold is an east asian IMO.

>male feminist

Philippines is a founding member of ASEAN. They are SEA incarnate.

>drupal is run by shits

Wow, very surprise, many unexpected

>I think wondering why beta males (who are the people who are best with technology) are so sexually and culturally screwed up is worth asking on this board.
no, it's not. >>>/reddit/

Kek php. Glad I switched to Python.

I don't know if that works for something like Drupal, a.k.a. a project with alternatives available like sand at the beach. I.e. no critical infrastructur was hit.

Anyway, thread, OP.

So it's OK for politics to concern itself with technology, but not OK for technology to concern itself with politics.

This is why there are no programming trade unions, and why H1B happened.

>Sup Forums is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

>So it's OK for politics to concern itself with technology
Not that guy, but that's not OK either.

For web Ruby is better though. Actually Ruby is better than python for everything, it's just too bad academia somehow came to the conclusion python would be a good idea.

What's the equivalent of Django in Ruby?

Question: if he was into femdom type stuff and dominatrix women would he still be able to contribute and remain a developer on that project? So is it just because its maledom vs femdom means that his expertise is no longer wanted? Is that the ways it is oh youre into maledom so it doesnt matter if you are a prominent developer or how much value you cant contribute, we dont want you but if you where into the opposite, femdom, then would it be different?

Probably Rails, but there might be more modern alternatives out there.

Rails 100%

Everyone on Sup Forums hates Ruby because muh sjw and because they think web should be done in pure HTML front end and compiled C backend but really rails let me for the first time feel that web isn't just a pile of spaghetti code patched with hacks upon hacks upon hacks.

I don't work in web anymore but it's better than Django and whatever the Js one is (node?)


None of the Node frameworks are anywhere near as complete as Rails or Django. The absolute best Node frameworks are hardly even comparable to Flask or Sinatra. The Node ecosystem is a pathetic joke.

That guy's name is Austin Hurley, he's REALLY strange IRL.

>hates Ruby because muh sjw

That's odd because the Python community is far worse and Sup Forums tends to like Python. The Django developers are far bigger SJWs than anyone in the Ruby community. DHH and Matz don't give a fuck about any SJW shit.

>Everyone on Sup Forums hates Ruby because muh sjw
That's pretty dumb, considering Ruby isn't actually much SJW, all things considered.

Who cares for PHP
Who cares for Drupal shit

>project written in language X is shit
>therefore language X is shit
Nice logic you got there.

Preaching to the choir here. I'm just talking about a general sentiment. There seem to be a lot of C, rust, Haskell people here who don't know what Ruby can really do

A content management system course that used drupal, taught by a saline lipped cow, is why I dropped out of community college.

PHP is objectively shit though. Most languages fullfil their purposes but there is nothing php does that can't be done better anymore

It is not PHPs vault here. Drupal is full of idiots, that is it. Also every other cms and most of the frameworks.


everyone worthwhile uses anyways.

PHP is shit anyway. If it has a garbage community, that's just the icing on the cake.

My point.
I don't dig the magic, though. I like how Crystal kills most of that using saner, static methods.

>Dries Buytaert
this guy needs to step down ASAP.

are there any threads demanding him to resign?

we need to make some!

You have some important shit like WordPress on php but realistic speaking php is literal cancer tier.

Since 7:
>decent OO capabilities without falling for the "pure OO" meme
>sane type checking
>faster than ruby, python and perl

It certainly has flaws, but most of the hate is people repeating memes.

The type system and the bolted on OO system are garbage. You can't build a decent language on a foundation of shit. Javascript and PHP are great examples of that.

>sane type checking since 7.0
nah, there were parts where it didn't work, like generators
maybe stuff like that is still a thing
>faster than other dynamic scappies
like this is a milestone


Now imagine the outrage here if he was fired for watching chinese little girl cartoons or posting on an anonymous alt-right facism forum instead.

fuck man, i'm learning php at the moment. Am i wasting my time?

PHP is shit but it's used extensively and there are tons of PHP jobs. It really depends on your motivation.

They're exactly like stormfags but flipped upside down. They're both retarded at the core.

Do you like a job that involves sifting through horrid legacy code bases? If so you are not wasting your time at all

Yeah, this.

Whether you want your balls stepped on or like stepping on the balls shouldn't matter. It has nothing to do with your ability to be a developer.

The article mentions the "Gorean community". That means there must also be women into this lifestyle, who like submitting to men and playing that role. Would Drupal accept a woman from the Gorean community as a developer?

This is some class A bullshit. Let the man fuck how he wants to fuck. He's not hurting anyone.

Welp, that sounds pretty much like every job ever.

PHP is used fucking everywhere. It's garbage but it's easy to land a job in it.

Are there any proper sources for this?

Symfony is currently more complete/useful than Rails or Django. Laravel is quite good too and probably better than Rails.

>women outed for being a dominatrix who can only get wet from sexual subjugation fantasies in which women are inherently superior to men

>gay man outed for being a dom who can only get wet from sexual subjugation fantasies in which men are inherently superior to other men

>man outed for being a dom who can only get wet from sexual subjugation fantasies in which men are inherently superior to women

I swear to God if I'm ever on a jury where a man is being charged with murdering one or more SJWs after they have doxxed him and/or cost him his job, I will vote not guilty and nullify the jury if I can't get them to agree with me.

>implying these are people

because python won and ruby is a dead end

Hipster spotted

You do realize that Django was modeled (poorly) after Ruby on Rails.

Learn javascript too, it's bigger than PHP and you could to node.Js

what? i finally learned PHP in December. What do you mean its now depricated? What do we use now?

>comparing javascript to php

Javascript is actually relevant.


this is stupid as fuck

who cares what he does to get his rocks off?

SJWs need to fuck off and die already

.... is this some kind of joke? too retarded even for SJWs.

the codes of conduct are working just as planned

The committee admitted he did nothing wrong according to the code of conduct. The SJW faggot leader then went on his crusade anyways.

>the Gorean community

Who cares?

If the SJWs keep kicking out talent they'll burn in a pile of their own garbage. At least until they latch onto the next thing made by the exiles and ruin that too.

Aren't SJWs supposed to be liberal and sex positive?
This seems more like a power struggle banking on a cheap kneejerk reaction to the last line.

>Aren't SJWs supposed to be liberal and sex positive?
No, they're just mentally ill.

Is this a real story? I don't see any links.

so was php super mega relevant 10 years ago,

does change the fact that javascript is a pile of shit,

>tfw I found a community

Your fallacies:
1) Drupal == PHP
2) There must be a single reason, it can't be because of politics of the team.
3) The SJW would know. Or care.
4) The SJWs would have this much influence.
5) It's not the fault of the project leader who fired him, it's the fault of "pressure form the outside".

Guess what?
Not all feminists/SJWs are the same.

found the stupid SJW. kek

$cnf = $this->config;
return $cnf::getConfig($key);

Parse error: syntax error,
unexpected :: T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM on line 67

literally kys

how about no, you fucking mentally ill retard? just fucking kys because your life expectancy is already low as hell. just do it

Paamayim Nekudotayim, stupid goy.

>women who consensually engage in unconventional sex acts with men run the risk of having their partners fired
Thanks feminism, really stood up for women's rights there.


How about you go back to the cancerous place where you come from.. (what's is it called again?)