So Linux still hasnt caught up in marketshare with Windows, why? What exactly is the problem?

So Linux still hasnt caught up in marketshare with Windows, why? What exactly is the problem?

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> What exactly is the problem?

Most pc come pre instaled windows, also windows support more games.

Usability for casuals, lack of enterprise support for businesses.

Shit OS. Doesn't help that no one actually uses Linux as their only OS, they all dual boot Windows.

Terminals scare normies.

The GUI aspect of linux is severely lagging desu.

>Most pc come pre instaled windows,

preinstalled is dropping rapidly, maybe if you buy in offline stores but online you have the option of picking no OS 80% of the time.

> also windows support more games.

games are irrelevant except for gay little kids. It shoudlnt be more than 10-20% of the user base

> Usability for casuals, lack of enterprise support for businesses.

you're gonna have to be a LOT more specific there

Software sells OS.
Linux lacks Software.

>you're gonna have to be a LOT more specific there.

Not really. That's about it.

>games are irrelevant except for gay little kids. It shoudlnt be more than 10-20% of the user base
>hurr it's 1974

> December 2015
> using old study to pretend it's not the year of the GNU/Linux desktop

But the Linux PC Desktop side... there is this operating system out there called Android which is very popular and this OS uses the Linux kernel.

Now, we just compare devices running the Linux kernel with devices running a Windows kernel then the amount of Linux devices absolutely dwarfs the comparatively small number of Windows devices out there.

I know, people usually don't call Android "linux" but that's the kernel it's using.

Linux didn't kill the Windows desktop but it absolutely crushed Windows on phones, tablets, routers and a whole range of other things.

The Windows desktop is all that remains and that is just a question of time. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will have to accept the GNU World Order.

>games are irrelevant except for gay little kids. It shoudlnt be more than 10-20% of the user base
The average age of a video game player is 35.

really? lol sad!

Does having Windows in a VM count? Because that's all I do, Debian is my only host OS.

Being broken, fixer-upper trash has something to do with it

I don't know why does Windows come shipped with Ubuntu these days?

So you admit you're gay then

A fresh install of ubuntu is perfectly fine for typical web usage, it just starts falling apart when you need productivity, lets not lie to ourselves. libre is still kind of shit.

Even the ubuntu software store is kind of rubbish. And the deeper you go the sense of being unpolished permeates.

Everything is rubbish and incoherent.

I have a 36 year old brother who lives at my mother's. He is what some call a NEET.

He wakes up mid-day and turns on his XBOX. He starts playing, mostly GTA V, and continuous to do so until normal people wake up.

I've had this child on and off for over a decade so I am glad he is at my mothers so I don't have to put up with him and take care of him. I do feel sorry for her but it sure is better for me.

There's nothing physically wrong with him that would prevent him from getting his shit together but he's just extremely lazy.

Yes, it's sad.

I fully believe the average age of video game players is 35.

Yes, I'm gay. What's wrong with it? It's 2017
Now stick to the subject or get off my thread

Market share on what, exactly?

I'm pretty sure Linux is the dominant operating system on servers and supercomputers as well as embedded devices and even mobile phones and tablets.

Who even uses a non-Apple desktop computer or a laptop anymore except Jill in accounting or Smelly Robert in IT?

That's actually just sad, it must suck for all of you

there is such a thing called 'man-child'. I also wouldnt trust that statistic all too much. It might be accurate for traditional video games on PC but if you count mobile games and facebook games, it would look a LOT different

I don't really believe your story to be true, because this is Sup Forums after all, but lets just say that it is true: Why are you and your family allowing him to stay and eat your food without paying anything?

I had to move home to my parents after a bad break-up for a period in my mid-20s, and I had to pay rent to live there.

Real-time operating systems exist for embedded devices

Active directory with point and click administration plus ops monkeys that can't use the command line or can't be arsed to learn anything else. That's about it.

They do, but Linux still dominates the embedded market.

Protip: So-called "Real-time" OSes are nothing but OSes with a meme certification and a crazy expensive license

Source: I work with VxWorks for a living

ok so it's essenstially a lack of tooling and default guis for remote connections and remote management of Linux. I assume Redhat has some closed source ActiveDirectory clone that they sell, but I guess nobody wants to pay for Redhat just to get started with Linux and to try things out.
Weirdly enough, it's actually cheaper and easier to try out advanced Windows features than to try out advanced Linux features like what I meant by Redhat's enterprise stuff.
So that must be the reason then. Unfortunately I never got much into enterprise Windows IT.
Do you happen to have a more comprehensive list of what the usual work as a Windows admin entails?
My understanding currently is that Active Directory is mostly just logging in with your user via GUI, remote desktop, changing settings in a fileexplorer-like gui for remote machines.

