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Technology #597
There are three possible edits that can be performed on a string
What went wrong?
Headphones are for manchildren still living with their parents
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Okay Sup Forums I have moved to Linux now what?
Did you ever keep your phone on for 31 hours ? Cause the oneplus 3t can
Ryzen vs Intel
The superior desktop environment
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Open Facebook
What went wrong?
Getting Certs
Want to order pizza online
4k @ 60fps
ITT: God-tier phones
Complete list of what microsoft tracks in windows 10 "basic" tracking option
Speccy Thread
What did she mean by this?
For those not yet sure, GNOME 3 is actually better than Unity. Especially on Fedora
Chair thread? I've been looking for a new chair because I have some steelcase piece of shit from the 80's...
Find a flaw
How often do I need to rotate my ram?
Give me [spoiler]six[/spoiler] reasons why i should learn ruby if i already know python, java/script, and c
When did you first realize Rust is a shitty meme language? Pic related
Instead of spending billions of dollars on making transistors smaller, why cant they just make the chip larger...
Firefox alternatives
Why is the i7-6900k still listed on logical increments
Xfce should be the default DE for Ubuntu
Select all the street signs
Hey Sup Forums, so today I went into a thrift store and found this little thing for 10$...
Putting tape over your camera is a sign of both tech illiteracy and schizophrenia
ITT Ugly Technology
I have a decent idea of how network and network protocols work
The year is 2057
Freedesktop accepted the SJW tranny CoC up their ass
Hello i'm a Brazilian poorfag and i'm planning to buy this pc:
/hpg/ - Headphone General
He is not printing out the datasheets he needs
What does Mozilla have against internet comments?
Give me your best looking laptop
Font Rendering Improvement thread = MOONRUNES EDITION
When your porn collection goes from 1TB to 330GB thanks to h.265
Is Python the most versatile language you can learn?
What does Sup Forums think about textboards and the BBS that came before it? /prog/ needs to come back
Why can't Sup Forums get over the fact that some of the most intelligent programmers use stock Ubuntu or macOS?
I need a strange alternative to my strange problem
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the razer blade stealth?
Is HTML good?
/spg/ Smartphone General
Would you rather go with
Hacking a mysterious encrypted file full of nudes
Was this Microsoft's GOAT UI?
Can any of you explain this
/gcg/ - graphic card general
What is the smallest acceptable program that can pass a whiteboard test to sum the primes to two million...
I solved the SJW problem
RIP FireFox
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Anyone competing?
After grooveshark shut down and chink 163 website implemented geo blocking where do you Sup Forumsents get...
What does Sup Forums think of the GPD pocket 7" laptop?
Hey user, can I borrow your USB?
Here's GNOME Shell stylised as Unity with the currently available assets
The gay flag is one of the few country flags that WIndows 10 is able to display
Now that we've all realized that ryzen is kinda shit for gayming and the upcoming rx580 is just a way shittier 1070...
Windows 98 was 20 years ago
Ddos map
What do you value most in your computer?
You're at the job interview when this guy walks in and asks you to find the longest sequence in the first one million...
Roast me
Previous thread: >>59787679
ITT: Sup Forums accurately predicts the new name of googles operating system
Does anyone actually believe Gnome 3 is better than unity in any way?
Friendly reminder that there is no excuse for using an ad blocker extension...
What is (in your opinion) the best torrent client and why?
Decide to use hard drive from old mabook pro in new pc
I am a leet hacker and owned this box on the interweb. What do Sup Forums ?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Year of our lord 2017
IPhone VS Android
Obsolete technology
Master Foo and the Ten Thousand Lines
Entropy Thread
Filter general
Why isn't Sup Forums using the Xfce + i3-gaps master race? Ultra comfy and ultra usable
You have 10 seconds to say why you aren't you using the best editor and operating system, Spacemacs
I bought pc parts and cant start it with a screwdriver. Help. :(
Only 3 days till Ryzen
TFW too unintelligent to learn Python
How is this kind of font still acceptable in 20 fucking 17? Fucking shitdows
/mpv/ - General mpv Thread:
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why should I use linux if I have more than $1000 to spend
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Guts Thread
On a scale of 1-10, how much math does one need to know to become a software developer?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Chrome virtually spies on you. Firefox tries to preach SJW propaganda to you
How do you go from this?
