Why are poor/trashy people obsessed with All-in-One PCs...

Why are poor/trashy people obsessed with All-in-One PCs? I sell PCs for a living and the only people who seem to be interested in our AIOs are either White trash, dirt-poor Mexicans or some combination of the two.

The thing is, they're not that cheap either. What's the obsession?

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I find them useful for travel, bringing them to classes, etc.

It looks futuristic and advanced. It's the same reason those FX-4300 + radeon HD gaymen builds with rgb lights are so popular.

Ppl think its more faster cos it looks faster

Fuck those people

They remind poorfags of iMacs

Reality is most people can get away with something like an Intel Compute Stick hooked up to a monitor, or just a laptop

Beefy desktops are really only useful these days for content creators and gamers

have you seen the cluttered shithouses they live in? they don't have room for a normal PC.

wires confuse idiots, see usb-c

The iMacs are ok, but anything that comes with Windows is gonna be trash

With the lack of support for SLI and CrossFire in vidya lately, gamers don't even need huge desktops. Most would be fine with a MicroATX or even a MiniITX build with a single card, with a few 3.5" drive bays. And if you want, most of that can be replaced with a NAS, and all you really need would be a spacious SSD and a 1-2TB HDD for games.

most matx and mitx cases have shit thermal performance.

Get with the times gramps, modern CPUs aren't those old Nehalem beasts that draw 200 watts when overclocked
And modern GPUs with blower designs do a great job at removing heat

t. A dude from 2008.

that computer looks rather nicer compared to a fucking mac
also 10 LTSB > mac os

Why have a big box and a screen when you can put the box in the screen?

>any Windows version > any OS X version
Fuck no

>implying OSX is good in any way, shape, or form

windows 10 is pretty much spyware: the os but homOS X is spyware and gay

1700 uses 200W at 4ghz

OS X is fucking great, maybe you should try it sometime instead of spouting shitty memes that are older than you are.

I tried it for a solid month, it was awful

The owner of the company I work for's wife owns one.

Well then you're broken


Or maybe he doesn't suck BBCs on a daily basis.

Nah, just a guy who likes OS X. Fuck everything else about the company.

I see you're back to spouting shitty memes that are older than you are

>durr memes

>implying lel apple iz gay xDDDD isn't a meme


>everything I don't like is bait

>i hate posix compliant unix

>posix compliant unix is good
>this is bait
so this is the level of faggotry we're dealing with these days eh

t. web """"""""""developer""""""""""

Even Windows 10 has Ubuntu in it now for development

>it's unix
>so it's automatically good nothing else matters
Fuck off with your irrational fanboyism

They probably want to experience that iMac feeling.

Not that cheap Windows AIOs will provide that...

Nice not to require a tower. Don't need the power it can provide.

>implying that OSX isn't perfect

>shitty AMD CPU uses up the electricity of a small town to even boot

most poor people are idiots

Whatever happened to Vizio?

failed like 95% of Sony

>spreading lies
Intel, you're fucked. Deal with it and stop selling US the same Nehalem processor in new package.

What a shame. With modern internals and Windows 10 running off of a PCIe SSD and these machines would have fit right in at the Microsoft Store



not to mention


Fuck Vizio.

>blower fans

I don't want my computer to sound like a jet engine. I'd rather have a couple 360mm rads with fans at -200 rpm in a case with sound dampening thanks

Fuck anything that isn't mid tower or up

Smaller cases = fewer fans = worse thermal performance provided the other hardware is the same. There is simply less space for heat to go and fewer fans to dissipate it

Unless your a gayman, an AIO PC is great. I have an iMac 5k, i7, 32GB RAM, 512GB SSD. Does everything I need and the display is amazing.

it's not a lie user, 165-215w on all ryzen 7 for 4.0 8c there is a big hump in the voltage scaling at 3.8 and they require 1.4v or greater to reach those speeds, that last 200mhz is a bitch

Sounds like you haven't used an nVidia GPU with a reference cooler made in the past half decade

>32gb ram
>laptop tier internals
Fucking pointless

I don't need to. Every review ever has demonstrated that board partners' nonblower coolers are quieter and allow the gpu to hold a higher clock, meaning they work better, provided you are someone who cares about performance and not building minuscule computers because it's hip. idk why you'd want a small mobo with less space on it for things you may want and a small case with the same issues. The challenge maybe?

>muh 3C difference
>muh 2 extra frames per second

My full tower is a god damn pain in the ass to deal with
Sure it was fine when I was a shut in neet like you, but now I have to drive to a new hospital to study at every 3 months

the laptop that vizio made was actually pretty nice design wise too but I think the keyboard and trackpad both sucked pretty bad which was disappointing.

The discrepancy is more than just 2 fps


It's also much more quiet while performing better without overclock. So explain to me why I should get a shit reference design if I don't intend to put it under water and I put performance first?

So you just drive your computer around? That's fucking retarded. I'll take being neet over retarded, thanks

>getting an education in surgery is being a retard
God those VNs at 600fps instead of 550fps must be glorious

Repeating that will not make it true, Ibrahim.

The same reason poor/dumb people are obsessed with Apple shit.