- Shit tier UI and UX
- Spotty driver support
- Bad UX on tech issues: google search results are hard to apply by noobs bc distro and ver fragmentation

I can assure you that it's absolutely true.

There is no demanding that he pays rent, he has no income.

I don't invite him or ask him to show up. He just drives from Norway to Sweden and shows up at my door and then it takes a week or two to get him the fuck out. This crap happens too frequently, every few months.

My mother mostly allows him to stay there because she feels sorry for him, oh poor him who can't/won't take care of himself.

I've asked my mother to talk to a physiotherapist several times because she is in fact enabling him to do nothing but play video games all day.

I am absolutely sure that he will be living there until she dies and then he'll show up here.

This really is true. I don't care if you manage to accept it or not. It really is .. sad. And it gets worse, he has two children by two different mothers. I really feel sorry for them .. still, I spend too much on them, bought them laptops, phones and lots of other things.

>I'm pretty sure Linux is the dominant operating system on servers and supercomputers
that shit again.
Nobody gives a crap about supercomputers when talking about market share.

Jeg er norsk, bare krev at han betaler for helvete. Be moren din kreve betaling. Enten så ordner han penger fra NAV, eller så blir han nodt til å få seg en jobb.

>nothing but OSes with a meme certification
>crazy expensive license
False. Looks like you only work with VxWorks.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

get out

>hurr durr windows isn't #1, so we'll just make an completely arbitrary selection and redefine what we mean by "market share" so we can define windows as market leader


That's absolutely true. The difference between RT OSes and Linux is that RT OSes are certified. There are Linux configurations that are distributed that are also RT cert'd, but surprise surprise they cost money.

>False. Looks like you only work with VxWorks.
Well, VxWorks has like 99% of the market share, so yeah. Are there even any other certified RT OSes in wide use at all?

>concept of 'distros'
>dependencies not part of installation packages
>toxic community
>not single one good looking environment
>good programming APIs for devs (that not change with every new distro release or kernel update). Yeah that would help.

Det nytter ikke, det eneste som nytter er å få han til å dra tilbake til moren min når han moter opp uinvitert.

For å få penger fra NAV så må du stå opp og kle på deg selv og gå ut doren og mote opp hos NAV. Det er for mye forlangt.

Det er en grunn til at jeg har bedt moren min gå til en psykolog, det nytter ikke å få henne til å kreve noe av den fullvoksne ungen.

Group policy is the killer. Just set the GPO and it rolls out to everyone's machine on the network. Linux can hook up to AD but it's not the same level of control. Airwatch is fucking aids and kills every new osx

Personally I think RHEL sucks cock, and thanks to the fact that most users are retarded, enterprise should stick to winblows for its users. But it would be nice to dev on a Linux machine when our servers are running Linux.

>durr hurr i'm getting so pissed at getting steamrolled by windows where the user actually interacts with computers, i'll pull the "muh top 500 supercomputers and servers" meme i've been repeating for the last 20 years and even add android to the mix, even though in all other cases, ill throw that OS as not true linux.

Du har min sympati. Jeg håper i alle fall han er anstendig nok til å ta vare på moren deres når hun blir gammel...

Is that really the case? Or is it because there are so many GUIs to choose from and no one, uniform, design.

Personally I like KDE 4, because configured properly it's just as good as, if not better, than Windows 7's UI. (For me, "configured properly meant having the right version of it and activating the folder widget.) Meanwhile, Microsoft is doing all that Metro crap no one wants.

>supercomputers and servers
And also the thing in your pocket that isn't your penis, user.

>steamrolled by windows


Baby duck syndrome.

i also talked about android.

>games are irrelevant except for gay little kids.

Most of the working adults plays a game or two on their PC.

>windows support more games.
Only relevant part.

People say the libre alternatives to the software you have to pay hundreds of dollars for on Windows are shit, but I never understood why. Any functions that I ever needed to do could be done on both.

I don't even care, you'd have to be extremely selective to the point where you're borderline childish to ignore Linux dominance in the OS market. There is a reason why Microsoft are desperately undercommunicating the death of the desktop computer and shifting all their focus to Azure.

Most people are fucking idiots when it comes to computers. Is it really any wonder?