If GNU/Linux is so great, why don't companies create games and publish them under the GNU license?
PC builds are cancer
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is the best prebuilt computer to buy?
Hey Sup Forums show me your uptime!
The question is which flag falls first
Teach myself C / Python
So the official D implementation just got converted to an open source Boost license
What does Sup Forums think of NixOs?
Serious discussion about ultra wide
It's time of the year again
Anyone know what kind of devices they are using here?
Does linux make animetards completely insane? Just look at this shit
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Wheres Terry?
What do I use instead of Google Chrome for least botnet?
Meanwhile at AYYMD
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Using Arch
/bst/ - comfy ED
Is PicoTorrent good?
Nutcases are going to have more options to anonymously kill
Help pls
Are $60-70 Android phones any good?
Going to Microcenter
Microsoft to publish specification for NTFS, exFAT, and ReFS
Where did the whole "Macs are for artists" meme come from?
Should I sell my 1080 TI and buy a Titan Xp?
Antergos or Manjaro?
IT at work gave me this:
Women In Tech
ScreenFetch Thread
Thinkpads are for ner-
In wich direction should i put this
SSD durability/longevity
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
On a scale from 0 to 10, how good do you rate your programming ability to be?
Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums from the comfort of your own bed while using a nice, big comfy tablet?
There is a github project
Get nvidia notification to update shit
Installed Windows 10 LTSB, now what?
How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology? Should it be?
"Hi, I'm here for the job intervi-"
The mighty g400s thread
/tosg/ - Fuck "hackerman" edition
Speccy thread
Reminder if you rice your music player you are wasting your time and should download foobar2000 because it doesn't need...
Firefox render ugly fonts
Hey Sup Forums what website should I make? is kill for 24 hours
So like.. buy hard drives or wait 1 or 2 years for something SSDs to become affordable for data storage purposes?
Ask a PHP programmer anything
Today I had sex with a beatiful woman
2nd/3rd hand laptops what do?
Ubuntu to help support the GNOME DE
Is .flac really just a meme?
Just when you thought they couldn't sink any further
Stop Saying "It's GNU/Linux" it's GNU only, nothing more
Computer sounds
Dual fury 650€ worth it or is it just a big meme card
C or C++?
Are there updated W10 ISOs out that have the Creators Update?
Python thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Proof that arch linux is the worst distro
Google to "automatically fact-check" search queries that they consider fake news, using Snopes and PolitiFact
Type in password VERY slowly for the third time actually looking at my finger as it types each key to make sure its...
Post beautiful hardware you actually own
KDE: Looks like the designers were 9 year olds with no design-experience
Tfw the best looking piece of computer hardware on the market isn't made by apple
So /gee/, how good are you with Linux?
You have to choose between either destroying all free software or all proprietary software...
FreeBSD codebase diagnosed; 50+ potential memory exploits have been uncovered
What office chair does Sup Forums use?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Hey Sup Forums, I'm so happy that Gnome 3 will be the OFFICIAL DE for the 2018 and so on...
Why are (((they))) making VHS' again?
I want to rewrite computing from the ground up
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/spg/ - smartphone general
He doesn't use ctrl+tab to switch tabs
USB over ethernet
An engineering manifesto
6 fucking years old
When did AVG become so shit?
Homescreen Thread
Apple Iris Pro Retina MacBook
** Life is so bitter, all my friends are sour, my girlfriend is a whore, my life is misery **
Hi Sup Forums
QBittorrent 3.3.12 is out! Free Yourself from uBotnet today!
Umm.... so nvidia didnt send new Titan Xp's for the Skunkworks and Terry Crews... wtf?
Command prompt window appears for a split-second
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: Sup Forums characters
Mfw there's no AMD GPU that's comparable to a Nvidia 1070/1080
So, what is some practical, cool, shit that can be with with ml/nlp/ai/etc.?
Where can I learn to make something like this?
