>Be American
>Get browsing history sold to the highest bidder
Be American
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be non-American
>Get bombed
Is there any way to NOT get screwed?
they already could, literally nothing is changing. The story is a nothingburger and just another attempt to spin a story against the president.
lmao OP BTFOd
Something would have been changing if Dopey Donald didn't sign the bill.
Tripfag is a cucked American.
t. Mexican
>be from anywhere
>ISPs have always sold your data
>now people are aware but fuck drumpf and fuck white people
If you cared about your privacy you wouldn't have any history to sell
At this point it's too late to start caring
>be from anywhere
>webistes, search engines, games, internet stores have always sold your data to highest bidder
>nothing changes
They were already allowed to buy and sell data masses, and they still aren't allowed to sell data directly tied to personal information. Who cares honestly.
He's not even from the US, but actually lives in a 3rd world shithole and is a muslim. Unless I'm mixing him up with another tripfag.
could have we stopped this if everyone dropped windows/MacOS and started using GNU/Linux 10 years ago?
That doesn't change what data is going through ISP's
VPN's outside the country or tor would be sufficient
heh good thing I use incognito
>Law was in the works that would have stopped ISP being allowed to sell your data
>Trump stops the new law
>"Lol, why do you care? They were already selling your data!"
Is there any group of people more cucked than Trump supporters? No matter what he does, they always have to defend it and call names to anyone disagreeing with them.
Thank you, fake President Golden Showers.
>Be Russian
>Get your furry porn and tentacle hentai browsing history handed over to the oppressive regime
>Be american
>Go to boston marathon
>Get bombed
Is there any way to NOT get screwed ?
Not being alive at all.
Necrophiliacs exist. Nothing is safe.
> be whatever
> get spied by ((new tech)) regardless
>not being retarded
>using linux and lobbying for encryption
>being laughed at by virtually every government on the planet as well as people brainwashed by politicians
>and replaced it with one that requires isp's to ask for permission to steal data unlike they did before
get fucked comcast I'm glad the FTC is going to fine the shit out of you libcucks
> Be american
> get fucked in the ass by politics, also no privacy or freedom
> Be european
> get fucked in the ass by muslims
> haha, people will break into houses anyway, so why not make it legal already?
>be retarded
>comparing a potentially totalitarian regime with a religion
trumpcucks are incredibly fucking stupid, this is not news to us
cite a source or fuck off you dumb nigger
>killing a law that prohibited data stealing
>replacing it with one that lets consumers say yes or not have the Internet
I'm not american nor liberal-leaning but you Trumpfags really are interesting specimens specimen
one extra specimen for you
it also put the privacy issue under the FTC not the libcuck controlled FCC. which means Comcast which is 100% uneducated libcuck is going to get fucking destroyed. I hope you tardo's are happy being so uneducated you can't read the legislation and get memed on by comcast's corporate shills
> be uneducated libcuck
> keep cucking
Not sure where 'trump' comes into this. He's tangentially relevant, this legislation came out of the house.
If he DIDN'T sign it he'd be exercising power over the house, and therefore democracy.
You know, assuming that the house had anything to do with democracy.
> Is there any group of people more cucked than Trump supporters?
Not really, no. Worst thing is that they not only blindly agree with everything Tump says, they basically defend every single republican now.
> not knowing how botnets works
> think of itself as not being retarded
The false world view of all these pro Comcast-Time-Warner libcuck corporate shills is incredible. You would think they might have the ability to actually read the legislation, but nah they just get duped further into the retarded Buzzfeed tier narrative. Get fucked on you retarded techies lol I'm going to enjoy watching you Comcastites burn
>This joint resolution nullifies the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission entitled "Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services." The rule published on December 2, 2016: (1) applies the customer privacy requirements of the Communications Act of 1934 to broadband Internet access service and other telecommunications services, (2) requires telecommunications carriers to inform customers about rights to opt in or opt out of the use or the sharing of their confidential information
Tell me where are these rules exist in the FTC?
You are literally to stupid to live. mcfucking killyouself, aspie. Don't you ever fucking post again in my thread until you have a beyond buzzfeed tier understanding of the current political heppenings in the hourse. ffs turn on cspan for once you uneducated techie lol
Calm down TrumputinCuck. Your frantic unhinged posts are amusing as everyone sees you're in a desperate state of self-reinforced self-delusion needed to maintain your mindless child like devotion to a balding manbaby conman as the reality of his lies about looking out for you creeps in on a daily basis. Just curl up in a ball, rock yourself back and forth and repeat MAGA to yourself. It will make you feel better about being a trailer trash retard.