>lack of professional software
>thousands of distros with different DEs instead of focusing on a joint Loonix desktop
>Windows is usually preinstalled
>no marketing
>muh gaymes

>Group policy is the killer. Just set the GPO and it rolls out to everyone's machine on the network

hm ok, so it's like a built-in ansible with a live gui. Good to know

>dependencues not part of installation packages
That's why you use repositories.

>True because true
Then I'll play the same game. RTOS are NOT general purpose OS with a certification. Otherwise we'd just call them certified OS.
Try checking in next time after you've worked with Wind River on VxWorks internals for some time. Or maybe you haven't worked with hard real-time systems in general, just soft real-time or whatever.

Also, you are being vague when talking about certifications. Each application domain has its own certification standards.

That reminds me, that guy from Toastytech seriously believes that Microsoft is the company that has been, "paying," the media to say PCs are dead, despite the fact that if any company was doing that, the least likely one would be Microsoft since they were the ones who were promoting the PC the most out of any of the companies.

>using linux only for years
>get free W10 enterprise installer
>still don't use it
comfy af

What is KDE?

>What is KDE?

Windows-cuck tier shit.

It can look very similar to or even better than Windows 10. And there are even more areas for customization.

This is an original. Haven't seen this one before.

>RTOS are NOT general purpose OS with a certification
Of course not, I never said that. Stop arguing a straw man.

>inb4 you think RTLinux or RHL-RT are general purpose OSes
It's not, they're stripped down Linux kernels with hard deadline scheduling algorithms and low-latency kernel paths.

I think you are deliberately arguing a strawman here, because you're on thin ice.

Well, it would make sense if they're advertising Azure though.

>lack of commercial software for people who work, be it artists or office drones (No, open sores isn't an alternative for most)
>lack of vidya (and comfy way to emulate the shit)
>lack of most basic shit like iTunes (which is shit on Windows but at least it's there)
>UI is even more of a clusterfuck than W10
>reputation is worse than it is (partly thanks to autist pushing it, partly thanks to MS anti Loonix propaganda)

Mostly this, yes.


For one, the design. Not everyone has a 2K fetish. Other than that, it's just different from what people are used too and many can't be assed to relearn what they know. There are also often problems with compatibility (mainly due Word being shit but in the end it affects libre stuff), the auto correct options are even worse and ... holy shit it's ugly. That's just from casual PoV and about Word/Text. Excel is completely on another level and probably the only good piece of software made by MS in the last decade.

no games is the only problem

horribly designed shit

Yeah, except he mostly was talking in response to Windows 8's tablet-like UI. Which I also guess makes some sense, but, I still kinda remember Microsoft saying the PC is still relevant more than any of the other companies back then especially.

>So Linux still hasnt caught up in marketshare with Windows, why? What exactly is the problem?

The lack of program support like the Adobe suite and games, ofc


Wireless drivers
No unified solution, too fragmented in choice = confusion

no apps.
linux is worse than windows phone.

linux isn't made for consumers or business users.
it lacks commercial application compatibility and enterprise support.
linux is made for developers, sys admins, enthusiasts, students, nerds, engineers, "embedded" systems, hobbyists, and so on.
linux distros aren't finished devices for consumers.

and all of them are like they were designed in 1990, except maybe for ubuntu


>rtos are nothing but os with a meme certification
>the difference between rtos and linux is that rtos are certified
>I never said that
You say the only difference is certification. But it's not. You are also implying that in your latest reply.

>Clinging to rhetorics instead of replying to the content

Linux doesn't need normies to be able to exists, fucktard.

linus talked about the reasons why linux lacks commercial applications distributed in binary form only at debconf 14

It was implied that I talked about RTLinux, RHL-RT and the likes, you'd have to be all sorts of autistic to believe that I meant a vanilla non-RTOS Linux.

But at least we have established that you are fixated on semantics and have no real argument. Also, you never answered my question: What other RTOSes other than VxWorks are there that are anywhere near being so widely adopted [as VxWorks]?
>inb4 "Lol linux :^)"

It definitely feels like it to me. Too many parts, don't really fit together well. While we can all laugh at the BSOD on windows when was the last time you had something equivalent to X crashing on windows?
Also that's another thing. Terminals. Most people don't know a single CLI command and windows basically transitioned to the notion that nobody should have to decades ago.
Try getting away with this on linux.

>Let's have DLL hell on linux too
Steam could solve this, then everybody should be able.

Windows actually supports the software that people use daily, and 99% don't have autistic fits over software freedom like NEETs on Sup Forums do.

Not to mention that RTOS is a subdomain of embedded, which you conveniently seem to ignore.

>What exactly is the problem?
Stallman, the FSF and GNU autists in general.

