/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread


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Is there a good tutorial out there to learn how to do diagrammatic modeling in LaTeX?

Or should I just give up and use yed and import the diagram I make to LaTeX?

Is it worth it to also/instead learn how to make graphs and shit in LaTeX?

Is it possible to get Google translate to ignore certain lines when translating a txt document?

I'm making a new key in Kleopatra.

Should I make it ECDSA+ECDH (NIST P-521)?

DSA is too small these days.
Don't know about ECDSA.

If you have confidence in the elliptic curve stuff, then go for it.

I know there was one dodgy elliptic curve that was put out as a standard and got panned for it.

Anything wrong with the tried and true non-elliptic curve stuff?

I have asked a computer repair store to change my hard drive because I didn't want to scratch the back cover. They did a fine job with that but I'm wondering if they did take a copy of my hard drive. There was nothing personal in it but what worries me is the fact that my copy of Windows is going to be on it regardless.

So how do the manufacturer Windows licenses work? Can they copy my hard drive and use it on another computer?

If you're just worried about your license, don't. It's pinned to your hardware (mostly mobo)

>Anything wrong with the tried and true non-elliptic curve stuff?
Not Quantum Computer proof. I guess.

I'll just make a 4096 RSA one which expires and maybe use elliptic curve another time.

I had nothing on it, I just wanted to put in the SSD from my old laptop but I didn't have any tools with me so I asked a shop to do it. I'm glad they can't use my copy to deploy to other machines because the only other thing they can do with it is jerking off to a fresh installation of Windows.

Is Seagate still worse than Western Digital?

Ah well, okay, yeah.
So, my Android device won't let me move apps to the SD card unless I adopt it as internal storage. Adopting it is cool and all but, when encrypted, specially my sd card, everything goes to shit, as in everything is damn slow when booting up. I do think my sd card is bad with encryption, I don't know. Last time I had boot problem and I didn't really do anything, just that, I think, the sd decryption panicked or something. What can I do? nothing right?
I formatted the sd card to remove its adopted status, and everything is normal now, but I miss moving apps to my sd.
As to why I have my phone encrypted: I am worried that if I lose it someone might be able to get important data I care about or might be able to use my accounts.

Let's say I access a website on my Android tablet, logged into my Google account. What all information is sent? Of course my IP and which website I'm accessing, but is my Google account info linked to any information which is sent? Like "user Smith visited x site from this IP" or something?

Not a very involved tech person, please be gentle:
I'm having driver problems with a new device (specifically a Wacom drawing tablet/display, Wacom is know for their shitty drivers). I also had drivers for previous Wacom devices on my computer, and I think that's where the problem is.

Even though I have uninstalled the software, there's still a bunch of leftover Wacom files on my C drive.

If I just select them all and delete them manually, will that make for a cleaner re-install or cause me even more problems?

I can't find a good video player that supports subtitles on chromebook. I need it for my animu


this computer will not fucking connect to my houses WiFi.

I've connected to LAN, I've connected to my Hotspot, I've Uninstaller and reinstalled my driver, I've tried a different wireless connector, I've tried too many things and it REFUSES to connect to my houses wifi and I've tried many many other methods


It has nothing to do with encryption. That's all handled by dedicated hardware, so after the initial setup there's virtually no impact on performance. The reason you're probably seeing a slowdown is that the sd card REPLACES your faster internal storage. Internal gets disabled and more or less used as a backup. If you just want to relocate program files I would root and use a dedicated app

Clean install windows. Or ask your refrigerator for help

I guess I have no other choice man

Is there a good way to de-botnet a Kindle Paperwhite

It's a good way to get rid of manufacturer bloat anyway

Will it connect to another wifi hotspot?

It's a clean install anyways, so whatever

It connect to my phones Hotspot but I haven't tried anything else

You reset the router?

Has it EVER connected to that network?

Ok, what the fuck is this? random programs have this N symbol on my screen now. I noticed it two days ago in boarder lands 2. I have adobe primer pro running and it shows up every time I hit play. I updated my graphics driver (clean install) and it didnt fix the problem.

