>these prices
Why does MSN Dial-Up still exist?
Third world countries still use it
Spotted the clueless American who doesn't know anything about the world beyond his trailer park.
aka third world countries
Someone's buying it, and the marginal cost of the service hasn't changed despite competition
if you're going to shitpost at least try to make sense
trailer parks probably use that the most
trailer parks use fucking satellite internet the most
I meant of those that use dialup, ESL-kun.
Spotted the literal shit brained baboon.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded kike loving fucking tranny faggot sack of ugly nigger shit with down syndrome.
you realize we can see the number of unique posters not increasing, right
Spotted the clueless redditor who doesn't know anything about the world beyond his safe space.
It's a new fad
Spotted the imax tier projector.
I don't know about dial-up, but my mom was paying for MSN for years before I finally convinced her to use Chrome. They don't make it easy to export your bookmarks from MSN Explorer, and she was afraid of losing her email address after canceling.
Wrong again, shit for brains. Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth.
wtf happened to this thread
10/10 bait, highly effective at destroying this thread
Stupid spic third world countries use it you fucking stupid ass spic
Kill yourself spic, build wall.
there is still dial-up? brb tossing my router out the fucking window.
I've thought this too. Other than for SSH'ing into a remote secured server, what use could dial-up possibly be in today's internet shitfest. Wouldn't it take more than 5 minutes to load a single webpage on dial-up?
Spotted the fucking leaf
>underrated af
top kek