>i7 costs pennies more in silicon to produce compared to other chips
>tfw it costs twice as much to purchase an i5
I7 costs pennies more in silicon to produce compared to other chips
because amd is garbage so why would i lower prices?
inb4 assblasted amd fangirls who've been getting btfo for yeaaars
Because Intel has no competition and people are willing to pay that price.
Dumb frogposter
Don't worry, in a week they won't be able to give those things away.
Actually, the i5s, i3s and pentium stuff costs them more to make because they require more testing and additional processing to shut off the defect cores.
i7s are flawless CPUs that can be sold as is.
The defective i7s are sold as i5s, i3s and pentiums depending on how much they can handle design spec voltage without freezing.
>Go to the beach
>Get silicon for free
>Go to buy CPUs
>Have to pay hundreds of dollars
BUT, the yields are better for i5s and i3s since they can tolerate more defects. They can produce less i7s with the same amount of silicon than they can i5s/i3s.
>stealing public property
Wow, you asshole. I bet you steal books from libraries too.
alright nig here's a block of silicon, YOU make a processor
oh wait you can't because that's not how it fucking works
fucking dumbass frogposter
>What is RnD
>What are yeilds
>What is marketing
Sunk costs. Not factored into the price.
Lower yields, that's all you need to know.
>Moving collections of atoms is wrong
I bet you defend child porn because it's just 1s and 0s.
>Collections of atoms in other atoms being viewed by other atoms is illegal
Except they cost the same to produce.
i5s are just defective i7s with cores disabled and/or clocked lower.
>It costs 60 bucks for a decently comparable xeon CPU with error correction, non gimped cache, and cores.
Go cheap or go home.
I wonder...
products are only worth as much as people are willing to pay
Because price is determined by supply and demand, not by cost of production.
>but that's not fair!
On the contrary, capitalism produces outcomes that are more fair than any other economic system ever tried.
>1% of the population control all the supply, the demand, and whatever the fuck else they want
I made that Pepe
>what is binning
>Because price is determined by supply and demand
price is determined by willing buyers and sellers.
They cost more because they get fewer i7 class chips from each wafer of silicon than they do i5 or i3.
Thanks pepemeister
true. however, for high volume, standardized good, and a common market, this leads to supply and demand
t. never took a course in business
if expenses weren't expected to be recouped in profit from them they wouldn't have been made you dummy
Because if it costed penniesmore than i5 then i5 would cost tens of $ more.
You're only taking into consideration the material cost and forgetting the years of research and lab work that they invested in it.
Because shilltel shills and kids using their moms credit card are willing to pay for it.
Does this imply i7s are just defective i9s?
Leave bernout
I'm not a statist
>1800x costs pennies more in silicon to produce than 1700
>costs hundreds more
Wow wtf fucking Jews man
HEDT i7s are literally defective Xeons.
What are the Xeons, then? Are they top of the line?
Too many braindead retards here on this board.
Seriously, have you guys even graduated from HS?