Ctrl + r or f5?

ctrl + r or f5?

They're the same. I use the nearest.

if you use ctrl + r you're a normie

Pressing 1 key is faster than pressing 2.
>normalfag using the word 'normie'

I use customized vim-like bindings.



ctrl + f5

cmd + r

F5 if I just want to reload
Strg+F5 is there is some serious shit with the page and I want to reload it completely because of that.

Cmd+r. F5's far too away from the home row and negates it having half the keystrokes

F5 mapped to the center thumb button on my mouse.

clicking on the refresh button of my browser

Ctrl + Shift + R desu

right-click + reload button because
>my hand is already on the mouse
>I can click it anywhere on the page
>it requires less less hand movement than ctrl+r or f5
>99 out of 100 times faster than clicking the reload icon in the url bar

In the rare event that I need to refresh, I click the button that has an arrow pointing to itself in a circular fashion in the top left of my internet browser.

Plebs=ctrl + alt +del
Patrish=ctrl + shift + esc


ctrl + shift + r so you don't use cache

>implying i want the task manager

why can't I do this on firefox

Works for me

Ctrl-L, Enter.

Feels more comfortable. However there's a bug with it in Firefox.

Step 1) Open a tab and navigate to any site.
2) Open a new tab and navigate to a dot-com site by typing the domain name and hitting Ctrl-Enter (to autocomplete the www. and .com)
3) Return to the first tab.
4) Ctrl-L to highlight the URL and hit Enter.

The URL will suddenly change to that of the second site you visited/autocompleted. Fuckers.



Can not reproduce.

I've done it on a couple different computers. You might be on an older version. I think it started with 51.


I usually hit Cmd+R or just "r" since I use Vimperator.

Well then maybe you're immune. Give me your blood.

I disable trim url. Maybe you can try it too.

Just tried, no effect.

Sorry for you.

Install uBlock Origin


This, sadly. Fuck apple for killing functionality for no reason.

>he enjoys seeing ads

f6 then enter

Since when does F5 not work on OS X?

No, I just don't give a fuck.

I dunno, it doesn't work for me in Chrome at least.
And yes, I know about holding the fn-key.

I'm the guy he was talking to and I don't use an ad blocker either. They're not annoying over the limited number of sites I visit. One fewer extension to bother with.

Works in Opera, sounds like you should be saying fuck Google

Yeah, I just checked in FF and it works there as well.
Weird though, for only Google to not support this feature, and only on Apple's platform.

>Pressing 1 key is faster than pressing 2.
Not necessarily, no. You can move more than one finger at a time. At least I can.

Page loads faster if it doesnt have to load all those ads, and doesnt eat up your internet tho(assuming you have a cap of course)

I have no cap.

R = F5
Ctrl + R = Ctrl + F5

WIthout Ctrl both R and F5 refresh using the cache.

necessarily yes
1 is faster than 2 sequentially

Windows 10 replaced F5 for the volume button so you can only use Ctrl+R.


No, it didn't


>doesn't strictly use keyboard wherever possible
get the fuck out of here

Since I'm on a cheap laptop with small F keys, I usually use Ctrl+R

my man

I've never heard of anyone using or knowing ctrl+r. F5 is the standard which 99% people use and therefore ctrl+r cannot be what normies use.


ctrl+r to reload all tabs in window. f5 for single tab. don't even care that it's written by an islam.

F5 is what regular people use though. They wouldn't think to hold CTRL+R.

>falling for normie tier bait