I have an i7-6700k at 4.56 GHz while using a huge AF Noctua NH-D15. It's sitting idle at 40C...
Hey gois! welcome to OSfFirstTimer, in this episode Diana is going to learn how to use Gentoo Linux!
TFW libreoffice is fucking garbage and unusable
How did linux become so good all of a sudden?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Can we have a GPD Win shill thread?
When will Sup Forums get support for hashtags?
Macs can't even lock without putting the computer to sleep or cancelling all downloads...
Export PS1="%n@%B%M%b/%~ %"
Webcam light turns on by it's self
ITT: Cute hardware
Hi Sup Forums
How far are we from nano-robots?
Good Linux DE?
Have you fallen for the portable hard drive jew yet?
What are some Sup Forums related things that normalfags do that annoy you?
WW3 is about to start so I thought I'd give linux a chance before I'm obliterated by a nuke
Ubuntu kills Unity
PIA VPN getting shilled everywhere
Tablets vs E-Readers
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Ryzen 5 series performance is literally half of competing Intel CPU
Speccy thread
How do I stop myself from going to Sup Forums?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
BREAKING: AMD CEO rushed to hospital after potential poo in loo episode
Where were you when Microsoft won?
Anyone here set up a pomf clone?
Font Rendering Thread
NVIDIA Announces 'Pascal' Graphics Drivers Coming to MacOS
Which file explorer is prettiest?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
He bought Kabylake
LinuxTechTrips confirms: Ryzen is GOAT for streaming video gayems
SSD prices are higher than they were 2 years ago
Strong crypto
Why aren't you using a tablet DE on your desktop?
Is Project Fi worth it?
Linux Torrent Client That Can Relocate Files
Is the Windows phone fan community imploding?
I just tried Gnome to mentally prepare for a switch from Unity. Oh. My. God. it's so bad...
/mkg/ mechanical keyboards general
What the fuck
This phone needs to come out fucking NOW
Which animal species do you see see as taking over the planet if we vanish right now?
IRC - Hexchat, Weechat, IRSSI, MIRC
What does Sup Forums use to encrypt their hard drives and flash-drives
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
So I've been thinking about making a simple DOOM remake for a project. What language would make this process quicker...
Faces of Sup Forums
When did you last own a crt tv or monitor?
Who even invented indenting code with spaces?
Unity 8 got forked
Is ECC RAM a meme?
What is Sup Forums's go-to software for the worst of the worst USB stick corruption cases?
Hey Sup Forums, which gpu should I buy for less than $200?
Why is doom metal the best programming music?
Top of the line newest AMD 1800x gets shat on by a 6 year old 2600k in gaming
GNOME is now the standard linux desktop
Windows isn't useful for anything besides ga-
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
180mb for a keyboard
What's the future of compression?
He bought a 7700k
Watching media together over the internet - best solutions? VLC Streaming?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
He paid more than $40 for a laptop
What's the best motherboard manufacturer, or are they all essentially the same chink trash?
The SJW shills trained through Mozilla's diversity program are already active
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Bypassing an iCloud account
Captcha Flood
Do you regret buying an iPhone 7 recently?
Is this the monitor that you've all been waiting for?
What's the hardest vibrating phone on the market? I want to use it as a vibrator for my vagina on the go
I got perma banned from my favourite game for TK'ing some faggot. Turns out that faggot was a game Dev
How are you enjoying the Creators Update Sup Forums?
Did any of you actually install gentoo or is it just a meme?
How do you pronounce the following words:
Would you hav bionic teeth implants if it was a painless procedure? Like metal teeth that have tools in them...
EDC Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Ask an Indian immigrant working as a SDE at Google (MTV) anything. Been here for 2.5 years now
So i'm a computer science student and i want a cool distro to use that isn't a lot of hassle to use and looks good...
Engineer confirms Zen2/3+ prime metrics are perf/watt, as if the already insane perf/watt of Zen wasn't good enough
Get in here, CIA niggers
Xbox Scorpio is using Polaris but with 40 CUs and fabbed at 16nm TSMC, instead of Glofo
Sup Forums, I come to you this day in ask of a favor
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Google Play Music now streams in India, All Access costs Rs 89 per month
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Why do people of my ethnicity make the objectively best food by a long shot?
