Can any of you explain this

can any of you explain this
yesterday, i was doing some research on the oneplus 3t on my phone and today, ive been seeing ads for it all over facebook on my ipad. i never searched for the phone on my ipad and i dont have facebook on my phone. is this just a coincidence or what?

pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

Facebook remarketing pixels or Facebook like buttons leak your browsing patterns.

You go to webpage called ONEPLUS REVIEWS. Your browser runs the facebook API or pixel or whatever. Facebook know where you've been.

but i'm not logged into facebook on my phone and the ads showed on my ipad

Bump cos this shit happens to me all the time but with more 'unique' products. Creepy.

Welcome to tracking.

While there are a whole list of things I can say that would be possibilities for the connection, most likely is that the two devices are on the same network so using the same external IP. Clearly a high probability of the same person, especially if the two devices have similar browsing patterns. So, they send the other devices the ads too

welcome to the future, goy
you are mined for data to sell to advertisers by our overlord Google, you can't escape

so it's the isps fault? or both of them?

its your fault for using the Internet and thinking you have privacy

im from the uk btw. which country would you guys say is worse for this?

Well... One of possibilites, and most likely, is that facebook has identified you.
use only 1 device,
google sets unique ID to your device
Then collects all data it can, to personalise ads for you
Suddenly you got new device (tablet i.e.)
You connect to internet (most likely through same IP)
You login through device to same youtube account or check same gmail
EVEN if you use google only as search engine, google can identify you by your search/typing habits

I have example from my own experience:
Be younger, live with parents, have younger brother
Both use PC
After few years move out
Connect to same google accounts in your new home
Brother connects to his own accounts on his own computer (still at parents)
Meet brother, he says "youtube has recommended me this channel for no apparent reason"
Reply to him "it's because of botnet, I'm subscribed to this channel and google linked me with my old home, most likely"

Once, sure. Make it pretty much a rutine now, happens all the time, he gets recommended channels I'm subscribed to.

>inb4 you're brothers, your tastes are alike
Not really, he couldn't care less about computers/electronics/mathematics because it's boring to him.

Here's sad parrot for you.

Are you logged into Jewgle?

You're in the botnet, you nigger cow

im logged into google on my phone and ipad but not in the actual browsers, neither of which are google chrome

It's enough to log in.

No. Your IP is unique and unrelated. It's your fault.

There you go. Nice job.


what is this?

im sorry, i dont know much about tech. is there a way to conveniently use google services without logging in or do you guys use alternative services? or do you log in only when you're using them?

sorry if it sounds like im trolling

Google's tracking script which is present on almost every website

is there anything i can do about it?

Block it with some kind of noscript extension. I use uBlock to control what components different webpages can run. It's pretty autistic

To use google without tracking you is hard thing...
It's better to just use alternatives.
gmail - protonmail
search - startpage (uses google results, but doesn't track you)
youtube - use VPN I guess, VPN most likely does not track you (might log your activity, and because you can't be sure, so it's just safer to assume they do)
For maximum points use something to obsfcure your typing habits (I think there are addons for that, or just write your own script)

If you use it, you're going to be tracked.

The way I see it for me, I don't much care. I'm not buying many products, so the advertising is them wasting money on me. If they track the fuck out of me, the joke's ultimately on them for wasting their resources.

>search for something
>go to facebook
>don't see ads
Thanks Adblock.

You're not avoiding tracking though.
It wouldn't surprise me that google/facebook eventually would do something else with all that identity data.
Like training AI
Selling to third parties

They can do whatever they want to, because no one will do anything about it.
Because most people don't care about their privacy.
When they hear things like this it's
>how can they do this!?
>I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear

Ignoring the fact that information = power

Anyways... Nothing will change, get used to be tracked.
It's rewarding to try to keep yourself out of botnet, because you learn new things, which is always great.

forgot to mention that first group of people who is terrified by this fact next day ignores it and gets back to their daily routine.

Everything you search for is tracked by everyone. Even better, your phone is always listening. Try it, talk about a product or something, I guarantee you start seeing ads for it.

Doesn't matter. There are tens of trackers on each website, and these all link back to you through things like Google advertising.

More like Google and Facebook most likely. But yes your ISP also has targeting and ad injection capability. But I am sure you are an idiot and hand everything to Google by using their shitty services and their public DNS. People that use Google public DNS are fucking retards. Google is a terrible company, take a moment to read the terms you have agreed to. They basically own and can resell any of your data. Writing a book and keeping it on Google storage, guess what - that is Google's book not yours.

UK, then your shit socialist government who owns the isp is directly tracking you. At least in the US there is some boundary.

This is a Sup Forums poster in 2017.

They just signed the thing which lets service providers sell user data to advertising companies in the US

in terms of privacy then, would you recommend i use an iphone or an android?

whats google public dns? sorry for sounding like a troll again

>not having Umatrix
>not having ublock origin
>probably using google chrome
can mods ban this chimp?