What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


women are stupid

>I pay

Top kek

Dinosaurs were powerful creatures.

Women are such negroes

It looks like a public computer, maybe in her schools library

She must think her tuition is used to reserve the dinosaur laptop in the library.
most school libraries use thinclient type "desktops" so I don't know what her beef is, I'd rather use a thinkpad from the last five years than one of those thinclients

>i5-560M @ 2.66Ghz
>500GB HD
>512MB Quadro NVS graphics
>1440x900 display
It's not exactly a top end machine but I feel like it probably shits on the Macbook Air she has in her dorm

Not mention that this picture is years old

my 5 years old i5-3510m is almost equal to mobile jewlake
that is just fucking sad

I'm a vapid whore and would rather have a Macbook than an education.

what the fuck

I fail to see anything wrong with this image

Including the names of your customers might be a no-no

She's literally a dumb whore.

> My fucking sides

there is literally nothing that is right with that pictures
>ugly dyke using 80s trap make up techniques
>that unwarranted narcissism
>retweets jewish propaganda
>people actually pay that much money to see a dyke nude when there is the internet
>again: unwarranted narcissism
also this

>I find it funny that guys that were dying to be with me
>are now paying me to show them love
Why would that be funny to you? If they were "dying to be with you" and they can't, it's not shocking that they'd pay, you dipshit.

>people want my food so much
>they'll even pay me for it
>wtf I never saw this happening xDDD

>$25,000 a year

Try paying over 60k, McKenzie

This is a good thread

Are there women that aren't vapid whores?


Not anymore

Just Chinese cartoons.

Thinkpads look like shit and people that use them look like poors to normies

how much does she cost?

Leave EU/NA and there are plenty

>Thinkpads look like shit

>My school pays me to be there and I get to use powerful work stations
Different paths, it seems

>caring about the opinion of normies who think macbooks are god tier

Fucking millenials.


>how much does she cost?
apparently, $20.

Thinkpads are made from the same plastic that toilet seats are made from. They even feel the same too.

>shit os spotted

That doesn't make them look shitty.

>Oh user it looks so old
>Yeah, I'm just into this design. like I am really into aesthetics you know, really it has i5 processor and 16 GB of ram, and also SSD
>Cool user, thanks, whatever you like

not for nudes though
I want her sexually

>That doesn't make them look shitty.
But it does, user. A month after the use, it becomes all shiny and ends up having shiny spots where the palms sit. Just like the shitty toilet seat.

I can't stand black plastic. It looks like toilet seat and all the shiny wear spots are so damn visible.

nvm she's fat

>he is #notmypresident & #blacklivesmatter
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.


I already said nvm she's fat

her friend is hot though

I mean she is really an average person which enjoys her life. We see her badly cause she is far away from our view of the world, also for me it was one of those moments when I have to just fucking drink up vodka.

>not being grateful for getting actually a good laptop


>We see her badly cause she is far away from our view of the world
I view her negatively because she's shit. None of this "it's relative" bullshit.

>she is really an average person
Do "average people" really send nudes for cash

does she have a redmi note 3 pro since she is called "kenzo" ?

>Do "average people" really send nudes for cash
no, not really, but I feel like with the rise of every tumblrette who gets someone to pay her for flashing her floppy tits calling themselves a "sex worker" its becoming more normalized.

basically any normal, self-respecting woman with any set of skills who doesn't claim to have some sort of made up disability will not do this.

wood berry

she just KNOWS with that tongue out

enjoy your herpes

Why am I so attracted to SJW types

Fuck I just wanna wear my MAGA hat and Confederate Flag as a cape and pound that stupid whore.

This board is pathetic. Why does one person's life trigger you so much lmao yall are the real "safe spacers"

Oh yeah? Why did they die like bitches then?

lmao woke af #bruh

>Getting Smashed with a 100 Ton Burning Rock is dying like a bitch


underrated post

ThinkPads are really ugly tho
It's understandable

There are no good women in SA either


This is literally my wife now.

Not since the spread of western """""""""""culture""""""""""""

This but unironically.

>age old bait
>what did she le mean by dis XDDDDDDDD

literally kill yourself

she looks like shit