

There a distro that doesn't use systemd? Or all of them doing it now?

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install it


install void

>t. retard



Just use FreeBSD, NetBSD, or OpenBSD

This. I love FreeBSD for my (storage) servers and OpenBSD for my router and desktop.

what the hell is systemd anyway

Seems like nothing new can come up on this site. Just old memes and shills.

found the newfag

>no gnu+linux knowledge
what are you even doing on Sup Forums

linux distro

new accessory for your iphone 7

A set of applications meant to replace all of the existing GNU/Linux user space.

its kind of like reddit

there is literally nothing wrong with SystemDick


Found the newfag!

Why does that work if screenfetch doesn't output litereally "$USER"?

>A load of opinionated bullshit that controls far too many people while silencing criticism for not being progressive
Best description so far.

I also support this. The worse system-D gets the more hope I have for FreeBSD to gain users.

it's bash

Try `echo /s/$USER/user`.

Ur in the minority bud

This, literally the new Arch. I fucking love Void.
Alpine is also fine for servers or Sup Forums machines.

when you are booting a linux system, there's all sort of things that need to be initialized: services, configurations, etc.
sounds simple, but it's a real hassle, because sometimes you need to wait for a service to initialize before you can initialize yours, and sometimes the one you need doesn't initialize, so you get in a deadlock, and it's very hard doing all that right in order and correctly
distro maintainers had to write initialization scripts for each of the services they provided (and code all the exception handling logic like the above in those scripts)
then some dude made systemd that simplifies all of that, the maintainers don't have to write init scripts anymore, because it's so easy that the people that write the software ship the systemd init scripts with their own software, and the software work all distros that use systemd out of the box, it's gotten simpler to the maintainers/devs
but for systemd to work, it has to be a huge pile of unmaintainable shit, it's too big (we all feel that it should be simpler, but no one has done better than systemd), and bugs may arise from all that hidden complexity that may compromise your system

I know it works, that's not the question.
yeah but if my understanding of pipe is correct (it isn't),
then that means that screenfetch doesn't output the username directly, it actually outputs $USER, and then bash only translates that to the actual var when it prints to the console
am I right?

>No one has done better than systemd
OpenRC and runit

No. $USER gets replaced with his username by bash.

yeah, you don't understand what I'm asking
$ screenfetch > output.txt
$ sed -i 's/$USER/user/g' output.txt

Would that work, you idiot piece of shit?


Yes it would

The file contains my actual username "Renata" in UTF-8.
How does sed magically knows that "Renata" is $USER.

drop -i

You mongoloid.

$ echo 'yourusernamehere' | sed 's/$USER/user/'

would also work. You know why? Because sed isn't replacing "$USER". $USER gets replaced by your username by bash, before sed ever runs. Once you hit enter, bash translates $USER into your username, so the actual command that gets run is

$ echo 'yourusernamehere' | sed 's/yourusernamehere/user/'


Ur in the minority bud

Kys, dumbfuck.

>You mongoloid.


Void with runit is objectively the best distro right now

>rolling release

The only good looking distro without systemd is devuan and it still doesn't have a stable release yet.

I know that, you fucking stupid bitch. Stop explaining the obvious. God fucking damn it. God damn you people are stupid.
But it's clear to me that you don't know you people don't know how it works too.
Would the output.txt example work or not?

Yes it would. Like I already said. You're the tard who doesn't seem to be understanding anything

use BSD

The single quotes around the sed formatting remove variable substitution.
$ echo '$SHELL' "$SHELL" $SHELL
$SHELL /bin/bash /bin/bash

Dude what in the hell are you not understanding here? Are you female?

The environment variable is substituted before the string is fed to sed, so sed literally has the username in the string, not the variable name.

And why do you keep asking if stuff works? Go type it into a terminal for God's sake.

Depends on your shell bro

I can't think of a shell that's not true for.

It's been a while since I last seen this pic
What anime is it from?


the fuck is void tho?
who made it? who finances it?

>who made it?
A group of nerds. (join us, we're fun
>who finances it?
A group of nerds.

It's a new linux distribution. It's made from the ground up, not a repackaging of another distro.

It has its own package manager, xbps, which is actually neat.

Only downside of void is the lack of packages, package maintainers and poor documentation.

xbps allows you to build your own packages but I don't have the time to be my own package maintainer for all the shit I use.

>The environment variable is substituted before the string is fed to sed, so sed literally has the username in the string
If sed has the username in the string, it can't replace it because it doesn't know what to replace.

Are you implying you are one of the devs?

I contributed some packages and maintain them.

A pbuilder / Mock like tool would be cool if the lack of packages is a problem. I will check the system out, see how autistic it is.

If it has all the non-free media shit in it with virtual tools (vmware/virtualbox open source tools) installed by default I am sold.

Ah cool. keep it up user.
I'm too autistic to install any distribution that calls themselves "Linux distribution" in good consciousness, but we need more anti-systemd distros regardless

How is this so fucking hard for you?

Can you explain what about systemd is not like the unix way?

Thanks, I get it now.

Feature creep, not built to be modular/compatible with other software (see shit like or, breaking userspace etc.


Unstable, over-engineered and insecure SHIT.

systemd although ostensibly modular, is deployed as a massive block. You either buy into it or don't. That is not so bad if it were just a tiny init system, but it brings with it a whole bunch of functionality that potentially effects user space, even down to the implementation within widget libraries for X (dbus). This is almost a fork of the userspace within linux.

As a whole, it is enormously complex.

It exists, by design, for the needs of Redhat. Their business model is to turn Unix into an appliance for business. There is no need for understanding of anything. You have a problem, you look in the manual for what command to type in, you do that and either things work or you escalate to your expensive support contract. The original unix ideas were for a simple, modular, easy to understand system with replaceable components and most things accessible as if they were a file.

SystemD tries/pretends to be a unix-like thing due to so many people bitching about it. But its design intent is something totally different.

>t. autist

Ask yourself how open source adoption works, and how well pushing your own garbage (upstart) worked for Canonical. systemd has adoption because it is the least bad alternative. Runit has nowhere near the feature set of systemd.

The truth is that the vast majority of users have no need for complex clusterfucks like ntp when timedatectl does it with much less. You always have the option of not using this.

Old UNIX variants (tru64, ultrix, sol7/8, irix, etc) also had a bunch of "not UNIX" shit. As does OSX. Outside of "muh 4.4 bsd" purity, systemd is nothing new here.

For the same reason as businesses run Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS/SuSE, systemd is winning -- it's more valuable to do "real things" (applications) than sperg about low level shit that 90% of admins and 99% of users never touch and have never understood anyway. Systemd makes it easier to do productive things with Linux.

Red Hat cannot force Debian/arch/Canonical/etc to use systemd. They CHOSE it. Ask yourself why.

xbps allows you to build your own packages in addition to (sometimes slightly outdated popular ones). I just don't have time to create my own packages every time I want to update or install software that isn't widely used, and I don't want to play maintainer.

Windows 10 does not have systemd, thank god.

Unfortunately it comes with Windows 10.

They updated that story, the cosplayer is actually a chick but had her weibo profile set to male to avoid attention.

renata is a female name, so that pretty sums it

(no you dumb fucks, is not an androgynous name, the male form is rene)