Should I pick up all this stuff? Its free but i have to take all of it. 25 minutes away from me.
Should I pick up all this stuff? Its free but i have to take all of it. 25 minutes away from me
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Just for the monitor, yes, are you retarded?
yeah I want to do it for the crt monitors but then what am i going to do with all the flat screen and desktops? This stuff barely sells
If it's free, what do you have to lose besides space? Even if the profit is small, it's something
Give it away yourself I guess, but yeah you should take it
Yes and immediately take it to a charity. Seriously there are people out there who need this and someone more knowledgeable could probably find a tax write-off for you.
Take what you don't want to the dump, or whatever you call it in burgerland.
Charities arent allowed to take electronics where I live
Actually i take that back. This is a better idea.
What can I ask where you live?
seriously wtf? you don't have thrift shops?
Well i contacted the seller and he said its already gone. I actually wanted to donate the pcs to those in need after thinking about it. Shame really that some dick will now make a profit off it.
we do but theyre not allowed to sell electronics because of some nanny state law. They have to go through ground testing first and obviously shops that hire the disabled (like every shop here) wont want to indroduce a layer of liability.
they don't accept it because it's generally total trash shit that they'll never move and its been a problem so much that they decline it outright
nobody ever, EVER goes into a "thrift store" (op-shop) in australia and walks out with a $2 pentium 4 shitter
being a thrift store in australia that accepts electronics is just asking to turn your entire place into a rubbish dump
Those cases and monitors are pretty good. Do not give it away, but sell for low price or exchange for some other stuff.
lol roofuckers can't sell electronics without testing them? In my area electronics are a huge boon for the thrift stores and represent like 30% of their profits, not even kidding.
Take them, bust open HDDs, sell discs as a designer's mirrors, make amulets out of bracing and network cables, build towers out of magnets.
Keep CRT monitors and resell them to designers.
Make bolas out of mouses.
Turn printer cartridges into a dirty bombs and use rollers to either move heavy stuff or attach to cases and surf on them.
Build a doghouse out of cases.
i disagree partially, and its foremost because of legality now. Ive got cool stuff in the past from thrift shops (op shops here foward) including a n64, gameboy in box, video player and a tv. Most used to carry a lot of weird shit though.
Fuck no, you don't want that shit. I don't understand people with this flipper mentality that just hoard junk and claim they'll fix up and sell one day. My dad is one of them, he complains about having no space but has piles of busted, ancient hardware (laptops, speakers, printers etc), some of it over 15 yrs old. He rees when I suggest throwing it away because "its worth something to someone", yeah like $10 while you spend atleast an hour trying to peddle it... Always ask yourself, what is your time really worth?
Get the desktops.
Turn them into a giant clustered VM host and storage.
>not far away
>lots of free shit
I'm failing to comprehend the problem.
>what am i going to do with all the flat screen
Do you know how awesome it is to have a 16 screens setup all around your room on the walls ? Or more boringly in a square shape on an unique wall to watch old 4/3 movies ?
My parents are the exact opposite it's fucking dumb.
>Buy useless shit
>Sell useless shit because "well i have no use for it it's just collecting dust"
>Rebuy a variant of said shit
Take them, you could use the tower cases and the displays.
Sell i to your bros on Sup Forums
The power consumption on those old LCD screens was terrible though
why not? you idiot
I see at least two capacitor plague systems, there's no way they still work. The beige systems in the back are probably close to 20 years old and would be piii. The lcds are old shitty cheap ass sumsung tn models. Nothing really wrong with them but they're not dell uktrasharps.
I guarantee the printers don't work or else they would still be using them.
>Should I pick up all this stuff?
It depends, if you have room and are able to store all of that for a few months then sure, go for it.
If you don't have extra space to put it then don't.
I am absolutely totally sure that the cost of picking these things up is a whole lot less than the re-sale value of those things. You will be able to sell these things but not instantly, it will take some time.
To put it another way, I live in a 60m2 apartment with a small perhaps 5m2 storage area in the basement. I would not take all of that because I really don't have a place to put it all. If I had say a 20m2 storage area in the basement or lived in a house with a room or two rarely used then I'd go for it.
why the fuck do you need ctr monitors??
Not a charity really
Take what you want. Recycle the rest. There's bound to be an e-waste place where you live.
>e-waste place
>not dumping it all in the nearest forest
Get it, those are some nice looking early 00's towers and crts. Sell the modern stuff and the printers.
>early 00s
Those light blue stickers are for the core 2 duo era,
No charity takes tube monitors or TVs anymore.
Donate them to a school or something
Make a retro video wall.
This, you could sell them as "affordable" office equipment. Lots of small companies use old computers because the software they need is lightweight as fuck. Recycle the white stuff and sell the black PCs (I think dell optiplexes and a couple of old thinkcentres) for $20 each, maybe $30 if you clean them up a little.
Pick up a good number of those monitors and ebay them.
But even without doing that, extra monitors are always useful to have.
Why not grab of them and use them to make a personnal server or some shit at your home? Theres so much you can do with all this stuff.
>core 2
They're all P4 shitboxes.
I don't see why not. You can make nice coin with this on ebay.
This is first world country you're talking about. Nobody is going to buy 10 years old computer unless it super cheap
take it. Sell it.
Enjoy free money
Sell that shit on ebay, bro!
Yes, of course. It's free stuff.
if you can't sell it, remove the gold from the boards and plate your penis with gold
I used to work at a community college, and we couldn't just take shit home or give it to charity. We threw so many core2 think centres away, and so many 980 and below optiplexes out. They didn't even let me take a case home to do a meme build. The most we did was take out some case fans, and we didn't even get all of them, it was only like one days worth. Even some 9020s with only busted motherboards got trashed with 4790s and 8gb ddr3. Fucking stupid recycling contract, they were probably reselling all that shit too.
Also the amount of times I had to install brand new 16:10 27" monitors in some useless old fuck's office pissed me off when all they did was check email on their vm and then complain it wasn't as fast as their old desktop, which in a lot of cases was a p4 shitbox
>You can make nice coin with this on ebay.
Dude, the shipping alone makes it not worth the bother. And I'm not even talking about the cost, which would be covered by the buyer obviously.
Yeh for sure. There looks like there's a modernish server there.
Swipe the windows licenses if there is any
Harvest all of the PSUs and power bricks, maybe power cords. Scrap everything else.
Yes. Donate to charity what you don't need.
charities are full of old office equipment.
I would.
I could add 2 -4 monitors more to my workstation just because its cool.
Use the desktops as fileservers or htpcs. Spare keyboard/mice etc
Take it OP!
I would just for the monitors. Those are always fun to play around with.
>take free stuff
>sell it for money online
You're literally leaving cash on the ground for someone else to steal by not taking it, you lazy cunt.
Ensure that anything which you don't use is recycled as WEEE waste.
Sadly you probably can't create a 2x3 grids of the black monitors due to their connection type... You'd probably need two AMD GPUs anyway.
You might need some cables and a PS2 keyboard. There are local poor kids who could use those computers to self-educate. Do something good with your life and organise that shit.
I would've taken the beigeboxes
Take it and donate it to get the Sup Forums colony started