/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Old Thread: Sup Forums's long trusted containment thread for stupid shit. If you see stupid shit cluttering the board, redirect it here.

Googling your question before asking it here is encouraged, but as the name suggests it's not required.

Don't bump your question, you're not entitled to an answer. Wait for the next thread if you have to.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do any linux distro installers support hassle-free fakeraid? Most I've seen require jumping through hoops to get it to work and I really just want one to recognize my array and install easily.

I'm going to dual boot Win10.

Is there a good tutorial out there to learn how to do diagrammatic modeling in LaTeX?

Or should I just give up and use yEd and import the diagram I make to LaTeX?

Is it worth it to also/instead learn how to make graphs and shit in LaTeX?

Sub $200 tablet for reading, web browsing, and youtube?

How big is the difference between monitors and TVs?

I will have to use one while i buy a cheap one.

Input latency one user said but how big is the difference?

Okay boys so i've been trying to dual boot for a while. I set up the partition make the bootable usb and all that, but whenever I got to boot from the usb it either just boots me to windows or gets to the first part of the installer then when I try and click install it just goes black,

Please helpo

Which one of these plans would be best for a small website which will likely hardly get any traffic hosting maybe a wiki and a blog?

I'm thinking either the 256MB one or the 512MB one, but maybe I don't even need more than the 128MB one?

Who answers these questions and for what purpose?

Are these threads just clever datamining operations?

Quick! I need a throwaway email for a couple of weeks.

A new gmail needs a phone number to verify.



go and look around.

What's the current best LG phone for under 200 dollars/euros?

Thinking about replacing my L fino because its internal storage is shit and somehow it doesn't want to save apps on the SD.

Can someone recommend me a good office chair?

Must be able to tilt/recline
Doesn't need wheels (would prefer)
Must have armrests

Walmart has these racing bucket office chairs for like 80 bucks, but I don't know if I want to fall for that fad, or just get something more traditional.

Optimal price range would be $100, right now I'm in a $10 cheap seat with no arm rests or recline option.

>Who answers these questions
Apparently no one, unless you ask about something as basic as an email provider.

>tfw to intelligent to ask stupid questions

My dad wants a new laptop. He's got this old ass medion laptop right now, but it's starting to fail.

His only demands are that it has windows 10 since he's used to it and can function as a facebook/youtube machine, for about 500 euro or less. I have almost zero knowledge of laptops these days, so if anyone can point me in the direction of a good brand/kind or even just tell me what I need to avoid, it would be very much appreciated. .


Is this worth buying? Will I actually learn something useful?

So I'm using a firefox add on for image searches, and every time I use yandex it sends the url in a string with the address enclosed like so


I'm wondering if there is any way to get rid of the url:"" bit of the string, and just send the address. Pic related is the settings ui.

I browse these threads just to answer questions now, I've had some help here in the past and I want to return the favour.
I only answer them if I feel like I know enough about it though, to know make it seem like an answered question with a stupid answer attached to it.

how come my vue components don't show up on laravel? not even the example

I have a rx470 4go but i need more outputs to be able to have like 6+ screens. Does a firepro workstation card would run better than a graphic card (another rx470 or a 460) to only be used use more output for videos and content? I already can have 5 displays by using my rx470 and a triplehead2go(which only output 2 1080 rez displays).


Unless you need to be rendering lots of 3d content to those screens then just buy a cheap $50 card and use that to run the extra monitors

looks good, but no staples around here.

is there a similar/identical walmart one? never tried the mesh chairs out before.

Im gonna problably run 1080p videos on each of them. the more display the better it will be.

Running a single java instance on a one virtual machine on a 16-core Hyper-V host, and it's bottlenecking its virtual machine at 85% CPU, while the host sits at 5%. I allocated 8 virtual processors in the Hyper-V settings but didn't see a significant change. What gives?

> Running a single java instance on a one virtual machine on a 16-core Hyper-V host

virtual machines inside of virtual machines x_x. Did you up your JVM settings to match your resources?

Check mark "use POST ..." in both places

>Nested VMs in SLAT
that's what it's designed for :^)
Anyway as far as I can tell I've tweaked affinity and everything well enough. RAM allocation is not a problem at all (32GB allocated to the virtual machine in question and Java's only touching 2GB of the 16 I gave it).

I suppose I'll have to find some other CPU intense application to test on here to ensure it's a Java issue and not a Hyper-V one

What android torrent client to use? Libre torrent stays at 0% for some reason


Sup Forums, I need your help. I bought this tablet for fairly cheap off of eBay, and I have reason to believe it may be possessed by the spirit of a serial killer. What do I do?

I need to iterate over a plain text file in C++, but I need to know the file size first.
This code works, but how much of an atrocity is it? It feels like I'm cheating or abusing the language.

std::ifstream INFILE(path_to_file);
int nullInteger = 0;
int lineCount;
for (lineCount = 0; INFILE >> nullInteger; lineCount++);

Now it's not sending anything. It's just bringing up the image search.

Good afternoon anons.

Does anyone know good full hd or better monitors that can be oriented vertically from monitor itself? I have multiple devices and laptop dock so it's hashle to use computer rotation. Especially when I do repairs for other PCs

Is there an easy way to stream video's from my computer onto my android phone while retaining the ability to navigate my computer's folders and the ability to pause/play the video.

if you're on linux just use arandr, it's a gui for xrandr.

On win10 btw. Currently trying younity but I don't know if it'll work.

That should not happen.
Otherwise I'm not sure man.

should i get a new laptop

pic related

Is there a reason to buy a single 10 TB instead of multiple smaller hdds?

