How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology? Should it be?

How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology? Should it be?

AI, surveillance, biometric authentication, other things? Discuss solutions and why they might not work.

disable the truck if a muslim is inside

I would get rid of trucks. At least within city limits. As necessary as mass shipping is, trucks are a major pain in the dick in urban areas.

>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology
Use biometrics, image recognition, mass surveillance etc to seriously limit muslims' freedom of movement.

>trucks are a major pain in the dick in urban areas
How do you propose large volumes of inventory be moved within a city?

Enslave an entire generation of healthy and physically strong yet obedient and subservient sub-saharan Africans and make them carry stuff.

Obviously worked to for American farms and ranches when they had to compete with automatisation and new machines.

I live next to a harbor with crazy traffic bottlenecks which big trucks are jamming all the time. I wish they had planned for this before building 2 narrow roads out of the harbor.

No fucking clue. Underground rail seems to work nicely for large volumes of people but humans have legs for the "last mile problem." Maybe rail plus droves of those Boston Dynamics nightmare dogs?

Either that or just tear up the existing infrastructure completely and replace roads completely with light rail. Passenger and goods cars can share the space. I'm not sure whether that's less monumental than turning the bedrock into Swiss cheese.

Quite simple. Let me explain:

Using government databases, procure lists of every person "that was known to intelligence services" and round them up. After they are rounded up, proceed to break their legs and then put them into an airbus style jumbo jet. Once flying over an ocean of sufficient size, dump the terror-mannequins out the back of the plane. Bonus points for dumping over poor hungry shark-infested waters. Shark-lives matter and all that.


>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology?
Install AMD engines.