How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology? Should it be?
AI, surveillance, biometric authentication, other things? Discuss solutions and why they might not work.
How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology? Should it be?
AI, surveillance, biometric authentication, other things? Discuss solutions and why they might not work.
disable the truck if a muslim is inside
I would get rid of trucks. At least within city limits. As necessary as mass shipping is, trucks are a major pain in the dick in urban areas.
>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology
Use biometrics, image recognition, mass surveillance etc to seriously limit muslims' freedom of movement.
>trucks are a major pain in the dick in urban areas
How do you propose large volumes of inventory be moved within a city?
Enslave an entire generation of healthy and physically strong yet obedient and subservient sub-saharan Africans and make them carry stuff.
Obviously worked to for American farms and ranches when they had to compete with automatisation and new machines.
I live next to a harbor with crazy traffic bottlenecks which big trucks are jamming all the time. I wish they had planned for this before building 2 narrow roads out of the harbor.
No fucking clue. Underground rail seems to work nicely for large volumes of people but humans have legs for the "last mile problem." Maybe rail plus droves of those Boston Dynamics nightmare dogs?
Either that or just tear up the existing infrastructure completely and replace roads completely with light rail. Passenger and goods cars can share the space. I'm not sure whether that's less monumental than turning the bedrock into Swiss cheese.
Quite simple. Let me explain:
Using government databases, procure lists of every person "that was known to intelligence services" and round them up. After they are rounded up, proceed to break their legs and then put them into an airbus style jumbo jet. Once flying over an ocean of sufficient size, dump the terror-mannequins out the back of the plane. Bonus points for dumping over poor hungry shark-infested waters. Shark-lives matter and all that.
>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology?
Install AMD engines.
Just nuke all niggers and muslims, nuclear technology solves it.
first they come for the muzzies
then the blacks paks and sikhs
next the jew come for da white man
they say whites are denmons, we should all be fearful
dis how we all become slaves
You make a good observation, though I was thinking more about the issues at delivery points. Even when they're not careening into pedestrians these trucks totally fuck traffic in cities. They're cumbersome around corners, block entire intersections during congestion, just fucking stop in the middle of a lane because they need to unload and there's no space to pull over, etc.
>Remove nonwhites
Technology wasn't even required
nothing personnel, kid
Fight fire with fire.
Hijack the nearest truck and terrorize the terrorist.
Wirstband with hearth-rate monitor, not connected to the internet, but slowsdown/emergency brakes when HR drops or abnormally spikes.
Better design: same function choker around neck stuffed with explosive. Abnormal heart rates appear - boom. That wouldn't solve the cold-blooded killers problem tho.
This is a good point. However all the recent truck attacks have not been very organized and I think some AI could completely hinder these attacks. Hackers are usually not interested in killing but financial gain.
Trucks are only allowed to drive at night and must be driven autonomous
We can still improve on this design. If we want the truck to come to an instant halt, we can rig the whole cabin with explosives thus dropping the bare-metal remains directly into the asphalt.
Trucks have no place in city centers or any place with many pedestrians.
Use smaller, slow moving electric vehicles instead.
Going further: have a designated co-pilot drive with every trucker thus creating millions of jobs.
Gibe medals pls.
Thats dumb. Anything is a weapon if you want to. I'm all for sending all Muslims back to shittystan.
JCBs with jackhammer attachments are a suitable technology to use. Simply demolish a prominent mosque any time shit like this happens.
It'll soon stop.
Improved diagnostic tools for ASD/ID among 2nd generation immigrants, social media flagging, monitoring of clerics and on that subject, make it easier for neighbors and family members to voice suspicions of radicalization. Especially since one of the most effective ways to curtail terrorism is to get the community involved. Something we've seen in north America where mosques are a very useful resource
After all, this is a cocktail of problems, one the rest of these retards seem to think is solved by massively increasing one of its ingredients. GG Europe, this is why North America does integration better than you
You don't seem to understand human psychology. That plan is a sure-fire way to get 10 times as many attacks like this
Add a dashcam and gps tracker with live feed from cabin and road over cellular network with ability to disable the engine of a truck from the control center.
Oh wait
Shoot every shitskin at the border.
By making the internet a right and put free wifi all over the fucking place BUT also make it mandatory to for all devices connected to it have an app/program that lets you contact the authorities immediately (maybe some kind of voip 911 variant) and list of rewards that will be paid of someone reports a terrorism attempt and it turns out to be real. Also speed would be throttled to 1 mbps per wifi access point to make it reliable and relatively stable.
