Anyone Hackintosh here?
Post specs.
>6700K oc'd to 4.5Ghz
>M.2 512GB SSD
Anyone Hackintosh here?
Post specs.
>6700K oc'd to 4.5Ghz
>M.2 512GB SSD
You do video editing?
Motion graphics
1x 27" Apple Cinema Display (from my old Mac Pro)
1x 23" Apple Cinema Display (this one's really dated, gonna buy a used 27" Apple Cinema Display for dual large screens)
>No official technical support
>Kext breaks down ayy lmao
>Expect a kernel panic on the next update
Why do people use Hackintosh, again? Why not just buy a Mac instead?
>No official technical support
Who cares. Do you have "official" support with Winshit?
Also if you're good with Terminal and Unix environment you'll be fine. macOS is a very simple yet robust operating system with no fluff like Winshit.
>Kext breaks down ayy lmao
Not if you're smart enough by not using Tonyfag tools like Multibeast.
All my kexts are in the EFI partition and nothing breaks. I have a perfect setup with macOS Sierra 10.12.4 and a cloned SSD just in case of shit.
>Expect a kernel panic on the next update
Nope. I've done direct OS updates 5 times in a row with zero issues.
>Why do people use Hackintosh, again? Why not just buy a Mac instead?
Because it's a superior operating system for productivity.
>Why not just buy a Mac instead?
Forgot to answer this.
I have a MacBook Pro for mobile work.
I had a 12 core Mac Pro about 3 years ago. I need a fast desktop and Apple has nothing for me at the moment. I need my CUDA cores.
>It's literally a PC with a Unix based operating system.
Are you fucking retarded?
I see degenerate threads about some random distro all the time.
Is there support for mobile kabylake and Nvidia 900m?
>using macshitOS
Are you fucking retarded?
Love it!
Been doing it since Snow Leopard!
>using Vindaloos 10/Ganoo Looneks
Are you fucking retarded?
Low watt Haswell, i5-4440s I think
Gtx 760
Gigabyte mini-itx board
Fractal core 500
Only issue I've had is audio not working when doing uodates. It was too much of a hassle so I just use a USB sound card and it just works.
I took a new job a couple of years ago and had to use a MacBook Pro. I hated having such different keyboard short cuts on my Linux rig at home so I gave up and installed OS X on it.
Wrong board.
Yes on both accounts.
Just use the proper profile.
Shoo from this thread LELNIX/WINSHIT fag.
Nice user.
For the audio, use AppleALC and put it in the KEXT folder on your EFI partition and route your config file to the right ALC audio.
This way you don't patch anything...because with most macOS updates, the audio kext is rebuilt.
If you do this, you can do upgrades with no hassles.
Also a cheap USB audio card is a good solution as well.
Wow so funny.
Are you pic related?
>t. mactoddler
Nice meme from 2012
Very mature.
Are there any detailed tutorials/instructions on installing hackintosh that explains what and why I am doing stuff that I'm doing and not give me click-scripts like tonymac does?
>uses a fruit themed toddlerOS
>talks about maturity
>being this buttmad over someone's OS of choice
>feeling so superior in your OS of choice
I use all three. I game on Windows, I work on OS X, I manage thousands of Linux servers. Come at me.
Yeah, google Vanilla Hackintosh you'll get a lot of results.
Here's a quick search:
Tony Mac is alright for builds, but don't use Multibeast, it's shit. Just install Clover and maybe use their parts list if you are interested in certain parts.
>t. mactoddler
This fruit company invented the GUI you degenerate faggot, 10 years before Microshit did anything.
Go back to your vidya gaymes and leave my thread alone.
>Installing macOS on a fucking laptop
When's the last time you had decent drivers lmao
>t. mactoddler
stop getting baited you retard. you're not supposed to reply.
Does GNU coreutils work on macOS?
No shit, everyone knows this story you degenerate.
Go away.
Yes it does.
>mactoddler gets BTFO
>g-g-g-go away
Thankfully, yes, since some of the bsd tools have different switches or are missing functionality. Sort and readlink and two of them that i commonly use the gnu version instead. With home brew youninstall gnu tools and then usually it's a matter of putting a g in front to use the gnu version, e.g. gshort and greadlink.
>6600U 2.9GHz
>HD 520
Well it's laptop.
Nice blog fag. Some truly amazing technology discussion going on there.
clearly didn't you dumb shit.
Is it safe to upgrade to sierra with clover? Will it be painless?
How do I hackintosh an older version like Yosemite and not Sierra? App store doesn't have Yosemite anymore.
Make sure you verify checksum though.
6700K, 16GB ram, MSI Gaming M5, GTX 980, 250SSD+2TB HDD
Ain't using OS X anymore trough.
Why even bother? All versions of macos have a gaping backdoor, just like their users.
Torrents only give .dmg, not .app which is required by most tutorials.
> I never knew what was Heartbleed.
Patched in a day.
>meanwhile at applel
>pic related
And still unpatched.
I run it in a modified version of VMware. This way I can install updates without it clusterfucking the OS.
tried to hackintosh once took me an hour and i couldnt get it running so i just gave up. I dont see the point in hackintosh anymore after owning a mac for a bit i prefer windows
Who /hype/ for upcoming Pascal driver support? How many of you with Pascal cards will consider a Hackintosh now?
That picture is fucking retarded.
This! So much this!
