Have you guys wondered why programming competition are dominated by Russians? how is that even happen

Have you guys wondered why programming competition are dominated by Russians? how is that even happen

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Westerners tend to have over-inflated egos which is acutely evident on this very board.

pajeet has nothing on vlad

Because Russians grew up on superior ZX Spectrum,MSX and Family BASIC clones.

there's literally nothing to do outside in russia so everyone is on their pc all day.

russians do programming (C, assembly, similar)

westerners do """""""""""""""""""coding""""""""""""" (meme.js, rust, go, similar)

It's because that's all they do, kids in Russia in our equivalent of middle School, start practicing 3-5 days a week. When they get to the university level they are adept at the ACM format.

There are programming competitions?!

trips of truth

it's a pretty big thing dude youtube.com/watch?v=RYfRbe6_w18

They're actually closer to mathematics and computer science competitions, programming is just a tool used to solve the problems.

Russians have better ego's.
They have conscription military training for most males, and unlike westerners they still have the mindset left over from their last brush with Communism...meaning that bugman tasks like programming are easy game for them.


Because when your PCs are still running on dual cores, you have to optimize the shit out of your applicatons in order for them to not crash.

I'd love a russian browser application.

that is probably the dumbest thing I've heard all day. How insecured can you be and just blame Russians like that. I think the biggest for us (US) is that we only try be an entrepreneurs doing html stuff. On the the hand, Russkies learn and plan only to work and became really good at it.

It sounds like English is hard for you.

lol americans gimp hardware with their software
ruskis improve their hardware with optimization
go figure.

ITMO puts a disproportionate amount of funding into getting students with ACM potential from all over the country, and then training them to be good at the specific subset of problems ACM involves. It's their way of advertising themselves, I don't think any other university does it to such extent.

They don't have computers and learn programming on paper

What the fuck, this looks like my neighbour

The winning schools probably take the competition more seriously and focus more resources toward it. It's hard work and setting priorities. I didn't even know there were programming competitions.

>It's hard work and setting priorities.
This goes for everything skill related. If you, your university, or your entire country sucks at [activity x], it is because you have not put in enough time and effort.

So if the Russians of St. Petersburg Uni are beating everyone else, it is because they are dedicating themselves more.

>jews infiltrate academia
>muh women's studies
>muh nigger studies
>protest against even the slightest offence caused against muh minorities

Meanwhile in Russia:

>don't let degeneracy infiltrate
>don't waste valuable resources in brainwashing your youth to enable subversion of the country
>do value and encourage excellence through competition
>do value your young
>eventually you will win as your rival implodes

You may hate it, but it is the truth.

>be slav in europe
>have enough IQ points to go into this programming madness.
>would rather just be a near gopnik in an army and shoot at mudslimes


>no says putin
>you need to defeat the jew says putin
>for your nation
>but all you want to do is just be like in pic related.


West has been overrun by low IQ people. So everything has to be dumbed down and then smart people cannot be challenged and they cannot reach peak of their performance.

Have you ever looked at US Math Olympiad teams? Only a very small portion of them are actually born in the US. Vast majority are asians or slavs who came here at some point.

US education is a disaster but not because of material, textbooks or teachers. It's the students that are simply dumb.

Even my former soviet union county teaches asm, c, c++ and a bit of java. Not meme js and rust, ruby

nginx is the only Russian software worth a damn

The west is more concerned about meme topics like getting womyn into tech and other PC bullshit.
Russians do useful stuff.

it is kinda weird though isnt it, this russian spirit that may exist

>went through a period of forced atheism
>wasnt shy of evolutionary lore
>contributed a bit to science as well
>old culture of alcohol which was healthy turned into an uncontrolled health epidemic.
>whole nation depressed and blackpill

>"in this world there is no god, he cannot be so cruel or vindictive, its just impossible, lets just fucking survive them with zero emotions"


the west:

>butterflies and happy and love everyone and everyone can become a programmer yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

West is smarter and programs for money.
The best programmers I've worked with are self taught and don't even like programming.

This is why ransomware and cybersecurity threats are such a big thing in Russia.

but if the west is smarter with programming, how come russia hacked all of them then?

checkmate trump zionistfag (who also likes to touch butts)

This tbqh
I wish I were a russkie

>"NO! my starbucks ran out of pumpkin latte ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I don't have the most recent IPhone!! i'm so triggered about the lack of diversity!!! TIME TO ADVOCATE FOR FAG RIGHTS!"
>"Must of ransomware for buying potato and vodka, big money"

Intelligence is actively discouraged in the U.S.

