How often should get "new identity" in Tor? Every time you visit a new website/domain? Does it even matter?
How often should get "new identity" in Tor? Every time you visit a new website/domain? Does it even matter?
TOR changes your IP regularly.
Yeah, but it doesn't clear the cash and the cookies, so it makes sense to renew your identity from time to time.
You dont need to mess with this unless you maximum privacy. Just reset all the settings in your browser and clean all files(cache/history). I guess by disabling javascript its already hard for servers to get info on your browser.
What I'm concerned is that let's say I visit a vietnamese basket weaving forum that uses Google Analytics (and thus, Google knows I visited "vietnamese basket weaving forum"). Now without renewing my Tor identity, I visit another website, "the liberal front page of the internet" that also uses Google Analytics. Now Google knows that the same person who visited "vietnamese basket weaving forum" also visited "the liberal front page of the internet" etc.
Essentially, Google can follow and track your browsing throughout the web even if you use Tor and don't request a new identity for every website you visit.
Doesn't matter.
Most exit nodes are government controlled. Your privacy is compromised. Also, stop being a pedo.
Okay, I understand.
Are you trying to remain anonymous from the server you visit or from the NSA?
Force Tor to only use countries which respect your freedom.
How? I can't find such settings.
Pretty sure that TOR-exit nodes can only Lurk on basket weaving forums.
You can safely ignore all of Femanon's posts.
What's the matter?
/Tor Browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/torrc
ExitNodes {}
EntryNodes {}
StrictNodes 1
ExcludeNodes {ac},{af},{ax},{al},{dz},{ad},{ao},{ai},{aq},{ag},{ar},{am},{aw},{au},{at},{az},{bs},{bh},{bd},{bb},{by},{be},{bz},{bj},{bm},{bt},{bo},{ba},{bw},{bv},{br},{io},{vg},{bn},{bg},{bf},{bi},{kh},{cm},{ca},{cv},{ky},{cf},{td},{cl},{cn},{cx},{cc},{co},{km},{cg},{cd},{ck},{cr},{ci},{hr},{cu},{cy},{cz},{dk},{dj},{dm},{do},{tp},{ec},{eg},{sv},{gq},{ee},{et},{fk},{fo},{fj},{fi},{fr},{fx},{gf},{pf},{tf},{ga},{gm},{ge},{de},{gh},{gi},{gr},{gl},{gd},{gp},{gu},{gt},{gn},{gw},{gy},{ht},{hm},{hn},{hk},{hu},{is},{in},{id},{ir},{iq},{ie},{im},{il},{it},{jm},{jp},{jo},{kz},{ke},{ki},{kp},{kr},{kw},{kg},{la},{lv},{lb},{ls},{lr},{ly},{li},{lt},{lu},{mo},{mk},{mg},{mw},{my},{mv},{ml},{mt},{mh},{mq},{mr},{mu},{yt},{mx},{fm},{md},{mc},{mn},{me},{ms},{ma},{mz},{mm},{na},{nr},{np},{an},{nl},{nc},{nz},{ni},{ne},{ng},{nu},{nf},{mp},{no},{om},{pk},{pw},{ps},{pa},{pg},{py},{pe},{ph},{pn},{pl},{pt},{pr},{qa},{re},{ro},{ru},{rw},{ws},{sm},{st},{sa},{uk},{sn},{rs},{sc},{sl},{sg},{sk},{si},{sb},{so},{as},{za},{gs},{su},{es},{lk},{sh},{kn},{lc},{pm},{vc},{sd},{sr},{sj},{sz},{se},{ch},{sy},{tw},{tj},{tz},{th},{tg},{tk},{to},{tt},{tn},{tr},{tm},{tc},{tv},{ug},{ua},{ae},{gb},{uk},{us},{um},{uy},{uz},{vu},{va},{ve},{vn},{vi},{wf},{eh},{ye},{zm},{zw}
Remove from exclude to allow a country. Add it to Exit/Entry to force the said excluded countrie(s) as Exit/Entry. I suggest blocking everything but Russia.