Running non-free software on your wrist
What went wrong?
Open a website in 2017
Stop calling the GNU operating system "Linux"
Now that Ubuntu is going back to GNOME 3, is this the OFFICAL GNU/Linux DE?
After the last updates... can we finally say that Vivaldi is /ourbrowser/?
he unironically believes higher than 1080p is legitimately needed
Are power supply units the reason why cases are still so wide?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How do YOU pronounce "ubuntu"?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I just got an email from Asus asking if i want to do a research interview on the struggles faced when using any branded...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sell me on this piece of shit without mentioning privacy, botnet, etc
What do you think of my desktop?
Ryzen 5 - Ebuyer Prices
Compiled languages are faster than interprted
Is there any form of Encryption that would produce "120.24271844660194, 166.873786407767, 87.93203883495147, 196...
A bot tried to trojan me
Guys how do I write a program that calculates the sum of all the primes up to 2 million?
Video Encoding
Go to uninstall program
/cg/ Catheter General
Assembly program help
Watercoolin General
Which Side Are You On?
Fizz buzz on the whiteboard
RISC architecture is gonna change everything
What kind of development is Windows good for?
Build gaming PC
35 per month
Why are E-Readers so expensive?
Lmao have you guys seen the latest memes? Androidfags are getting BTFO by normies
Pi general I guess
Browsing 4chins
What is the best font in THE WORLD!?
Does anyone actually work in a startup or san francisco? what is the culture like?
Which is better and why?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why aren't you programming an emulator and making $30k/month ?
Walk in
Says something inane
What's Sup Forums general position on social media? Is it a good thing? Bad thing?
Okay I tried /wsr/ and that place moves slower than a fart
Why we don't have thermoelectric cooling (peltier) for the cpu for buy yet?
Consumer Linux is now Google's bitch lol
Favorite extensions
/tosg/ - Temple OS General: Random Numbers Edition
Email Providers
Stationary is technology. What does Sup Forums write with and on
I finally have to switch to Windows 10, give me the straight dope Sup Forums, how bad is it?
Just got a G6 after having a 6S and getting tired of getting analed by planned obsolescence
When was the last time you made a full backup of your data?
Fresh athlon xp 1800+ reviews out!
I'm a full time Web Developer. Ask me shit
Well, Sup Forums?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums instead of learning web development
Unity is dead
I made this for browsing Sup Forums at work
Board improvement
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Ubuntu ditching Unity in 18.04
Can someone explain to me why the vast majority of servers running websites and webservices on the internet are Linux...
Name ONE (1) reason you don't use vim
Probably an idiotic question but:
Wait so did net neutrality get deleted?
ITT: Things Applekeks can't do
Why arent you using the greatest os?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Now that Tek Syndicate is basically dead, is Linus Tech Tips the only remaining good tech youtube channel?
RX 580 is 6-10% faster than RX 480
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
XxxKbps vs Flac
W10 botnet is over
Unity is dead
Now, that ubuntu is dead, it's time to worship your new god
VPN Location for Privacy
Go to apply for an internship in a company for 2 months
Windows Telemetry Details Released
Press P to piss on unity's grave
Is Ubuntu kill?
RIP in peace Jewnity
Isn't it a little weird that people still use forums?
You retarded fucking janitors!
I just ordered one of these without consulting Sup Forums
Post your face when you see AMD dying
Who /data hoarder/ here?
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000 or this bird will stab you
You stupid fucking janitors!
I stumbled upon something, because the german army wants to establish a so-called "cyber-armee"...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hey Sup Forums, what are some cute little laptops that you can buy for cheap on eBay...
How can I regain my love for programming
Firefox is the best browser
Stopped caring about technology and just bought normie shit
/wt/ Watch Thread
Biggest tech failures
I'm upgrading my phone tomorrow(from an S6...
Old environments
How powerful can a .txt file be....?
Post obscure Sup Forums memes
20 bucks laptop on ebay, ships from USA
Pens are technology, post your pen
What's your excuse?
E-reader suggestions
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
You have a set of malicious instructions...
