Ask a PHP programmer anything

Ask a PHP programmer anything

When was your last suicide attempt?

Please go meme elsewhere. Nice trips tho.

Why do you php things? Also, when was your last suicide attempt?

How much do you make and if it's a lot, what should I do to get an job like yours?

How is it? Also, when was your last suicide attempt?

Can you touch your bellybutton with the tip of your erect penis while standing up straight?

Do you enjoy being a programmer?
If so, why?
Is that ur girl?


Why don't you get a real job?

I make 37€K/Month before taxes in Germany anyway. I heard you make 3 times that in Murica. I just learned how to code, made a project to show what I can do, and got the job right up. No college or bullshit.

I enjoy being a programmer
I have had truly bad jobs that makes me appreciate it.
No it's lauren southern

Does anyone else want to just lick that? I know that these salt lamps aren't good for your health but still.


can you touch the tip of your dick with your tongue while sitting down?

>that skyline

I remember this anons apartment,

I was not aware that he used his money on hookers though.

>Does anyone else want to just lick that?
No. I've seen traps with better asses.

>I know that these salt lamps aren't good for your health but still.
oh good one

I would suck the fart up like a bong and hold it until I die.

Sup Forums - asses

>I make 37€K/Month before taxes in Germany anyway. I heard you make 3 times that in Murica. I just learned how to code, made a project to show what I can do, and got the job right up. No college or bullshit.

Can you find me a job? I make 470 usd per month in eastern europe working with php as well. I'm prepared to move to germany.

btw, did you mean 37K a year?

>I make 470 usd per month in eastern europe working with php as well. I'm prepared to move to germany.
how much herione can you fit in ur anus


ye I mean a years sorry.

They are fucking desperate to get programmers here.

Like in my last job I had an argument with my boss, and I resigned 2 days before a business trip to Mallorca. He shouted and me and said that I would never ever get a job.

20 minutes I already got hired elsewhere.

Just come here if you already have experience. Learn a little german and you are done.

Do you prefer pepperoni or Napoletana™?


>I make 470 usd per month
How can I hire a Eastern European coder for this cheap?

>I make 37€K/Month before taxes in Germany
PHP programmer to for Mindestlohn. I don't even make 14k in a year.

Heh. I like your story. Fuck your old boss.

What the ass are you talking about? You are being scammed. Everyone I know make between 15€ and 50€ / hour depending on their skills and seniority.

If I was a programmer anywhere but India I would try finding a remote gig in the U.S. and tout one of my credentials as "fantastic communication skills."

Germans, in my experience, have great English, and you could probably make double what you're making right now (if not more as a PHP programmer).

Working for 6 years as a sysadmin.
Happy ever after.

I'm trying to use a pi and apache server to do home automation right.... Is there any way to edit the web page to have a better layout/UI?

for east germany, 8,50€ is the standard. You won't find that many people over 10 or 12€/hour.

Do you guys have any websites I can start applying to?

I could find you a team for any project you want for around $1k. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

>tfw php dev
>tfw hate doing ui

i might fall for the frontend js framework meme just because it at least resembles programming

1- I am spanish, not german

2- I don't have a degree so I am definitely out of luck emigrating to the USA.

3- I am going back to Spain where I will make less just because I like Spain more.

supplying JSON and making a page from that in JS makes more sense.

Except when people have JS disabled.

I'm looking for an ongoing person. Preferably with Laravel experience.

>3- I am going back to Spain where I will make less just because I like Spain more.
I know exactly what you mean, but know this. If you like Spain way more than country you're in now, you should feel better than country you're in. Have fun going back


Fachinformatiker Systemintegration?

wow I knew the east was poorer than the rest but I cannot believe I make 3 times more than there.

This is where I request to hire an intern for a few months, so I don't end up counting pixels.

As much as I'd love to give my website, my real name is there. I found the job through contacts, never any site.

Yeah it's sad, I could make the same as you with my little bachelor. But hey, its fine.

What a coincide, I am actually working with Laravel too

I read about some insane US wages compared to europe but how much is actually left after paying for all necessities of life such as housing and insurances? Areas like San Francisco have high living expenses making higher wages logical.

Be prepared to spend 50%+ of your takehome pay on rent in SF.