>t. mactoddler
>leik OMGEE im so EXCITED dat APEL IZ releasing a PC!!!111 like omg!!! xDDDdd
Mactoddlers will literally eat up whatever Apple shits out.
Why are you even in this thread you degenerate phoneposter? I never said they were releasing a PC or component, they're releasing beta driver support for cards with Pascal architecture, such support opens the doors for a lot of people.
Installed El Capitan on my cube i7 stylus chinktab. Used some Iraqi dude's clover config and kexts. Bluetooth, sound, Wacom digitizer not working, but everything else is good
Been using macOS for almost a year now on my desktop.
It's pretty comfortable to use overall. At first I had a little bit of trouble getting around a few problems such as NTFS support but right now, and with a magic trackpad, thing works mighty nice. I can't find a reason to go back to Windows other than games, and on Linux it's a pain in the ass to set up VNC/Google Drive in a human way.
I switched back twice to Windows on my thinkpad X220 because the trackpoint ain't that amazing in macOS, but I'm having trouble getting Windows 7 to use an external monitor while the lid is closed so I might just switch back, who knows.
*throws bag of attention*
Anyone /hype/ for Apple finally fixing the Mac Pro? (next year)
>Why do people use Hackintosh, again? Why not just buy a Mac instead?
Because people don't want to waste a fuckload of money on shit hardware.
Not me. I see this as an opportunity for newer hardware support on hackintosh, however I really don't think it's gonna be exactly what people want. For Apple to get good they gradually have to get unfucked and that will take years.
But how to do it without tonymacx86's tools?
Updated ElCap to Sierra. Mostly worked well but shutdown/restart doesn't work. It fades out and shows the spinner but it just stays like that forever. Works fine in single user mode. Any ideas?
>i3 4130
>256GB SSD
basically I bought a HP prodesk SFF desktop on ebay for $75 and installed MacOS and it just worked other than setting the flag for the iGPU.
Sleep states are probably fucked. Do you have C-states enabled in BIOS?
post screen cap with it running 10.12.4. oh wait, you can't because hackintoshes can't update BWAHA
stop being poor and get a real Mac. I don't know how hackintosh users tolerate 1 kernel panic every 3-4 weeks.
Power stepping worked under ElCap, and sleep more or less did too (it was finicky so I never used it). I think I did use some kind of script to generate states. Do I need to redo that?
i3 4160
240GB basic Sandisk SSD and a scattering of HDDs
1x1440p, 1x1080p, both TN
Quite a poorfag setup but it works well for me (programmer).
Mac Mini is far too weak, Mac Pro is overpriced and non-upgradable. Only major version changes cause issues and I have sufficient technical knowledge and troubleshooting skills to deal with them.
10.12.4 works fine. (Sierra doesn't run on old Pros, but I still have my serial key set to one so that I don't need to reset logins to everything. Sysdef is set to iMac14,2.)
>using Gay OS
>deprecated GPU in SLI
>Doesn't even supports Vulkan
>No wayland compositor available
You can't make me have fun.
your dumb
I tried installing El Capitan way back but I always ran into a kernel panic.
Seems like my motherboard isn't compatible. Oh well.
Thats a really big resolution.
X220 hackintosh here, comfy.
for u xd
>hiding a fake serial number
>not knowing you can get working fake serials
I want to hackintosh soon, with i7 6700 (non-K), 16GB memory and a GTX 1070 or something, since novidya now supports it with pascal
it warms my heart to see you post
I don't even know why, but thanks user
How hard would it be to get Sierra running well on this setup?
B150 chipset
doesn't support Pascal cards, fucking garbage OS
except it does now?
Scratch that, looks like we are getting finally Pascal support:
"Pascal beta drivers (also available for the entire 10-series lineup) that are set to be released during the month of April. "
>t. mactoddler
not yet, am currently windows 10 cuck
Beast system for a tablet OS, apps run better?
>Why do people use Hackintosh, again? Why not just buy a Mac instead?
Macs are overpriced and use a generation old hardware even if you dont mine getting jewed. And they are even further behind then that right now. The devs at apple use them. You cannot buy a descent mac. Which is fucked because their niche has traditionally been video and image editing and that needs muscle.
there is no reason to use OS X unless you develop for iOS
Pretty sure the 480 doesn't support mac os graphics drivers.
why then do people are professional content creators choose OSX over winblows?
>No official technical support
>Kext breaks down ayy lmao
>Expect a kernel panic on the next update
Wow just like my gahnew loonix
Google Vanilla Sierra Hackintosh.
You basically just need Clover and FakeID.kext or whatever it's called and someone's config file, or just write from scratch.
Multibeast is shit because it patches files and that means with every OS update it breaks audio and other issues.
I have a real Mac.
Only reason I did a Hackintosh for a desktop because I needed something newer than the cheesegrater.
And also it doesn't hurt to be able to boot into Winshit with a good GPU.
Also updates are fine, no problem. And no kernel panics FYI.
99% of what I do for work is in macOS.
Only time I need Vulkan and other gay shit like that is under Winshit, which I have a second SSD for it and I can boot (it takes like 10 seconds dude calm your tits).
Yeh it's better to check Tonyfagmac to see what people are using as compatible and buying based off that -- but skip their shitty Multibeast tool and do a vanilla install, which is harder, but more fun if you like tinkering.
Once you have a perfect system going, just put in a second SSD and clone that drive with a CloneZilla USB key so you have an exact bootable SSD clone in case of shit.