He doesn't have a deskbar

>he doesn't have a deskbar

I dont.
Your setup is still shit tho.
>Using default xfce

xfeces can't even spell in american

XFCE is too much work to rice, just use KDE.

It's easy to rice, shit compared to i3 tho

>he does have a taskbar
>he doesn't hide it

Fuck all that fancy shit and use i3

>he thinks Xfce is spelled "XFCE"
No wonder you don't understand it.

I like you.

I don't have a need for one.

enjoy outdated software

literally babby's first tiling wm

werks like a charm

Enjoy having down syndrome.

You posted your screenshot in every thread today. Kill yourself you narcissistic, pathetic idiot who feels pride for using software other people wrote.

I use Xfce4 and a tilling wm inside Emacs called EXWM and it's working like charm.

butthurt much

dumb frogposter

>not using a cli

Get on my fucking power level.

how am i doing

what hardware are you running that has such small resolution? looks nice tho

here's the fixed image

Why do you have a diagram of the linux kernel behind stallman. I thought that he kinda hated the linux kernel

He doesn't hate Linux, he hates that it's not a GNU project.

He doesn't hate Linux, the only issue with Linux are its proprietary blobs.
>he hates that it's not a GNU project
why should he care

absolute shite

Stop using transparent terminals.


Stallman's obsessed with having an all-GNU OS, why do you think work on Hurd is still going on even though Linux has already sufficed for years.

a-are more arcane wm's ok, comrade-chan?

just sayin' ratpoison be pretty coolio fyi.

gnome2 best layout

>he doesn't use Cinnamon DE

nice to see the best location getting love

The best for single screen setup

>Celeron M 900

>on left
perfect for 5:4 monitors and devices with small resolutions.



how do I even install this?

I love how the wallpapers spells out which distro it is, like we couldn't tell just by the disgusting font rendering.

Transparent terminals are terrible when you don't have them blurred and tinted, I have since increased the blur further, so it's fine.

American isn't a language

>what is testing/unstable
>what is backports


I believe we are of the similar taste.

Basically this.

>mfw windows doesn't tile and I keep pressing Win+J to move windows

Actually last update was like 2 month ago.