So do you drive your computer around or what, dumbass? I've done it and it isn't hard. I just put it in the case box and wala: transported. Are you a weakling and can't pick up a computer? Or did you lack the foresight to get something that would be easier to lug around? There are laptops for that and they are much better than they were

>microsoft store
>get spied on upon entering the store
>cameras and microphones everywhere
>you have to let them copy the contents of your phone and laptop upon entering
>later the store closes mid-shopping to "update its inventory"
>after a few months the cashiers get slower
>after a year or so the store starts to burn down out of nowhere

>moving every 3 months
>assuming the only thing I own is a computer
Try fitting everything you own in here, including your needlessly large full shower and 30" monitor just so you can play your 10bit chinese cartoons

>I've never left my house: the post

Who the fuck games on a laptop?
>durr get an 18" Alienware/Sager shit

Poorfags who cannot afford a desktop as well.

Also, E-GPUs and docking stations exist.

>spend $2000 on a laptop that can barely game
>instead of spending $1500 on a quality desktop and $500 on a used Thinkpad or Surface 3

E-GPUs are cancer

Bitch nigger I can fit nearly everything in my BRZ meme car. Shit like clothes. It's why I got it instead of the miata. The miata is a convertible and so is shit for practicality. Hell, I can fit my predator x34 box in the back seat. It's your own damn fault for getting a convertible for your daily driver provided it wasn't gifted to you. Our supposed surgeon in training is still a dumbass

>GAYMAN monitor
And you call me a dumbass

Those cars have 2 trunks though

>paid $1,300 for a skylake build, 970
>1.5y later buy a skylake laptop with 1060 for $1,500
>both perform equally, one is portable

>>both perform equally, one is portable
lel no they don't

Okay, so there's some throttling with the laptop but they literally average the same FPS. That's the power of Pascal.

Yes, I have money to spend on my hobbies. Cry me a river

Still not as big as a regular trunk where you can put the backseat down though. Porsches (the ones with two doors) and miatas are nice cars, but they are toy cars. I can still move my shit with mine

Why not just put $1000 into upgrading your computer to outperform that new laptop and get a regular laptop with the money left over?

>drives a BRZ
>calls other cars toy cars

And combined trunk space in a Boxster is more than a BRZ
>b-b-but muh back seats for my legless friends
The shelf behind the seats on top of the engine has more than enough space for your gayman monitor

>they are toy cars. I can still move my shit with mine

God damn, maybe I should do something like that

Did you see my post where I called my car a meme car? I went to a meet up and half the people there were vaping goddamn. Do you care? In fact, why do I care what you care? I got the car that I wanted and have no regrets. Maybe I can move out of California and delete the cats and boost it. I built the pc that I wanted and have no regrets.

No one has given me any reasons why a small form factor computer is better than a larger one aside from size. They are worse unless you put some considerable effort into a custom loop. One day when I do a loop it'll be in a nice easy big case

>implying I have friends

I can. I don't have a lot of stuff. Makes moving easy mode

>No one has given me any reasons why a small form factor computer is better than a larger one aside from size
Maybe people just want the computer that they like?

literally the only reason i'm getting rid of my mitx
you can cram a fucking beast into a tiny case but it's just going to blow itself up eventually

>a thinkpad or a Surface 3

>Maybe people just want the computer that they like?

A hero emerges


I'm glad someone noticed


Can you read?

>Why are poor/trashy people obsessed with All-in-One PCs
I wouldn't call my uncle millionaire but he's rich. All his PC's so far been shitty All-in-one. You could only check mail on them.

>samsung tvs backdoored
>lg tvs backdoored
>vizio tvs backdoored


>spending $150 on ports

Even Tom's says that Ryzen tops out at 145W PEAK load at 4 GHz
Average is around 70 in torture loops
Fucking shills

They're poor so tend to live in smaller housing, often with smaller and shittier desks, saves from having to find room for a desktop tower, probably gives an image of being less power hungry too

Wealthy people just buy macs instead

>how does macOS work?

By eating boatloads of RAM by design?

Racist piece of shit, fuck everyone who's enabling OP and his bigotry in this thread

Not only are you an ignorant chimp by implying Mexican is a race, you don't have the right to say AIO PCs are only used by white/mexican trash based on a few clients you've had

These threads should be deleted on sight

>poor/trashy people obsessed with All-in-One PCs

My brother-in-law is neither poor nor trashy. He's a 47 year old doctor of pharmacology who is the COO of a mid-size medical supply business. He pulls in $450k annually. He knows absolutely nothing about computers. He knows how to turn one on, he knows how to use Internet Explorer (thinks it is a great browser), and he knows how to email. That is about it. He thinks buying a computer is like buying a refrigerator. You go to the store, pick one out, take it home, plug it in, and it just works. Upon doing comparison shopping, he made his final decision based on the small compact size and few wires, like you would with a toaster. Tech astute, he is not. He still owns a Blackberry and thinks Blackberry phones are the greatest of all time.

better than white women and their macfaggotry

OS X's actually really good with RAM, it's got RAM compression too. I've seen OS X consume 24GiB RAM on a computer with 16GiB RAM without touching swap

Sounds retarded

How is being able to use 150% the RAM you actually have installed retarded?

No what's retarded is why the fuck does a netbook strapped to a monitor need so much ram in the first place?

For addressing that much RAM, what kind of dumbass question is that?
Good one, user. Apple's totally made iMacs with single core Atoms before

>my AIO is faster than most of your rgb towers