Daily reminder Macs are the most serviceable notebooks
Win10 or Win7?
Biggest douchebags to head a company
For those who missed the presentation
How to kill your site
*block your path*
How often should get "new identity" in Tor? Every time you visit a new website/domain? Does it even matter?
What is this?
Have you guys wondered why programming competition are dominated by Russians? how is that even happen
Write a program that serves no purpose but to trick you and has nothing to do with your work or you will never EVER...
Which one do you like more
If you don't love Google, you're an out-of-touch boring old guy
Does Sup Forums prefer comfy or convenient?
I have a legit copy of Windows Server 2016, should I do away with Windows 10?
Microphone Oriface
Daily GPD pocket thread
Fedora 26
I just ordered a tshirt with this on it to counter facial recognition...
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Pi thread
Age of Fembot
Currently trying to make a startpage with pretty much no HTML and CSS knowledge. What do you think so far?
AMD FineWine™
You Will Never
An executive running Linux?
N3vv f0n3 4 str8 1337 h@x0rz
Well done, faggots. MAGA!
Moving asm.js interpreter to the kernel
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What do you think about this?
An eggsexutive running LOONIX?
I have two thousand images in my Sup Forums folder and it takes forever to load whenever I want to post how can I make...
Hows 10.3.1
ITT we discuss why AMD sucks
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Was the Silicon Valley a mistake?
How do I sum the primes under two million in C?
Typing Test Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums memes you fell for:
/spg/ - smartphone general
Why can't two computers with the same specs and hardware play certain games because of the OS?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Fuck hb1s
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Best gaming monitor for money
What would it take to DDOS google?
Gigabyte confirmed for garbage
How will Lagdroid ever recover?
I7 costs pennies more in silicon to produce compared to other chips
An Overhauled MacPro Is Finally Coming Next Year, No Matter What Anybody Thinks
I've been on Sup Forums for quite some time now but there's one thing I don't get. In fact...
Tfw trying to learn programming
He pirates with torrents
Hi Sup Forums
Reinstall OS
What do with old office shit?
Tell me what's wrong with Fedora
Post your speeds
So Sup Forums, did any of you go to school for Computer Science or are you self-taught? Is it worth going to school...
$10,000 Custom Build
*takes off*
8ch got hacked
/ptg/ - private tracker general
Be 20 yo me
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why aren't you using Arch ?
You can immortalize one piece of technology
Post all god teir
I want to get a GTX 1080 TI and 1440p monitor but I'm concerned that my i5 4690k would become a bottleneck...
Tim Berners-Lee Receives Turing Prize
Old environments
Anyway to spoof the SMS I send as coming from an iPhone instead of Android so they show up as blue bubbles?
Holy shit
How many lines of code could you write
I don't know who else to ask about this and I'm retarded when it comes to technology so I hope someone can help me out...
What's the best easy to use, cross platform, scripting language? I'm looking at Python or Ruby right now...
Who have a nexus 5 (2013) ?
Didn't see a speccy thread
Xfce fags will defend this
Tfw your code reflects your sexual life
This Triggers the Sup Forums
ISP privacy rules are dead
PowerMac G4
Hello, what is the best way to save up ~$1600 for my dream laptop? I know an answer will entail working and what not...
What's the point of Linux when you can do this?
As a developer, is it easier to optimise games/programs for more or less cores?
I like Nazis
Hey Sup Forums
What's the best password manager?
He doesn't have a deskbar
How do companies make money with services like google drive?
Doing my first build and I'm unsure if I should get the ryzen 5 or the i7 7700k
New modular mac pros with apple displays coming next year
Sup Forums claims video games are for children and they're too "mature" to play them
Have to learn how to use arrays and methods in python by next month
You fuckers will argue about anything
Hi Sup Forums
What's the point of buying an i5 when i7 exists?
Peter Thiel says 'age of Apple' at its end
Why are women/girls so easily manipulated into buying stuff because of marketing?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Stallman vs Torvalds
Dude, I don't use windows 10 because of spying lmao
Windows 7 Variants
Is this going to have Ryzen Inside?
