What's the best motherboard manufacturer, or are they all essentially the same chink trash?
What's the best motherboard manufacturer, or are they all essentially the same chink trash?
intel, evga
msi, gigabyte, asus
Intel still makes motherboards?
I think it's more of sku based than manufacturer based.
>are they all essentially the same chink trash?
more or less. You either get botnets or garbage.
>not supermicro or tyan
>he buys motherboards that cost less than three thousand dollars
for fucking what?
gigabutt is best.
yeah i try to go gigabyte or msi, asus is meme tier asrock is bad.
Gigabyte is generally the value choice, as long as you don't get the absolute cheapest one it will work perfectly, definitely update the BIOS when you get it because they tend to ship really old ones.
I've never gone wrong with Gigabyte.
there really is no bad motherboard manufacturers, just bad motherboards from them
they are like cars, every automaker has shit cars and good cars. it's not like PSU manufacturers where everything is overrated garbage besides seasonic
Only one answer here, and it's supermicro you fucking boardlet scrubs.
AsRock will be the best of 2017 if this year so far is any indication
ASRock, despite the reputation they have on Sup Forums for whatever reason. The only company to get Ryzen right.
I'm guessing Taichi sales is going to fuel them further even for non ryzen boards
>that picture
i have one gigabyte mobo, since ~10years, still rockin', so i guess gigabyte.
supermicro a best
I'm pretty much locked in for Gigabyte since they have long been the Hackintosh community favourites. But they seem to be working fine so I don't really have any qualms about it.
whoever made that must be a real nice person
never had a problem with gigabyte boards
What's good about Supermicro?
Give me hard facts like used capacitors etc. and not some lowIQ gibberish.
they're getting server class boards that are designed for 24/7 operation even though they can't see that kind of uptime on their own personal "rig" without mommy asking them to stop using so much electricity and get out of the basement.
I like asustek, pegasus, assrock and microstar international, but they're all pretty decent if you get one that isn't a lemon
foxconn because if its good enough for apple then its good enough for you.
Well, I run my PC 24/7 so I can RDP, and also my GF and I use my Plex server all the time when we're at her house or on a trip or something. I like being able to just let it run all the time and not worry about it and my supermicro mobo gives me that peace of mind. It's a workhorse of a mobo that's not gonna crap out on you like some faggy jew board like an Asus gaymen board.
Also I split the electric bill equally with my 4 roommates one of which has his own PC so it works out to be just fine.
>that isn't a lemon
which you really just do not have to worry about with supermicro or Tyan.
the serious non-gaming motherboards also have higher specs and better capabilities on all the finer, more obscure points which distinguish one motherboard from another.
>those empty memory slots
>dual water cooled processors
trigger averted
MSI is shit, 2 of their expensive boards died on me. Cheap Biostar board outlived both of them combined.
I have an Asus Prime b350 plus now, and it is pretty good so far.
Must've been lemons, mine works rather well, holds a hard OC pretty well. You at least get a refund for your troubles?
What the fuck CPU are you using on a 10 year old socket?
EVGA has the best z270 boards right now, nothing else even comes close. No idea about LGA2011 or am4 though
gigabyte is best/less shit
asus breaks a lot
msi breaks more often than gigabyte, not sure if as often as asus
never bought asrock