I have a manjaro install on my laptop, is it possible to turn it into plain arch?

I have a manjaro install on my laptop, is it possible to turn it into plain arch?

Sorry if I sound retarted

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I guess in theory you could remove the manjaro repos and replace with some of the arch repos. you'd probably have package issues out your ass. And your screenfetch would still say manjaro regardless, so there's no real point.

No. Things would break. Just install Arch.

Just install arch. do you want to do this to look like you installed arch for real without actually doing it? You sound like a huge faggot.

If you think installing arch is hard, neck yourself

It's just unnecessarily tedious. Back in the day arch had regular debian-like installer, but they scrapped it to be more 1337.

Use Arch Anywhere

Customizable != tedious

What the fuck are you customizing during the base arch install? Are all arch toddlers this delusional?


>What the fuck are you customizing during the base arch install?
software raid

>customization is doing things any installer does in a cli
Arch truly is the dunning-kruger distro

I can't say I've seen a GUI for dm-crypt before...

then again doesn't seem to make sense to use a GUI since there's a lot of applications for use

I take it you haven't really used dm-crypt then

The only one of those things that needs to be done in a shell is dm-crypt.
Neck yourself arch kiddie


ubuntu ftw

obviously I haven't used a GUI installer in a long time so this would be new to me.

does it do encrypted swap with hibernation? can it do key file encryption saved to USB drive? what about btrfs and encryption? or compression?

Once you know the programs a GUI just gets in the way. Yes, this sounds arrogant but I did read the manual.

>does it do encrypted swap with hibernation
Swap is encrypted. I have never tried hibernation but it used a random key by default afaik which will probably need to be changed.

>can it do key file encryption saved to a USB drive?
Using a separate keyfile takes 2 seconds to do on your own.

>btrfs and encryption
btrfs needs to be manually done. That is why there is a manual option and a shell built into the installer, for scenarios the installer doesn't cover. Point is there is no reason arch is installed through a command line.

>Point is there is no reason arch is installed through a command line.

point is why bother when you already know the commands

Because its quicker and arch is a shitty distro anyways?

It is possible entirely, however you would have to break the whole system.
You can also just convert it to Arch and keep certain packages, but what would be the point?

>Not using installscripts for the automated parts of the install

I don't install my operating system often enough to need it to be quick. I'd rather take the time and do it right.
If I wanted to install the same thing on multiple computers yes, a script is simple and only proves my point that you would want to know the commands.

we've already proven you can't do everything from the graphical installer and need to use some commands to do it so what's the point?

I use a command line to type the commands I want because a graphical installer can't. I know what commands to type because I read the man pages. I'm not superior to you. I don't give a shit how you install or how often you install your operating system. You just can't do some things with a GUI.

Not if you reinstall kernel, dummy.

>installators are quicker
>than typing 'pacman do your thing' and leaving

How does Arch anywhere work?