>google botnet
>not already logging everything possible
Just give up. There is nothing to fear, for the botnet already knows everything.

not a doubt it my mind she isn't the worst girl
>that voice


It doesn't know why kids love the taste of cinnamon Toast Crunch

>worst girl
>shark teeth exists

it's the voice that kills me, familia

sounds like some goku shit

nevermind. After 2 days I found the answer after posting it. Nahimic was the issue. I uninstalled it. I have a soundcard and soundblaster anyway.

goku is best girl
t. blackfag


What the fuck.
Red boards keep returning to Yostuba instead of staying on Tomorrow.
Is there any way to use Tomorrow without using these fucked cookies?

Try deleting the network, then WPS

The cookies are what hold your settings. How else would you save them?

ccd0.github.io/Sup Forums-x/

privacy apps for android?

i often hand my phone to people while at work. i have a lot of lewd shit on my phone.

all the "lock" app-apps ive seen are unreliable, any recommendations

What's the best cloud storage service?

I'm going to use Duplicity to upload encrypted backups. The only thing I need is storage, not any fancy features.

If I update my Windows 8.1 to 10, will it only erase the files on my C drive or all of my hard drives?

Balanced or High Performance mode?

I noticed I had been in balanced mode for a week now and never noticed any problems. I just ran the same benchmarks I did in balanced mode in high performance mode and the scores were exactly the same. So with that in mind, isn't there no point putting high performance mode?

It won't even erase that unless you choose clean install. If you're worried about other drives, just unplug them during the upgrade to be on the safe side

Best place to download more RAM?


user said RAM not pizzas.

It really doesn't matter unless you have a terrible cooling solution.
All HP mode does is set the cores to not park, which means that they are all active, all the time, so the CPU generates slightly more heat than on balanced, but it doesn't make a difference to multicore loads.

Your own cloud hosted VPS running an instance of something like owncloud.

I noticed one of my startup programs didn't load. Upon attempting to load it I received the message "A referral was returned from the server." The fix I read said to disable "UAC: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated" in the group policy manager but this option is currently off by default. I'm running W10.

Any ideas?

I installed a hard drive in my PC (didn't replace the boot drive, just added extra storage), and now I keep getting this message. I even removed the drive and the message keeps popping up. I tried all the solutions I could find on google, but nothing is working.

This is what I see in device manager. The one with the yellow flag keeps popping up then going away, even if I disable or uninstall it it comes back in a few minutes or seconds. If I click on properties, it gives me an error code 43, which is apparently a hardware malfunction of some kind. I'm at my witts end.

Make sure all cables in the machine are fully connected. Maybe disconnect all usb cables to connect to the mobo. Power up and see if you still get the message. Also make sure no foreign metals are touching mobo ports. Sorry, thats all I got.

Is there a way to bypass the "upgrade your OS" bullshit on Slack now? UI update just ruined it and I have no clue where channel messages are.

*the messages tab is just covered with an "upgrade your shit" overlay.

I actually disassembled my PC to dust it out when I installed the hard drive back into the computer after realizing it wasn't the problem, or least that removing it didn't fix the problem. It still keeps popping up. It seems to pop up more frequently the more the drive is accessed though, like it was popping up really rapidly when I was playing a game. IDK if that was just a coincidence though, since the error message also pops up without the drive installed.

hey Sup Forums
I helped my friend build his first self-built this evening... we ran into a problem with the RAM
PC would just get stuck in a looping booting and rebooting when he had both of his RAM sticks in... but when we took out one of them it worked fine.
Upon inspection of the 'bad' RAM the dimm pins on the edges are like kind of like shorter on the edges... I don't have a pick as the RAM is at his house now.
This isn't normal right? pic kind of shows what it looked like. Gonna test it again tomorrow if it doesn't I'm gonna have him RMA it to newegg.

forgot the pic

Normal on DDR4

I just tried and it's barely 2°C difference.

Speaking of temps, no matter the benchmarks I use I can't get it to run hotter than low 70°C (realbench for 15min did that) - should I be happy? I suppose the real question is, when I'll get to play something like Battlefield 1, will it get hotter than the values I got from all these benchmarks or am I to expect something lower than that? I can't try BF1 yet because I haven't bought a GPU yet, I'm not particularly a huge gaymer.

Forgot to mention the CPU in question is an i7-7700K whoops.

Other than the 70+°C I got from realbench's stress test, heavy loads is usually between 65 and 69, I never really see 70.

What FPGA board should I get for like 100 USD or less? I was thinking the Pynq (65 with student discount) but I'm not sure. I can just hook up shit to its pins right? Like more switches and 7 segment displays and stuff?