Why does it have 8 gigs of ram but that low of a resolution?

fuck if i know man I didn't buy this I got it second hand off my sister

I know but I am looking for monitor that has this option built in, so it can be recognized as "native" vertical.

samsung startup wizard error during first boot of my phone, pls help. during first time boot too

Power consumption. Honestly if the power bill isn't that big of a deal you'd be better off going RAID with some 4TB disks. I bought four 4TB like this


and shucked them from the enclosures and put them in something similar to this


Boom, 12TB of redundant storage

I want to try and rip my first blu ray CD, how would I go with performing this task?

What are the necessary programs I need and will it be idiot proof? I never tried my luck at encoding before so everything is like a virgins first night...

I don't know shit about vpn or proxies. How do i get into it? what's the best vpn? help please

Why is it that Mrs0m30n3's Youtube-dlG (windows) never works for me? It goes instantly to "Video successfully downloaded in 0 minutes 0 seconds", and there's no file. I've installed it on multiple computers with and without installing python/youtube-dl first.

i'm not sure if there are any
i mean, most things that were designed for portrait use only still use panels that are "natively" landscape

How do I tell my C++ program where is the DLL it asks for? (I don't want to copy the DLL to the same folder, that is possible, isn't it?)

Hey Sup Forums, my 7yo nephew starts to get interested in programming. I recall that there's some IDE which was targeted at that (I don't mean Scratch) with the main application being making songs. Simple BASIC like language, you can use samples and use loops and conditions to program beats and song structure, and with some more skills really complex songs n stuff. It was one of the "live coding" toys we discussed here some years ago... Anybody know what I mean?

It's possible to a hard drive have no S.M.A.R.T? I have a WD Green and it doesn't show it on Ubuntu neither on Windows. I've tried on 3 different motherboards, and it just doesn't work. I'm doing something wrong or WD just cheaped out on my HDD?

Don't know if it supports BluRay but DVD Flick is excellent for making DVDs -- I use it and imgburn to chug out several hundred DVDs a year for a nonprofit

are you connecting it directly through sata?

I've searched a lot but i can't find a beginner friendly guide that explains packets analysis in wireshark. What i wanna do is just monitor my system, see if there's anything strange going on, and also monitor specific programs. Everytime i fire it up i just see a shit ton of packets and i can't do anything

I need a dark windows 7 theme that will not cause eye cancer.

All I find is ricing on deviantart.

Pls help, much appreciated

What are you trying to do?

the thing about "see if there's anything strange going on" is that you need to first be familiar with what ISN'T strange


>"will not cause eye cancer."

>windows 10

NSA pls go

I bought 2 domains:


And i have one running VPS under the IP:

How do i point the domains like following:

example1.com ->
example2.com ->

Probably too stupid even for this thread but do phones still connect to broadcasting towers when:
-simcard is not present
-phone is in flight mode

A stalker is getting me completely paranoid by saying he is paying for IMEI searches on my number even tho I know this asshole is talking shit

Any free alternatives to plex? I'm only interested in streaming from PC to Mobile, non of that cloud bullshit.

Inb4 just buy the one time purchase.

So why am I hiding 20 posts about bubble sorting and prime numbers up to 2 million every day? Is this some incredibly retarded new meme or just some piece of shit spamming?

-simcard: depends on software on phone technically, but can't get access to the network so IMEI won't be given to the network.
-flight mode: not at all

Yes. Pic related is how it shows on HD Tune, on left is a WD Blue and on right is the WD Green


Yes its a retarded new meme. Enjoy

Fizzbuzz 2.0

thank you!

sonic pi?

Emby unfortunately has a minute play limit for audio as well.

At least sorting stuff is more useful than fizzbuzz.

I have some old parts from a Pentium III build and anohter Athlon build, along with cables, CD/DVD/Floppy readers and shit.

Should I even bother selling this? Do you guys just trash old shit?

>Do you guys just trash old shit?
Never. But my mom does ;(

donate it to a local school

I can only find android shit googling this, do you guys know of any windows productivity style programs that will lock out the use of certain programs at certain times?

pls halp

People who are into emulation might be interested, try marketing them as that. Or do what said.


>Dell 5€ 1440x900
>19" Dell €2 1280x1024

Cop or not? Anything useful I could use them for?

thanks senpai any recommended laptops
>inb4 thinkpad.

where did you read that? because it doesn't have such a limit

Put some old games you played as a child and enjoy. I still have my Voodoo+Pentium III just to play Doom and Age of Empires

Eh, ok. How do i achieve that?

Is there any CLI tool for GNU/Linux to find out why a resource or device is busy?


>All I find is ricing on deviantart.
Well what do you want out of a theme exactly? There's a lot of dark themes out there. If you're used to Steam there's a Steam theme.

My folks had a WD My Book (pic related) and it crapped out. It has 2 x 1Tb drives inside, both seem fine, the unit is just not powering up. As far as I remember it was a RAID 0 setup, so it was showing a 2 Tb storage for their devices. I want to know if there's an easy way to go about it and plug those drives to access the info on a computer or if they are shit out of luck and everything is lost?
If there's a way, how would I go about it? My desktop machine is running windows but I guess I could just boot up a live linux usb to check on those right?

What am I looking at, user? The .webm, I mean.

Check Customization and Windows Utilities or similar and Windows 7. There are a lot of good themes. Check the ones made by neiio or just look for pix_ theme made by twnsnd.

thanks m8

Dexpot on windows 7.

Is there a good, free PC cleaning software?

Yes, install gentoo.
Learn to use the windows utilities, everything you need is already there.

Well I tried synced my music files and attempted to play them on my mobile only to hit the minute limit.

had the same problem with a WD my book last year, you can just put the drives in a new cage and access the data without problem. I cant really help you with that tho a friend did it for me.

How hard will be getting all my drivers working under Ubuntu? I got tired of all this Microsoft shit