Right then, how many of you waste huge portions of your life chatting shit to internet strangers on IRC? Where do you hang out, what are your screen names, what client do you use, scrots of your setups.
Did something say anything funny recently, did someone get massively trolled and ragequit?
Up til probably 5 years ago, sure Now all the scenes are dead, chans are ghost towns... Freenode is still bustling with gnu/linux nerds but efnet seems like it's gone to shit
Justin Miller
I haven't chatted on IRC for probably the past 10 years. IRC is mostly for lurking or downloading anime when you can't find a torrent. But hell, I haven't even watched anime for the past year either. It's all gone to shit.
Josiah Ross
im disappointed more people aren't ircfags freenode may be a cesspit of sjw plebs but can usually get some good banter out of the odd user and there's literally an endless supply of faggots to wind up on there
Juan Carter
i never got into irc, mainly because as a teen in the 90s i was afraid of being hacked, plus dial up was expensive as hell.
also i never was a namefag so i have been user all my life. i never really used a forum, and if i register to one or two, it was to download a file which usually couldn't because i didn't have enough posts or some shit.
yesterday some user was talking about vpns, and how some are dogshit and keep logs like hidemyass, which led me to an article where there were irc logs of the lizard squad script kiddies. i spent like an hour skimming through. the amount of retardation, meme spouting, and edginess is fucking cringeworthy.
in resume, everything you say on the internet with an identity is saved and will be used against you if they peg your real name onto it.
Anthony Rogers
Cool new thing. called an online lounge. Basically IRC with a synchronized media player. that sends out vid urls to users. Add ya own, and vote skip that one fucking faggots vids.
Evan Nelson
Problem with IRC is you need bouncers and proxies.
John Wood
>proxies When will this meme die. Not everyone's out to 'hit you offline'. Also stop being a dick to everyone.
Henry Sullivan
I use HexChat and mostly hang around IRC channels with names that interest me, but I'm a bit of a newfag, got way too late into the party.
Most of my online socialization nowadays is done trough Telegram with the friends I've made over the last 7 years or so on forums, MSN Messenger, Youtube, Facebook or other social services.
Oliver White
I'm in an irc chan with kevin, and I actually know quite a bit about him, Yes, I'm talking about solus kevin.
David Murphy
Well dish.
Christopher Stewart
it's not 1980 anymore, time to move on to discord like everyone else
Christian Myers
znc bouncer with a bunch of custom plugins, hexchat on desktop, holoirc on phone
irc is just comfy, can't fix what's not broken. I've met so many good friends on irc and even a bunch irl, both from Sup Forums and not.
The problem is a lot of channels ferment into a circlejerk. It's particularly annoying when it's a group that actively tries to be a thing on Sup Forums.
Juan Bell
I still very occasionally log into my bouncer, but most people from the channels I used to frequent moved onto Telegram or Discord groups.
Carson Young
nice try cianigger
Cooper Price
Fucking Double CIA nigger. Stop advertising that some users are using proxies. More awareness creates more want for detection.
Angel Gutierrez
lots of channels are incredibly stuck up/sjw and have unbelievably power crazy moderators, and are very funny to fuck with
examples: #archlinux (ask about manjaro or antergos, or ask lots of nooby questions without reading the wiki) #archlinux-offtopic (say anything slightly anti-feminist) #archlinux-women (literally even join) #archlinux-literallyanything #math (ask any question) #socialjustice (obvious) ##feminism (read this freenode-feminism.github.io/) #rust (on irc.mozilla.org, obvious reasons, mention C++) #emacs (mention vim) #vim (mention sublime text) #python (anything social justicey) #go-nuts (say go is a silly programming language for girls) #javascript, #reactjs, #angularjs, #anyJSframework (big rooms full of sissy web dev faggots, too easy) ##programming (terrible atmostphere, yuppies)
Saying that, there are a few channels that are known for being chill and level headed #haskell (famously untrollable gist.github.com/quchen/5280339) #gentoo{,-chat} (have any archlinux channel open side by side and see the difference. no swearing though} #electronics (/csg/ the channel, these guys talk all day long about getting cheap chinese crap from the internet and comparing hauls) ##php (basically people just cracking jokes the whole time)
Hunter Sanders
Jaxson Adams
Is it actually worth using a desktop IRC client over a browser based client like Mibbit?
Connor Adams
Aaron Nguyen
yes js clients are always slow and hog ram the only reason for js clients is muh emojis
Ryder Ross
Is it worth using a dedidated browser over cmd?
Nathaniel Cox
irc fag here anons
Henry Smith
I'm never quite sure the best ways of advertising channels. I came into control of a fairly large channel and over a decade or so we've dwindled. People only get introduced by word of mouth from friends but it keeps quality higher. I feel I should be doing more for it but at the same time do I really want to disturb the balance we've found?
Colton Bailey
I used to be really into IRC but it kinda fell out of use with me. Wish it was as popular as it was back then.
Ayden Gutierrez
what channel
David Williams
I would go on the other networks more if I could get a VPS and set up a VPN. I just stay on freenode and help in support channels.
Nicholas Jenkins
Wait so #python isn't cucked? What the fuck?
Nathaniel Thompson
You can already do this in gmod. Basically you have movie theatres where people queue up movies from youtube and other places to watch.
Luis Clark
quit IRC back in 2008 or so, use it for twitch chat tho
Liam Morris
hook us up with a Sup Forumsmod server
Jose Jenkins
>Logging into a public IRC with your home IP address. This is why we have bouncers.