is kill for 24 hours

How am I supposed to avoid all the fake news shills now?

Fartpage is unintuitive and frankly subpar. Cuckcuckgo somehow manages to be both shit AND a front for CIA tickle torturing FLAC collectors.

This REALLY chaps my ass. My day IS RUINED. I need to know some Sup Forums approved alternatives ASAP. What is your search engine of choice, user?

Other urls found in this thread:

There is more than one instance of searx, check their github



>Very well alternative search engines, very well..

I have no idea if it's placebo, but I feel a tad safer using it over the regular URL

if youve actually bothered reading whats written there and perhaps clicked a link or two, you would have moved to another instance of it already

i switched to personally and everything is working fine now

I'm using because Switzerland, it also has a pretty mountain in their frontpage
What does Sup Forums approve?



LOL, what's so hard about typing in a searchbar you unimaginable mongoloid?

Startpage > Searx >>>>>>>>>> cuckcuckgo > the rest

Thanks OP you're the reason my catheter got yanked out. I jumped outta my chair outraged by this dumbass

Pls leave morphi

lmao @ that resoultion

OP here. Can't believe I got a genuine answer. This is exactly the type of search engine I've been (somewhat) looking for... to supplement with Searx when needed. Neat.

Thanks, big Sup Forumsuy. I'm thinking about buying & configuring an AWS server for Searx eventually. I might shoot ya'll a link. Going to work on learning how to configure AWS into an offsite VPN first tho. Open Source projects are too precious for this world. God bless FOSS and their autistic warm hearts.


>us based

Have you tried Ecosia?
