Underrated software
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Clementine is shit. It's basically iTunes for linux
I agree, shiton of features
My underrated pick would be KeePassX, the password creator and the autocomplete function are GOAT
League of Legends
Codeblocks (cockblocks)
Windows 10
>proprietary windows programs
Get out.
clementine is a laggy piece of shit that would randomly take up 99% of my cpu. i had to use it for a couple of months because it is the only cross platform music player. I eventually got tired of songs stuttering for no reason and switched to foobar. best decision ive ever made
Clementine's SQL functionality makes it a prime choice for large libraries.
proprietary software tends to be better though.
I'm sorry but that's a fact.
That hasn't been my experience at all. Libreoffice, chromium/firefox, nmpcpp, krita. There aren't any good proprietary alternatives
You must be using a shitty computer. I'm using it right now on an old computer i found with a pentium d.
>not using ffmpeg for encoding
>Windows 10
Those are overrated and shit (currently using them)
what program??
are you joking? those softwares are shit compared to their proprietary counters
Is that your own screenshot? If so, nice taste in music.
All of that is shit. Terrible bait, user.
UNetBootin > Rufus, Rufus can't into dual booting properly and is shit for anything that isn't windows.
Clementine > Foobar. There's absolutely nothing foobar can do that Clementine can't, and Clementine can stream music and isn't (((freeware))).
KolourPaint > MSPaint, resizing images by using edges while zoomed in is broken in MSPaint and inaccurately will inaccurately resize them and most of the time resize them from both sides when you only pulled one. Overall use of MSPaint drops down to cropping screenshots because windows can only make a fullscreen screenshot. It also doesn't support transparency.
Windows 10 is still worse than 8.1, 7 and some Linux distributions are simply better.
>proprietary software tends to be better
Pic related.
Dopamine is better than clementine
So what its proprietary software nobody else knows there is that bug. There was a root exploit in linux kernel didn't fixed for years even its open source and whole world can see it unlike proprietary software.
WPS Office for Linux.
The plural of software is software. No s on the end.
One of the most praised music players - not underrated.
Gets frequent praise and recommendations - not underrated.
>Codeblocks (cockblocks)
Don't know it, can't comment.
Finally you hit an underrated piece of software.
It is not flashy, not full-featured by a long shot but does what it does pretty damn well.
Personally I still prefer paint.net when on Windows.
>Windows 10
win10 a shit.
I'll give your list a 1/5.
Nah, I prefer Libreoffice, and Krita is amazing for drawing/digital painting.
Windows is a collection of softwares OP requested a List of A elements not a list of Lists
MS Paint in Windows 10 is actually pretty decent for on-the-fly stuff now. But unfortunately you run the cost of using Windows 10.
it's a complete mess to work with, specially compared to newer versions of Office. It's no wonder they're adding the ribbon thing.
The difference between Chromium and Chrome these days is marginal
I never understood the point of setting up a server for a music player
In comparison with what exactly?
Dolphin. It should be praised.
I find it actually better than Jewdobe Lightroom
Translate this shit to English, Pajeet.
>Overall use of MSPaint drops down to cropping screenshots because windows can only make a fullscreen screenshot.
>what is snip tool
>In comparison with what exactly?
In comparison to other painting programs. I heard about Krita on Sup Forums, didn't hear about it in painting communities. I didn't know anyone who uses Krita until I forced this lovely FOSS software upon them. They love it, I switched several people from older Photoshop version to Krita. Switched from CS5 myself.
>what is alt+printscreen
there, i fixed it for you
got microshaft wangblows:
total commander + user made plugins
rofi is much > than dmenu
>doesn't play shit on external drive sometimes
>laggy CPU and RAM hog
>lgbt rainbow seekbar is retarded, doesn't work frequently or doesn't show current music play time and indicator/seeker
mpv is overrated in geek community
WPS office is the best microsoft office replacement and works in android too (although it's actually a botnetware)
Smells like windows fangay.
Any windows installation has this decade old log-in screen exploit that will make you log in as NT SYSTEM. Even if you encrypt your floppy dick drive I can easily unlock it with a single line of code via recovery CD (although I won't get the key, thanks LEA tools)
DeaDBeeF famalam
Nah, it's just the first screenshot from the dev's site.
>Awesome torrent and direct download manager, lighter on resources than transmission.
>A terminal emulator on windows embedded with multiple loonix binaries (SSH, Vim, git, etc) and bash support, at difference of cygwin, its completely non intrusive and portable.
>Yes, i know i will get shit for this, but Opera (ironically) usually gets Blink features before chrome while being lighter on resources and having more features (built-in adblock, speed dial, power saver on laptops...). Unless you are a fan Chrome apps (which i doubt) or dont like to use non-free software (if this being the case, you shouldnt use chrome either) theres no reason to use chrome over opera.
DBVisualizer is pretty good if you need to talk to more than one RDBMS.
Handles everything that has a JDBC driver more or less.
I used to contribute and package it back when it was on Google issues; it was kind of a clusterfuck and stuff was hard to change. IIRC in the end I moved to mpd with cantata for front-end. Cantata dev was really quick and active. Unsure how things are with either way these days, haven't had my media drives plugged in for couple of years.
chink spyware
everybody prefer paint.net
Can't say anything about it because if I look at it longer than 30 seconds I remove it.
Labrys Start Menu
low resource consumption, keeps typed commands history, has neat index and it has fukken searchbox on the top
But you are wrong stupid
Hell yeah, I learned my basic bitch photo editing skills in high school with Paint.net. Haven't bothered pirating photoshop yet because I haven't needed it for anything.