You win every time!
inb4: Sup Forums invents the Big Brother
Bollards between the street and the sidewalk in high foot traffic areas. They started putting them everywhere in the US after the Oklahoma City bombing. This is a solved problem.
>How do you propose large volumes of inventory be moved within a city?
Totally useless. How is any of that going to crack terrorist skulls in the cabin? Plus, both the driver and co-pilot have to simultaneously turn a key to fire up the engine. If they don't, giftgas comes out of the airvents incapacitating the occupant.
>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology?
Attach the car key to the driver with a wire.
Same here in Amsterdam.
If the terrorist driver tries to escape, the gps traker is inserted via projectile under his skin in addition to tazer high-voltage shocker.
>terrorist stabs driver and puts him on the pasenger seat
Two simple words:
Voice command.
When the driver says "Allah Ackbar" shut down engine and apply brakes.
This one particular hijacking happened when the driver was outside of the truck. If the driver would've had the key on him instead of in the cabin, that truck wouldn't have gone anywhere.
>the gps traker is inserted via projectile under his skin in addition to tazer high-voltage shocker.
Improved voice command.
When the driver says "Allah Ackbar" the cabin blows up. Braking parachutes are also released.
>in north America where mosques are a very useful resource
One major problem in Europe is many mosques are under direct control from the Turkish government.
They are a major source for radicalization and refuse to cooperate with law enforcement.
>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology?
a) 2nd amendment
b) no muslim immigration
22nd century technology
>They are a major source for radicalization and refuse to cooperate with law enforcement.
Why is this allowed? Why does Europe want to invite invaders that are allowed to plot anything within their off-limits mosques? Is this the result of pic related?
My dick throbs at the thought of forcefully eliminating all these vehicles:
>heavy equipment
Every time I see one of these, I want to kill the driver.
educate them so they dont become terrorists in the first place.
ban trucks from cities.
problem solved.
>t. sweden
Ban terrorists.
No, I'm going to focus on the Polish and Russian ministers because I know the most about them. The Russian fellow in this picture is Sergey Shoygu. He was born in Siberia and worked as an executive for a Russian engineering firm before he moved to Moscow and became involved in politics. He has no military experience, and only became the Russian defense minister due to his ties to Vladimir Putin. Additionally, he isn't known for anything notable in Russia, except for having a pricey collection of Japanese swords worth an estimated $60 million. The Polish man is Macierewicz, similarly he is a crony appointee and he has been absolutely detrimental to Poland's military and intelligence service.
Man, were like 5 million citizens in the whole nation, how the fuck could we even fantasize about standing up against Russia if they attack?
NATO will save the remains of our asses if shit hits the fan.
Our defense won't even delay an invasion, so the "ministry of defense" is purely for maintaining a good image for the rest of the NATO members.
It's simple: Bollards so that you can't even drive a car into pedestrian walkways like the one on Drottningsgatan.
A bit low tech yes, but it actually works.
In case people don't know what a bollard is, see picture related
>when your minister of defense is literal weaboo
He's closest to the truth though. Other things to do: dismantle speech-policing policies, this feeds into one of the ingredients of the European terrorist cocktail. Along with this, Europe needs to learn a little concept called Civic Primacy, something they perhaps understand well enough to be like "yes, yes" but obviously a concept they still don't grasp, since in the national subconscious, ethnic/religious identity still holds sway over citizenship in several countries. When these 2 mix, you get hardcore marginalization of immigrants, something that affects the next generation more so, but something very profound nonetheless.
You can drive a motorbike or scooter between them.
heh, the future of europe. bollards on every street, passports checks at every border, guards with auto's at every subway station, and everytime you want to fly to try to get away from it all get ready to have your butt turned inside out.
this is the price to pay for diversity, your freedom.
Sterilize all migrants and forbid money transfers from/to foreign bank accounts.
tl;dr, Europe needs to become more American
Stop importing millions of angry muzzies who hate the west?
