r linux desktops rly so bad????
(not mine btw)
R linux desktops rly so bad????
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That's the worst shit I have seen in awhile.
People who watch anime barely pass as human beings.
no bully
post pic pls
Desktops are not technology.
I watched an episode of that anime in the bottom right with my jap girlfriend
It was fucking garbage and she agreed too - girls as 'animals' with no plot or dialogue of any interest
they don't call it loonix for nothing
Why is it always the macfags and archfags who are the most mentally ill of all desktop thread anons.
Wrong website kids
Post buthole
You are mentally challenged.
Pass the terminal config file.
mac user here. those shit desktops posters are sociopaths.
wrong board pedo.
>r linux desktops rly so bad????
>(not mine btw)
Why are you people on Sup Forums if you dislike anime?
Yeah we watched it because it's popular
There's no substance to it, and it's not even sexually arousing, so what's your point?
It's like a children's show, except with shows like rugrats or spongebob you can still get some enjoyment out of it as an adult - this show was boring as fuck all the way through
My girlfriend says it's watched mainly by virgin men
Hey guise I have gf.
Awww, you can't use Linux but want to rice too. How cute!
Anyone over 18 who watches Anime is a child and needs to grow up.
That doesn't answer my question. Why are you here? Aren't there other websites you could discuss whatever you wish without having to see all this horrible anime content?
I mean we're never going away. We're never going to stop. Sup Forums is for weebs, period.
Being a weeb isn't something positive though. I sure as fuck hope you simply enjoy anime without having to be a wapanese autist. I somewhat agree though that newfriends should be guided in our ways and if there's no success in doing so they should be told to fuck off to somewhere else.
Still doesn't answer the question. Nobody has ever answered this and I'm starting to get a little disturbed by that.
Because believe it or not, not every board needs to have anime, people can be interested in technology without having a boner over drawings of japanese 12 year olds. And before you start screeching that this is an anime site, there is a board specifically for anime, which would imply that each board is dedicated to subjects other than anime. Cunts like you just cannot comprehend this for reasons unknown
I'm not going either. I remember the days before anime leaked out of Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
By calling you a weeb, we being the middleman for the society you are no longer a part of. Now deal with it, Peado.
This. For some reason, weebs don't see themselves as having pedophilic tendencies when they are watching animated shows that sexualise/romanticise children.
Sure this board doesn't need anime, but it's here and it isn't going away so there's really no point in complaining about it.
Can you agree that's logical?
So you think nobody should complain that this board is flooded with drawing of children, and the kind of cock goblin sub humans that it attracts to the board is ruining/has ruined it? What kind of cuck are you?
Complaining would be worthwhile if there were a chance of us stopping, but there's not. This is an anime website after all. There's other websites you could go to that don't have this problem.
well I could follow the worthwhile Sup Forums posters and go to reddit, but why not try and get rid of the issue in Sup Forums, vs. forcing peopel to choose alternatives? And so fuck if this is an anime site, theres a board for it. You don't see Sup Forums starting up a fucking guts thread or csg in Sup Forums, why the fuck should we have to see anime all over Sup Forums?
You will stop yourself when that noose tightens around you neck the moment you realise you are too far detached from society to live a meaningful life.