>user posts literal bill that the media is having a fucking field day over
>you respond with a tabloid article
is this bait?
I'm sorry that facts shatter your false world view friendo. savor that cognitive dissonance. your lack of education promises that you will experience it all your life :^)
I'm sorry that the reality of the situation goes against the liberal mythology of your techie articles friend. One piece of legislation isn't the big picture. seek a better education on the subject my dude. you're embarrassing yourself
Take that Trump cock out of your mouth and point to me where you see these rules in the article.
>(1) applies the customer privacy requirements of the Communications Act of 1934 to broadband Internet access service and other telecommunications services, (2) requires telecommunications carriers to inform customers about rights to opt in or opt out of the use or the sharing of their confidential information
Also, from your shitty article.
>A newly Republican-controlled FTC under Ohlhausen will find a kindred anti-net neutrality counterpart in the FCC, led by recently appointed Chairman Ajit Pai.
I really have begun to hate the media
they've proven that they care little, if at all, for journalistic integrity now, it's all about clicks and ad revenue
>Be canadian and not give a fuck
>not using VPNs
Yet again your reading comprehension and poor brailet tier education fails you. I could give two shit's about net neutrality. It's a sham alarmist conspiritard theory. We haven't had it for decades and all has been well. The real story of all this is the Transfer of authority. The more you look into it you realize the alarmist conspiracy theories are coming from comcast-time-warner and their fear that due to their going full libcuck last election the FTC is going to ream them now that they are in charge of privacy. Enjoy being stuck in your delusional little bubble and constantly getting memed on by corprates, my kid
More like to every bidder in different bundles and packages.
Canadian ISPs are obligated to track and store paying customers data.
Just don't be born.
Since you couldn't refute anything I said, I just post another article to support my point.
>The Trump-appointed chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, is a critic of the broadband privacy rules and has said he wants to roll them back along with other Obama-era policies meant to protect consumers and promote competition.
>He and other Republicans want the FTC to police privacy for both broadband companies like AT&T and internet companies like Google. But broadband providers don’t currently fall under FTC jurisdiction, and advocates say the FTC has historically been a weaker agency than the FCC.
>t. dumb anime whore
>trying to escape corporate spying
>giving its history to another corporation
Your embarrassing yourself yet again friendo. You made no relevant claim whatsoever in regards to my argument. At this point frankly you are just spewing fake news because you have become emotionally unstable, my dude. Seek help you poor brainlet conspiritard
>t. dumb anime whore with blank space in a jpg instead of png
>thinks he's smart
>links a newjersey radio blog
pathetic tbqhwy
what? the land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy.
> You made no relevant claim whatsoever in regards to my argument. At this point frankly you are just spewing fake news because you have become emotionally unstable, my dude. Seek help you poor brainlet conspiritard
That is one hell of a projection coming from an anime poster.
They're right though. The FTC is weaker than the FCC. Why the hell do you think they repealed the FCC's laws in the first place, just to do nothing?
>Be South American
>Suffer a North American dictatorship
Is there any worse thing yet?
Honestly i think the companies are in more trouble if they know I jerk to tranny porn than what I am :)
Nobody cares about that data of yours on tranny porn.
sweet delicious tranny porn...
>live in a country in Europe
>ISP have a router with a build-in ad blocker
>ISP get sued because "blocking things (including ads) is against net neutrality"
>hating net neutrality
>posts an article that goes against his point that says
>venture investment in Internet-specific businesses shot up 35 percent in the year after net neutrality was adopted, Wheeler hailed the Open Internet as being "the most powerful engine for innovation, economic growth and job creation in the world today."
Trumpfags are even dumber than I thought.
You basically just proved with your flustered manspergings that you are too uneducated for me to even respond to. congrats, aspie lololol atleast make an attempt to read the source material or understand my arguments
Uneducated techie manchildren like you who are constantly sperging about your conspiritard net neutrality shit need to neck themselves tbqhwy, my kid
Do american ISP's really do this?
blocking ads was never against net neutrality