I don't know if I should ask in this thread of make one on /an/. How safe are "vacuum sealed" products around four legged friends?
DO NOT do this. "Femanon" goes against the Tor developers express warnings about doing such a thing and openly spreads misinformation. It drastically reduces your anonymity.
Listen to this guy
Yes, listen to this goy. Send all your data through US nodes. Do it!
>respecting freedom
And blocking all but one country is a terrible idea if you want anonymity. Everything i've seen you post seems like obvious bait since you keep posting it. But I'm starting to think you actually believe your own bullshit.
you disgust me
I ddin't say toblock all countries. I don't block all countries as you can see here
You wont be able to post on Sup Forums through Tor. I don't even think posting is possible with javascript disabled, as you should do for safety anyway.
blocking that many is a bad idea if you seek anonymity. It narrows you down very fast. You give bad advice.
Who said I'm posting on Sup Forums?
And how do you know how many countries I've blocked? My current setup could connect only though Ukraine, that doesn't mean Ukraine is my only whitelisted counrty.
Any time I do something which could potentially be correlated to my identity I get a new identity before and after.
You suggested to block everything but Russia, that is bad advice.
Yes, listen to this goy. Send all your data through US nodes. Do it!
>using default settings that is set for maximum anonymity is bad
>severely limit entry and exits therefore increasing traffic analysis accuracy
>I don't block all countries as you can see
>the end
Reject anything Femanon says. Filter Femanon posts.
Damage control. You're an idiot, sweetie.
>You suggested to block everything but Russia, that is bad advice.
It's better than allowing everything.
>It's better than allowing everything.
This has got to be a troll.
Femanon, explain your reasoning.
Sure, but its still bad advice. Do you do everything half-assed?
Anything is better than allowing your traffic to potentialy touch US, UK, Canada, Australia or NZ land.
I don't, but for someone who does is still better than default.
So drastically reducing your anonymity set by increasing the accuracy of traffic analysis is better than the potential for undecipherable encrypted communications being passed through a certain country?
Not if they want anonymity and not just a proxy. It's just bad practice. I can tell you are stubborn since you are still defending it.
write a script to change your identity every 5 seconds.
It changes everytime you start Tor but, if you feel the need to change it do it. Not going to hurt you the more you change identities. If your not a DNM king pin, looking at CP, or something of that nature you shouldn't be too worried.
Lots of filter fucks in this thread or well one person probably spouting bullshit.
Not fooling anyone here "dude"
Yes. But I wouldn't call it drastically. When was the last time you checked a map?
>undecipherable encrypted communications being passed through a certain country
Until proven wrong.
You get enough anonymity throughout Russia alone as your only whitelisted country.
>You get enough anonymity throughout Russia alone as your only whitelisted country.
There you go half-assing it again. It is not enough for somebody skilled and determined enough.
>Yes. But I wouldn't call it drastically. When was the last time you checked a map?
This shows you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Btw, what country are you in? If you're uncomfortable disclosing your country, what continent?
Aren't you more worried that any Ukrainian intelligence service/agency (or Russian) now has an easier time performing traffic analysis on you?
>Tor forced to use all European countries ( - Russia, as a part of is situated in the Europe continent)
>Tor forced to use Russia
You're telling me that case one is better than case two?
Every time you get a new identity it restarts the entire browser
You can request a new circuit per domain.
Should I run Tor on my main OS or isolate it in a VM? I could probably dual-boot and run Tor within Ubuntu, but I am not sure about what PGP tool to use.
Yeah, who cares that KGB is going to sell info on you to the highest bidder, just make sure that CIA doesn't have that info directly.
>Aren't you more worried that any Ukrainian intelligence service/agency (or Russian) now has an easier time performing traffic analysis on you?
Ok cool. So, in conclusion, other people that do care about having the most robust anonymity should not be limiting their ENTRY/EXIT nodes to just two countries. At most, excluding nodes should apply TO one or two countries instead (e.g. US or UK) It seems to me you have your reasoning backwards.