>what is policykit
Nobody forced to use terminals on normalfag tier distros.

Those needs slowly gone to android though. I wonder how long can Windows still relevant at all.

>Nobody forced to use terminals on normalfag tier distros.
Ahahahahahahaha get a load of this faggot.

What's the percentage of computer users who know what an operating system is? And how many of those who do actually know how install an OS? I have installed Ubuntu on all my family's computers (Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Sister) and none of them have ever complained or anything. 90% of users don't care as long as their computer can browse the web.

>games are irrelevant except for gay little kids.
Bullshit. Playing games is a hobby as valid as any other hobby. Would you call people who like to watch movies gay (which is not even an insult btw)? If you thing gamers make only 10%-20% of the user base you must be completely delusional.

>OEM preinstalls
>Everyone is used to it and its idiosyncrasies
>Enterprise support, including education/academia
>not a mishmash of different packages, one environment with only consideration is what version you're on, making it easier to deploy and support
>Linux "muh sekrit klub" elitist attitude that slows development of idiot-proofing
>Linux being dominantly used on server, embedded, supercomputer etc so almost all development is focused towards those aspects and not desktop/consumer use

>It was implied that I talked about RTLinux, RHL-RT and the likes, you'd have to be all sorts of autistic to believe that I meant a vanilla non-RTOS Linux.
>>rtos are nothing but os with a meme certification
>>the difference between rtos and linux is that rtos are certified
>>I never said that
Then I remind you you just did
>>That's not what I meant you're autistic
I won't even elaborate on this one. Also that doesn't change the fact that in your original reply you said the difference is just that rtos are certified and have a crazy expensive license. Which is undeniably false, and you know that, and keep implying that in your replies. So I won't waste further time on this part either.

I don't see why you are asking about certified RTOS in wide use, since I just stated that it's false that RTOS are just OS with an expensive license. There are many completely functional open source rtos. And again, every application domain has its own examples. Just look at OSEK and AUTOSAR-compliant systems for automotive.


Windows isn't going to stop being relevant soon because normies have no reason to switch from Windows to Linux, the only viable alternative for them is MacOS.

He kinda looks like THE RMS in the thumbnail.

Assuming neither changes. Remember how Nokia and RIM were relevant?

Loonix has almost all perquisites to take over Windows but the most important step for that would be what freetards hate.

Never understood this. Productivity? Doing what?

I used windows and Linux in my degree at write papers. They both work for that simple task, whether you're using libreoffice or google docs. Working with data? Same. Producing presentations? Same. I'd actually say there are fewer distractions on Linux.

There are cases for either side depending on use case. Linux is a nicer environment for programming and web dev, windows is surely better for enterprise software and media production.

-Fragmentation, too many desktop distros that all do the same slightly differently, which do I pick?
-Lack of proper GUI, very few distros have a working GUI for everything, I want to do everything by GUI like I can in Windows.
-Software, a lot of professional software is simply not made for Linux, alternatives are inferior.
-Old parts that need to die, such as X Windows system, 2017 and we're STILL editing xorg.conf, shitty multi monitor support.

Features that Linux does simply does not have.
-System restore, maybe Ubuntu can get ZFS/snapshot restore in Grub to work like FreeNAS has, IF they sort out the legal side.
openSUSE has Btrfs and Snapper but that breaks often from what I've seen in Tumbleweed, also a tiny community, package pool and slow on security updates.
-a SINGLE RDP like system, nomachine seems to work best?
-a SINGLE stable desktop environment, one I found to suck least was KDE on openSUSE, the any other distros DEs are buggy and lacking features.

It's impossible to use unless you have a CS degree. Nobody likes spending 90% of their time using the computer debugging random bullshit that has a billion potential solutions but only one that actually works for your computer.

Were we even arguing about that?

Have you noticed how much normies struggle with basic math / logic, let alone use some operating system that needs you to learn a few commands? Most people have an IQ in double digits (srs)

How many digits do you have

>not understanding how IQ scores work

0 digits, just a horizontal 8
>he fell for the different intelligences meme
whatever helps you feel better brainlet

Snobbery of the type of coder. GUI's are for retards apparently.

Gui based designing of apps is frowned upon as 'not real'.
>cause writing code to draw a box is way easier than using a gui with drawing tools

Eg...Same attitude went after flash/as3. Replaced it with
>need canvas
>storage linkage on servers
So the future is of the 'cool' web sites no gui, 99.99% code based sites. All hail bootstrap, that will be great UI.

One example of many. Fuck GUI's is the pattern.

>0 digits, just a horizontal 8