Guys, it's simple! Ban encryption for non-government or business use and extremist forums like reddit and ebaumsworld.
he should've drank the beer instead
or you could just stop importing the group that commits the truck attacks
>passports checks at every border
We used to have that before the Schengen agreement was established in the mid 90s
>guards with auto's at every subway station
The only times you see this is just after a terrorist attack
>everytime you want to fly to try to get away from it all get ready to have your butt turned inside out
I think you're mixing up europe with murrica here... It's much stricter than it was pre 9/11, but we're nowhere near TSA levels of crap.
Admittedly mass immigration where immigrants haven't integrated has been a disaster, but people are finally waking up to this en masse despite the elites' attempts to prevent this from happening. The next few decades might be interesting to see as the migrant flood we're still dealing with was what was required for the powers that be to finally at least partially accept the consequences of the immigration policies of the past.
>We don't need a defense, NATO will save us!
NATO is a collective defense treaty. If you aren't willing to participate in the collective defense, you shouldn't be defended.
And now America has a president that agrees with that statement.
>Enslave an entire generation of healthy and physically strong yet obedient and subservient sub-saharan Africans and make them carry stuff.
Problem is laws stop them from hard-working, if they're forced to, someone tells that they will get more money by putting company in court
You'd rather have to drive on the same road as that slow piece of shit?
Neither of those can be used to cause all that much damage, which is the reason why they use trucks and SUVs. On a bike you get to hit one person at lethal speed and then you either fall over or slow down to the point where a pedestrian can stop you by simply knocking you over.
>driving roads in city centre
what is this, McNugget town district, Alabama?
This. Walls are simple yet efficient technology
>How do you propose large volumes of inventory be moved within a city?
within the CITY, not just the center
"Send them back" has O(n) complexity with a 100% success rate.
Forbid large vehicle traffic in mass walking areas, especially on holidays.
The only way to stop terrorism is to kill Sven. They're cucked beyond repair.
Nice Sup Forums thread Sup Forums. But I think you should all stick to shilling consumer shit technology.
Cargo subway trains and trams + electric forklifts/minitrucks
All driverless, deliveries done over night when there is not much pedestrians or transport in streets.
Personally I'm more like: "NATO won't make it in time, we need to use 1% more of our oil funds to increase the defenses so that we will survive until we get help from our NATO comrades"
But the reality is that more and more bases are being abandoned due to stagnated budgets and bad investments like splurging it all on new fighter jets without having pilots to use them.
Having a monkey rustle the cage might bring a good change to our state budgeting, so the POTUS can keep up his mediocre work.
Pretty sure if they intend to murder some people they're cool with disregarding laws.
>How would you stop truck hijack terrorism with technology?
You can only start the truck by eating a slice of delicious bacon. Solved.
Most modern vehicles have voice input installed, why not just create a safe word?
>Emergency command accepted. Executing safety precautions per ยง191 chapter 11, releasing neurotoxins.
>You can only start the truck by eating a slice of delicious bacon. Solved.
Genius. Absolute, 100% distilled genius.
Isn't the US the only country in NATO that has thus far required defense?
Retractable bollards are exactly for that case. Or good old concrete blocks if you are into low-tech stuff or live above 40th parallel
Can anyone imagine if we had flying vehicles like in Back to the Futures vision of 2015? Fooking nightmare m8.
nerf trucks.
Nuke this area! Twice to make sure.
wut?? AI, surveillance, biometric authentication. Are you a tard? simple driver-less cars the teck is already there.....
It's simple: Flying bollards so that you can't even fly into a pedestrian walkways like the one on Solar City.
>yes goy, those ebil muslims need wiped out
Tech might be there but is it ready for commercial use? Can it function in snow, rainstorm, dark? I think there's still a long way before trucks are completely driver-less.
AI can be used to detect changed patterns in driving behaviour, analyze dashcam/gps, alert police with anomalies and shutdown etc. You could simply make the vehicle not able to drive over physical obstacles by emergency braking. A lot of things could be done without making the vehicle completely autonomous.
We, and by they, I mean everyone are incapable of using a truck properly. They need to be banned.
With a gun you stupid faggot.
/k/ > Sup Forums
Nerds on Sup Forums get BTFO by MECHANICAL tech, what will 1's and 0's ELECTRICAL tech nerds do now?
Don't come crying when i hack your gun so that you can't shoot that whole village.
>hack gun
wew lad, this is Sup Forums logic, if you cant use linux your powers are meaningless kiddo. When will Sup Forums learn their place in the Sup Forums hierarchy? You guys would get rekt by /fit/ /out/ and /k/
Weak should fear the strong