Best programming language for desktop application development is ________
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Kode With Klossy 2017
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Gamers Nexus exposed as shills and shit "reviewer"
Name ONE (1) reason you aren't using perl right now
His first OS wasn't Windows xp
Sum all primes below 2 million, 2 billion and 20 billion
/hpg/ - Headphone General
This is the power of a $200 OS
Have CD/DVDs become useless?
Current state of Windows
Blocks your path
Oh my!
Poorfag here, what is the best in-ear phones (IEM) under 30$ according to Sup Forums ?
we see here that your daily traffic has been 80% Sup Forums
First Ryzen 1600 benchmarks
/bst/ - Battlestations - Cancer Edition
Ryzen 5 (7 days left)
They did it. they fucking did it
You should be able to solve this
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Mega is dead
/tos/ Terry A Davis
Be interviewer
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Be American
Tech book thread
What should we do about women in technology/CS?
I'm considering buying an iPhone 7+
Trump has allowed every ISP to sell your personal data without consent...
What's your favorite Linux distro Sup Forums?
Intel has a three-year advantage on 10nm
Hey Sup Forums, what're yr thoughts on wickr?
When is Nvidia planning on fixing their awful DX12 drivers?
What am I in for?
Are there any good 4:3 laptops?
Apple revolutionizes yet again
Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
R linux desktops rly so bad????
LG G6 v S8
Blackberry KeyOne thread
Can't literally find anything wrong with this
If I buy a Galaxy S8 directly from Samsung's website, can I get T-mobile (my carrier) to unlock it?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Microcetner $100 off 1700x and $50 off 1700
No Stupid Questions (NST) Thread
Speccy Thread
Time to come clean, Sup Forums. How many of you used Geek Squad?
Say something nice about systemd
What is wrong with GitHub?
Linux is NOT bad ur all meanies
Underrated software
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Linux isnt for serious gam-
Password rating thread. Post your passwords
Are smartphones the future of desktop computing?
Masters in CS
How do we destroy this overpriced shitty company?
My cursor is moving by itself.. What THE FUCK is going on, Sup Forums?
Genuine and objective reviewer or just another jew after shekles?
Ubuntu is comfy as fuck
So ryzen was Another Massive Disappointment
Women can't co-
He can't white board his work
How much does Xiaomi phones and MIUI send my data/metadata to China?
Holy shit, what the fuck is happening?
Is it true?
Kill all Pajeets
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Shit tech words
Why don't we push for a moon base first instead of memeing with the almost impossible (for now) mars?
Games that "support" Linux
Anyone know any online resources to study cisco's routers and switches?
IR Missile Heads
Which flavor is the best flavor? [spoiler] or is vanilla the best flavor? [/spoiler]
Websites are so bloated now my old core 2 laptop which used to handle browsing snappily is doggish
Stallman's code
How hard would it be to hijack a Bluetooth speaker
Is there 128 bits technology in the works?
What's with the modern trend of gimping ostensibly "pro" laptops with shitty dual-core low-voltage processors?
/ibmg/ - IBM General
Everything's an object
Verizon is mashing Yahoo and AOL into a new company called Oath
What do you think of 10GBps ethernet...
Cheap programmer
Daily Programming Challenge
Thoughts on i7-6900K?
New laptop
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's the catch?
Why is it so hard to fucking install something on Linux? Go to install a tar...
News edition
Computer programmers may no longer be eligible for H-1B visas
Now that SJW so mainstream that Microshaft is doing it, what will happen to Sup Forums's culture...
Buy the 7600k goy
Whats Apple REAL endgame here?
Should I buy a Thinkpad?
How will Drumpf ever recover?
What was your first computer Sup Forums? Britfag here, my speccy holds a very special place in my heart
Gamer Nexus back at Ryzen again
Audiophile Laugh General
Whats the biggest or coolest personal project you've ever worked on? Show it off here
So, tell me Sup Forums
Hey guys I stole Iphone 6s at restaurant in toilet after I went to change toilet paper
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Captcha is loading
Can we have a mature discussion about Xfce and KDE?
Is the i5 7600k still worth getting once Ryzen 5 comes out ?
