Why aren't you using a tablet DE on your desktop?
Why aren't you using a tablet DE on your desktop?
How ibstall i3gaps or dwn on android? There arent any apk files on the downlaods page
it's not even that good as Tablet UI
mate is the way
I prefer tiling
But, I am.
Tilting what? Dicks?
tilling wm is for pedos, you don't want to know what dongle is tilling
Because I'm using a desktop DE on my tablet instead
Gnome 3 is shit.
GNOME 3 actually got convergence right.
If this UI doesn't make your dick hard then you're gay.
Looks shit Tbh, this flat design meme needs to end
>i prefer fisher price design
Just because you like direaha doesn't make it popular.
GNOME design is in-line with what is considered mainstream. GNOME design therefore is objectively good when measured from a general consumer design standpoint.
This is the windows file explorer.
>even bigger buttons
>everything in the ribbon menu could be put into a small hamburger menu
"hurr durr GNOME designed for tablets but not wincuck!!1"
>literal ads in the file explorer
>looks like it was designed by fisher price
>bad font rendering
Post a better file manager than nautilus that doesn't look like ass. (you wont)
meant for
We are talking about desktop environments not file managers u autist
That isn't a tablet UI you retard. Have you even tried to use it as such?
Are the anti-GNOME tards out in full force today?
No thanks.
it's better than this
becuae my deskop is *NOT* an tablet
>using KDE as a design example