70'c is the target temperature for the boost algorithm, it will downclock so that it doesn't go above 70'c

The better question is, can it sustain full boost clocks on at least one core under lightly threaded loads?

What are my options for used Thinkpads in the $300-$400 range that have quad core CPUs, preferably up to 3.4ghz

My W10 is a cracked version and I want to reset it. Will there be problems?


First time reading this, I'm a bit skeptical, especially since I see so many gameplay videos with 7700K being well over 70°C.

As for your question, I have no idea how I could answer it. Also, my vcore is at 1.250 although I'm still in stock settings (4400mhz on 4 cores), I could probably lower it more to get better temps.

Speaking of mhz, it's said the 7700K goes to 4.5ghz single core on stock but I only see 4400mhz for all 4 cores; is that 4.5ghz thing just a lie or is it simply impossible for me to witness it? Or is something wrong with my settings?

It will boost to 4.5GHz when only ONE core is being heavily loaded.
At all other times, it will be 4.4GHz maximum

Can you activate a win10 installation with dazloader?

Alright, just never seen it in HWiNFO64.

Speaking of benchs, the scores I got on things like Cinebench were normal (i.e. other people would get the same score as I did), but when I tried Dolphin or RealBench I had pretty bad scores - was it because I'm not using a GPU and still using the iGPU? I sometimes worry my 7700K is shit or that I'm not using the right settings or something.

I got $70 in cash back from when I bought my laptop from the dell website. it expires in a week. so what should I buy?

I got $70 in cash back from the dell site when I bought my laptop. The coupon expires in a week. What should I buy?

An external hard drive for back ups?

Anyone remember a humorous video of RMS going to all sorts of places in his sitting sleeping position?

It's probably a bad ram slot rather than a bad dimm. Try testing with just one stick installed but in the other ram slot. If it won't boot when that particular slot is populated then it's a bad slot.
The tapered edges on the pins are normal.

my 6700k will work natively in a Z270 board right?
Or do I need to find a board with specific support?

I'm planning to buy Asus Z270 Strix ITX

How often does a UPS need to be replaced?

I bought this like 1000w Cyberpower UPS I currently use back in like 2010/2011 or something like that. Don't batteries get shittier over time or something like that?

when plugging an ethernet cable into my bros pc, it says windows does not detect a properly installed network adapter.

what do?

Yes, it'll work.

Download the network drivers for the motherboard.

There's no mplayer?
Can you install debian or something inside a chroot?

There is an open source toolchain for the ice40 stuff, if that sort of thing interests you.

i'm doing a homework assignment where we make our own linked lists. it says that we can't use list or array-list classes from the libraries. Array-lists aren't arrays right? we should be able to use arrays right?

how does he install the driver?

the msi site has no instructions, and the file has no readme or exe

It wants you to only use structs or classes.

Bls respond

Does anyone have experience selling VPN access to other people? I just set up one on my droplet, and I just want to subsidize it a bit since I'm a virtual NEET, but I don't want the FBI bashing down my door because some stupid fuck decided to torrent 400GB of CP. People I know are saying that I should, and that I can make the end-users sign a release/EULA to get out of any involvement, but I'm still kinda on the edge about it.

Is it possible to password protect folders in Windows (7)

That makes no sense whatsoever considering I'm talking about making backups of my own NAS.

How usable is an i7-7600u (dual core)? For light gaming, programming and compiling Gentoo, is the dual core going to be a problem?

Is whatsapp updater on fdroid a good alternative if you can't use the play store?
If not, can it be updated manually through a browser on the phone?

Anyone know any good VPN browsers?
The new internet privacy shits got me worried.

Why is /ptg/ allowed on Sup Forums?
Shouldn't it belong on /t/ instead?

I mean, I'm not against it but why it's here?

/t/ needs a safe-for-work alternative before I'd want them banished
nobody deserves /t/

What is best way to compress bulk images to reduce size?

No. Dazloader works only up to win 7. For win 10 u need to use Microsoft toolkit.

Is cock.li down?


How do I delete/disable most or all the bloatware on W10?

How do you set up backup for google photos/videos, contacts and calendar?
I had sync on in Account > Google, but when logging in my account I can't see anything.

Is there a mobile version of templeOS? Android specifically.