Why should any citizen need encryption? I have nothing to hide so nothing to fear. Encryption makes it easy for pedos and terrorists to evade the law, cases have had to be dropped because of this. Even worse, Sup Forums is so much of a cuckold that they're against secure asymmetrical backdoors. Only the government could use it and only reason you would fear anything if you know you're breaking the law.
Why should any citizen need encryption? I have nothing to hide so nothing to fear...
There is nothing wrong with breaking the law you dingus. The government is nothing more than an instrument that exercises my will, a tool to get what I want. And if a few faggots like you have to be curbstombed along the way, that's no big deal.
Sure thing ISIS, you'll be purged soon enough
>military grade encryption
>Sup Forums has been outlawed
>People who have posted on Sup Forums are being rounded up and put into internment camps
Basic security.
With digital information, stuff can be broken into very fast and even automatically.
When I make transactions online, I want that to be encrypted so people don't steal my stuff.
Other sites are encrypted too so people don't steal my identity.
Having a backdoor is bad for security. You are deliberately making a security hole and hope only one guy uses it.
Why would you assume that there is a criminal motive to encrypt things?
If someone is breaking the law, the police should get a warrant to gather evidence. They shouldn't just log into a huge database and then pick someone who might have a motive.
If they don't comply with the warrant or destroy evidence, then jail them for that.
But assuming that everyone is a pedofile and use that as an argument to not have security is fucking retarded.
FBI can't get past iPhone encryption, yet apple loves muslims and degenerates so much they won't even put a special undetectable backdoor that criminals cannot use
>a special undetectable backdoor that criminals cannot use
Like the ones in the Vault7 leaks?
Asymmetrical backdoors cannot ever be used by anyone who didn't implant it, even if it's fully well known
>cannot ever be used by anyone who didn't implant it
Because some of us live in a place where the people who build and maintain the systems we use don't really care at all about privacy or security. We have no way of knowing what's really going on past that demarc point so keeping our info secure is our own responsibility. Even if the odds of anyone actually trying to extort or hack are really low it's just a good practice.
A bit off-topic. How did Sup Forums deal with their conservative butt buddies effectively abolishing their online privacy?
they love it
the law changes over time and you never know when is the next time when a soviet tier government starts being in charge
>Nothing to hide nothing to fear
google it. we've fed your bait enough now. now get lost, mike
>they love it
I thought they were "keep the government small and outta my life" types. What the fuck?
>Sup Forums November 7th
>Trump cuts regulations on Wall Street, offers undying support to Israel, and has multiple Jewish bankers on staff
>nu-Sup Forums: wow, I love Jews and bankers now!
It's pretty hilarious.
>i have nothing to hide so nothing to fear
nu-Sup Forums has been a thing since around 2015 when the reddit invasion really got bad.
>check out r/the_donald
>literally just cross posting Sup Forums shit
So was it 4channers that infected Reddit or Redditors that infected Sup Forums?
The god emperor can do no wrong.
cross infection
I sure as fuck wouldn't want to do netbanking without encryption.
Or logging in to any site containing personal information.
>>Trump cuts regulations on Wall Street
Iceland here. Why the fuck would you do that? Other than Wall Street bankers, who the fuck would think it's a good idea to cut regulations on banks? Didn't you retards learn from giant fucking global financial meltdown in 2008?
>nothing to hide so nothing to fear
Are you one of those autists who can't detect sarcasm without a stupid /s to let you know?
At this point of Sup Forums, I can't tell if is sarcasms or just a retard.
wonder if its just a bot posting the same thread over and over
Is it wrong to fap to futa source filmmaker animations of vidya waifus fucking each other in the eye sockets? Nope
Would you want CIA watching you do that? Hopefully not.
Autistic fuck.
Do you not understand how the world works? Everything in life has a good and bad side. So of course you are going to have groups of people who abuse and take advantage of a good thing.
As for me I'm not going to leave my logins, passwords, SSH keys, and server info unencrypted for everyone to see.