>strong crypto
>strong KDF
>no retarded cloud sync
>free software
Why aren't you using KeePass yet ?
>strong crypto
>strong KDF
>no retarded cloud sync
>free software
Why aren't you using KeePass yet ?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a brain
Trusting one company's product to be a single point of failure is retarded no matter what.
tell me how your superior brain is able to remember 30 strong random 20-character strings
I use a sane KeePass derivative. :^)
>can't check keepass's site
>can't find that it's been fixed
>doesn't know that keepass is free software and not from a company
The update problem was never a problem to begin with if you actually cared about the windows binary signature warning ; and all has been fixed anyway. Download is HTTPS, binaries are double-checked when downloaded.
connection between neurons
What do you call "sane" ?
yeah of course it's realistic I don't know how I could not believe you
The brain can store one petabyte of information so that should be no problem
what a troll
Can you tell me what FPS are eyes see at?
Because I only trust my passwords with myself.
>yeah of course it's realistic I don't know how I could not believe you
you shold connect your neurons
6 000 000
please open this page's HTML code and remember every single fucking character, then write it all in a word doc without cheating and post it here
good goy, now all that's left to do is to update your superior software :^)
>word doc
Spotted the underage b&.
Go to bed kiddo, let the adults having complex discussions
Don't need a password manager if you use the same long complicated one for each site you IDIOT
It's simple. You just have to learn how to organize the information. E.g. you can remember "install gentoo" easier than "58375593029516" because words make more sense than numbers to us.
what's the problem with updating it ?
yeah of course i see you understand security
>using the words "word doc" is underage
But I'm a khv, I can't use that!
>that interface
>those plugins
>those mobile apps
no thank you
But way?
My password length usually is around 17 chars
Lower and upper case chars,
ascii symbols,
if system allows can add non ascii chars (because non english speaker)
Could increase password length twice if I wanted to.
But it's tedious to write long passwords...
If you think it's stupid to waste brain power to remember it and waste of time.
Then you're wrong.
It's easy when you make up non existing words to make password out of and make some kind of pattern of lower, upper chars, symbols and numbers.
So yeah, no need to trust some program my passwords.
If you ever need to stop people from getting access to your accounts, you can delete the files, and there's no way they could get the passwords out of you. If you memorize everything, you can be manipulated to give up passwords.
I can't imagine in any context how someone could manipulate me into giving up my password.
Unless could give away obscure pattern what my password is (like in previous post)
It would fasten brute forcing, but still would take considerably long time that no one would even bother.
I'm not enough of a brainlet to give all my passwords to a corporation for slight convenience
>go to keepass.info
>not https