>isolate it in a VM
If you feel the need to do so, why even use your host OS anymore? I'd suggest change your host OS or do a better job at controlling it.
Feel free to give your data to the NSA on a golden food plate for all I care.
>Feel free to give your data to the NSA on a golden food plate for all I care.
Tor traffic can harvested by NSA or whatever intelligence agency due to the design of the internet itself. Read up on traffic analysis independent of country due to edge-routing between countries. You only make it easier for your country to identify your traffic, and then recommend others to do what you do -- limit all their entry and exit nodes! Even if someone in the US, or UK, or wherever had to do this, their traffic still traverses through their ISP to connect to an entry node; their ISP which is subject to analysis by their home nation's intelligence agency anyway.
Look, just stop recommending others to do what you do. It isn't safe and it isn't smart because your use-case and situation is different from someone elses.
>Tor traffic can harvested by NSA
And you seem willing to give it to them. Good to you.
>You only make it easier for your country to identify your traffic
>Even if someone in the US, or UK, or wherever had to do this, their traffic still traverses through their ISP to connect to an entry node
How? Whether it connects from UK to Russia or from UK to Ukraine it would make no difference in this case. You're just typing more words to make your post longer, but that doesn't make it more intelligent.
I wonder what kind of setup do the alphabay admins use.
>How? Whether it connects from UK to Russia or from UK to Ukraine it would make no difference in this case.
>You're just typing more words to make your post longer, but that doesn't make it more intelligent.
That's just your lack of understanding of the topic which has been proven again and again. I can't help it if you're dumb, sorry princess.
It is sad that you are monumentally stupid. If you're representative of women in tech, no wonder there aren't more of them in it.
I'm screenshotting this thread for eternity. I'd recommend changing your name back to anonymous to avoid the shame.
Hahahaha, this really made me laugh (: But you still have not explained the diffrence between: UK to Russia or from UK to Ukraine (forthe ISPs from UK), which was the given case.
No I'm telling you that there are other better countries to allow
Maybe, maybe not. I personally believe there aren't better than Russia in this case.
Because malware is quite common on the Dark Web and isn't hard to become infected. VM is contained and I can restore to a different state every session.
Dual-boot would be nice because I can encrypt my second drive, as my Windows installation is on a SSD, and I rather not encrypt it because of that.
tor, NoScript icon is not for total disabling JS
what are you even doing OP
replace websites functionality with bookmarklets, if what you want is for instance backlinks in imageboards
>Your fucking IP address is:
Nothing executes without your consent. Your browser also doesn't run with administrator priviledges.
Hey, the site is really nice apart from its edgyness. No ads, no scripts, lightweight..
>Nothing executes without your consent. Your browser also doesn't run with administrator priviledges.
>what are exploits
I think the chance of that happening is too low to worth the hassle. But if you are so affraid of the said exploits, then go ahead and run it in a VM. You migh as well just run Tails in that VM.
>run Tails in that VM
lol no.
They said to run Tor in a VM to avoid dual boot. Instead of Tor on some Windows or Ubuntu (which is worse than Windows at this point) might as well go with Tails.
It's not meant to run in a VM.
It might actually be a fucking woman.
And again, it was just an advice to pick it over Tor in a VM.
>Over Tor in a VM
So, are you people going to provide a solution for the problem of the OP or are you gonna keep spouting bullshit and trolling each other?
>solution for the problem
theres no objective problem to provide a solution to, its an open question, should I? does it matter? which the whole thread is trying to answer, directly or indirectly
Here are the (You)s you wanted you fucking retard.
>Nothing executes without your consent
>Changing my traffic and fingerprint doesn't reduce my anonymity at all
>I go against every recommendation made by the developers because of muh experience.
Stop bothering. Pretty much all exit nodes are ran by governments and are compromised.
There IS therapy available for being a kiddy diddler, you know.