Because Westerners spend more time wearing "programming" as a fashion accessory to generate likes on social media, along with their fashion accessory "progressive politics" that they try to shoehorn into everything related to technology (see: SJWs in Google, Firefox, Apple, etc.)

Meanwhile Russians spend more time actually programming

joji is your neighbour?

Common core

You know, I dont wish entirely to go Sup Forumsitical on this thing but if you are a programmer, perhaps you also believe in evolution. And the reason why russia performs so well is because they are not in the end cycle of civilizations.


polite self sage for somewhat off topic. But yea if there is not much wealth, and if food is on the line, then the normal human being will go to extreme lengths to not die. Only the slavs posses some IQ for this venture, the other races do not really, even if they are pushed to the brink of death.

No you don't.

Europe of east,china and Russian are heavy math problem solving curriculum, ACM ICPC get focus on solvent problems very quickly and precise.

Today Sillicon valley is full of Europe of east,Russian but diversity studies count them as white.

Close American team to win acm icpc was full chine from IOI.


Even the show Sliders from the 90s poked fun at how sports is held in higher regard than intellectual achievement. Although even it succumbed to dumb guns and fighting scripts by season 3.

>RIP Sliders

>Common core
Common core is an effort to further dumb down white people and make them at the same level as brown and black people.


Common Core is nothing more than SJW's anti-white/anti-christian agenda put into practice.

Sup Forums hackathon when.

>Biology is seen as a political statement because EVERYTHING MUST BE A POLITICAL STATEMENT
See? that's why you amerilards are such a poor joke

>Everything will melt away like ice yet the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia are the only things that will remain. Russia will not only survive, it will dominate the world.

Like I said, evolution user. We are still subject to many of the same laws as the animals are. If not more actually. It is not a political statement.

It is rather a simple fact that our brains used to calculate the conquest for food 50% of the time. The rest was fucking, and not dying of other causes.

So what happens when food suddenly becomes too easy to get by? People turn to hedonism, to sex, and feel less whole. Not realizing that the conquest for food, and winning food, is also a thing that biologically makes us very happy.

We made a script that identifies (((them)))

Poor bait m8

>with a purpose
ive seen more educated niggers

kys. get off Sup Forums and never come back you dumb piece of shit.

a cycle doesnt have a purpose, its simply a cycle. One could break it, one could repeat it. Jesus, isnt this supposed to be Sup Forums. How come you guys are shit at life math.

Because they (or the academic institutions doing some of the training) really, REALLY care about programming competitions, and it is a specific thing they practice and get drilled on.

(Meanwhile I rolled up to one totally cold as the only participant not from Russia, and came second? I'll take that. Shell sort works fine on a set of that size anyway.)

I suppose it's like how the Japanese do rote learning in school, or how Americans have spelling bees. Or that newfangled "hackathon" thing.

It's a bit of a stretch from that to any kind of practical aptitude, although I suppose it might help with practical problem solving under pressure with limited resources? They are pretty good at that in general.

Yep. "Informatics", is how it was translated to me. It seems to span quite a few branches; predicate calculus, set theory, complexity analysis, as well as some low-level programming?

yandex browser
chromium fork lmao

what happened next?

i fucked her in the pussy dude
shit was so cash

because the language is better. synthetic russian vs stupid isolating english/other germanic

t. wordlet without compounds

>what happened next?
Jail time. Branded forever as raycist.


>how is that even
Simple - they don't piss on their public education.
It was amazing for me to learn that in the west there exist something like budget cuts on education, and that society can be ok with it. It's unthinkable in those parts. This is something that could overthrow a government.

She switched schools afaik.

we have such compounds brainlet germcucks can't fathom
like вocпoльзoвaвшeмycя

>>muh nigger studies

Reported for racism, misogyny and using an "N-word". Also for spreading Russian propaganda. OP pic is most likely made in Photoshop, American programmers are best in the world (Google, MS, Apple etc.). Or maybe the competition is skewed in some way, so no one else can win.

Contest begin made for Baylor university.

Because they're real programmers.

Indian programming: 10 layers on Javascript frameworks running in a Java based browser on a smartphone. Constantly talks to a server backend written in Java. Works most of the time, and stutters minimally if you have a current flagship phone.

American programming: Unity, Lua, C++. Looks pretty and usually gets 60 FPS on high end PCs.

Russian programming: C and assembly, ridiculously optimized. Runs at full speed on soviet era computers and never crashes.