People who think javascript, python, or lua are programming languages instead of just scripting languages
An advantage linux has over macOS?
Final interview stage
Electronic circuit simulation programs for linux?
Youtube's new layout
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What the fuck went so wrong with Sup Forums?
Website made in 100% javascript
/hsg/ Home Server General
How long do you think it will be until 50TB hard drives become the norm?
Did I just done goofed?
Did Adobe finally defeat piracy?
Is there any GNU/Linux distribution you absolutely hate?
Hardware for 4K video editing
Why exactly does high FPS cause coil whine?
Overclock settings
/pcbg/ - PC Building General-- Chinese AI Edition
Do you post here through a proxy, user? Or are you making yourself being put on a watchlist?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Mass Effect: Andromeda and the dangers of Outsourcing
Ctrl + r or f5?
Is there a regedit to get around this bullshit
Is there a more prefect desktop environment than this?
Buying CPUs from reddit: the company
Computer programmers may no longer be eligible for H-1B visas
/csg/ Chink Shit General
IOS users will never know this feel
Poverty Thread
So I just bought three domains and I have no idea what to do with them
Have Puppy Linux frugal install on usb, use it and works
Name one (1) flaw
Tech illiterate stories thread
GPD XD for 150$
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Android Overtakes Windows as the World’s Number 1 Operating System
*blocks your path*
Work in a computer lab at college
Technology-related poll thread
Where did it all go so wrong?
Wake up
Speccy Thread (1KW PSU edition)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Mac and iOS vs PC and Android
What irc client does Sup Forums use?
Which Linux distro is the best for programming and development (network)?
Open Letter to the Free Software Community
Galaxy s8 is released
Why should any citizen need encryption? I have nothing to hide so nothing to fear...
Study computer science
When will this happen?
140W housefire vs cool and nice 95W
Why is Ryzen so shit at streaming? It was supposed to be good at streaming
How would a 747 fly into reinforced steel?
Why did these elitist cunts had to get rid of beginners guide...
Please stop assaulting me with that unfunny normalfag meme
MEGA is dead, pirates BTFO
Post 'Em
So i am looking to get a new cpu that isnt over priced and will have great performance and the cpu i am looking at (AMD...
Running non-free software on your wrist
Find a flaw. How can Thinklets even compete?
GPD Pocket
But Workstations are great on R
ITT: things Linux can't do
Be 16
External hd, Which brand?
How can droidfags even compete with this glorious mobile OS?
Hey guys, I just wanna ask a favor of you real quick
Daily open source hardware thread
"Net Neutrality"
Why is this company becoming what it once said it was against?
Javascript in kernal
What went wrong?
Firefox and chrome freaking SUCK
What will Apple do to counter this?
Nvida's drivers are fine, guys, really
Tfw you can't run a single boot linux PC because if an update stops your PC from booting you don't have another OS to...
Mfw Apple is crashing mobile GPU industry with no survivors
Where to still get XP?
What Android App are you using to browse Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is shit
VR is failing again
What does Sup Forums use when designing electronics?
Should I pick up all this stuff? Its free but i have to take all of it. 25 minutes away from me
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Cheap Photoshop cs6
How long until weaponized police drones?
Why is the "muh privacy" meme always employed to defend criminal activity?
How can Linus afford to pay literally 20 people to work for him...
What are your thoughts on Tech21 Evo Check case?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What are some Linux distros that aren't already compromised by the NSA/CIA/FBI?
Gamer hardware
If iOS is an insecure NSA backdoored piece of shit compromised by the CIA then why does the US Army use it?
SJWs are cancer
Should i get a Sup Forums pass?
Why are poor/trashy people obsessed with All-in-One PCs...
What is the endgame of data mining and spying on users though platforms such as windows 10?
ThinkPad finally comes in
Anybody actually code like this?
Job interview
GNU is too radically left wing and their code is horrible...
2017 tablets??
You have 10 seconds to justify yourself why you aren't studying machine learning
You faggots will argue about anything
Has anyone gotten a 4K 144hz monitor? How are you liking it?
If you support net neutrality, you're a moron and crooks love you
Why does MSN Dial-Up still exist?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...